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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. Check your installation. This mods works without issues. The Rainstrom is in there because it`s a stock engine (model) with a new config in reDIRECT. The path of reDIRECT should be like this: Kerbal Space Program\GameData\reDIRECT\ --> included folders are Patches, Phase1, Phase2, Phase3. And for SOCK: Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Benjee10_shuttleOrbiter\ --> Flags, Parts, Patches, Spaces.
  2. The craftfiles at KerbalX are very old. The parts were overhauled some times so they don`t work anymore.
  3. You need to make a new .cfg with something like this: @PART[_Knes_L3S_L140|_Knes_L3S_L220|_Knes_L3S_L220N]:NEEDS[KNES] { node_stack_bottom02 = 0.0, -7.5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 5 } Put it somewhere into GameData. Ready This adds a new node on the bottom of the 3 Ariane Firststages. The second value (-7.5) is the vertical position. You can change it by yourself if it don`t match your requirements.
  4. There is no change of the file strucure from 1.7.1 to 1.7.3. And I can confirm that this mod works well in 1.7.3. I think you installed it the wrong way. You can`t directly unzip this mod in GameData. If you unzip you will have a folder "Cormorant Aeronology 1.5.1". Do not move this in GameData. You need the included folder "Cormorant Aeronology" in your GameData.
  5. I think the Titan upper stage wasn`t thought for precise maneuvers. For this maneuvers, the payload had it`s own engine.
  6. There are no requirements for the pod itself, only for the advanced IVA. The newest versions of the required mods should work in 1.7.3.
  7. I think you are using a very old version of KSP or Restock because that folder in your screenshot don`t exist in newer versions. In 1.7.3 the T-series Tanks are in this folder: Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Parts\FuelTank\Size1_Tanks\. Please tell us your KSP-version and Restock-version
  8. How could we have a solution if we don`t know what exactly isn`t working? Please send a better explanation of your problems and a log-file.
  9. Do you mean the big cameras in @Zorgpics? They are new Gemini-stuff from BDB. Not released yet. But you can download the dev-version of BDB (look at page 1).
  10. @WellDo you have plans to make a H-II/H-IIA/H-IIB?
  11. There is a part "U_HTV_Palette" (description = Standard Palette Storage Module for KTV) in the folder but it is not showing up ingame.
  12. Very nice mod. @ZorgHow did you build this H-II?
  13. @bcinkDo you have plans for an update? The inflatable parts don`t work in 1.7.x.
  14. Look at my last post, one above yours. This mod is dead and Mike-NZ isn`t active since more than 3 years.
  15. Kerbalism changes nothing to engine ignition numbers. Do you have the mod Engine ignitor?
  16. I had an issue with rotating the Shuttle- and Saturn-Pad. While I can rotate the pad itself in VAB the legs stay at the same position and don`t rotate. So two of the legs are not under the pad.
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