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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. Why would you slow down faster? If you choose a periapsis of 40km you can slow down fast enough in KSRSS 2.5. You can use a deployable heatshield which is bigger and slow down faster.
  2. This truss isn`t thought for Delta. It`s for Saturn IB with a third stage. For smaller diameters use the Centaur-interstage, like @Galileo chiusaid, there are B9-options for a truss-section.
  3. 1.12.9? Where did you get KSP 1.12.9? I think you are meanig 1.12.3. So, I think it don`t work because it is quiet old and changes are too much in KSP. But there is a newer one: https://spacedock.info/mod/2938/UFP Type F Shuttlecraft TOS
  4. You should look here: I didn`t test it myself yet but it should work how to make a config yourself.
  5. Look here for Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Explorer...: or here: I don`t think @raidernickhas plans for this.
  6. This happens mostly if you have more than one decal in symmetry before you add text. Make one decal with text and after that change to 2, 3 or more in symmetry. That works for me.
  7. As far as I know there are no RO-configs. But that`s a thing you should ask the RO-guys, not the modder.
  8. There is no link. There is a post from Zorg where he explained how he kitbashed the launcher.
  9. Look at page 1. Also @Beale has made a mod for japanese launchers:
  10. Which Dockingports do you mean? The APAS? And what isn`t working? You need to retract the soft-capturing-ring after contact.
  11. The only things which can changed are the face, hair and the spacesuit/helmet. the model of kerbals cannot changed to another.
  12. I didn`t test this mod yet but if it is configurated like stock or other mods there is no need for a patch because the parts are overpowered for stock-system. The most parts with stock-configuration works well in 2.5-2.7 rescales.
  13. I understand which experiment isn`t working. But please specify your problem. What happens if you start the experiment? Are you in the right height? Which KSP version? Which BDB-version (Release or Dev-branch)? Screenshots? Logs? Please read the linked post "How to get support".
  14. This mod isn`t broken. It works well in KSP 1.12.x. There is nothing to fix. If it is broken for you: We don`t have crystal balls.
  15. Why didn`t you build it yourself? It`s quiet easy to build.
  16. So I don`t think you need permission because it is only a config. Also there were other "mods" with the same config but other skills: and
  17. Multi-Kerbs give kerbals a second skill like Pilot + Engineer, Engineer + Scientist. It`s only a config so you can customize it yourself. You can give them more than 2 skills too. @zer0Kerbal I think there is no need for an update because it is only a config and it works well in 1.12.x.
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