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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. Then you didn`t installed it correctly. Look some posts above. There you can find an Installation guide by me.
  2. Install this: (for me I change "%type = stack" to "%type = free" because stack has only the stock diameters 1.25, 2.5... while at free you can change the diameter to every size) or made a custom made config like this: @PART[PA25|PA252|PA21251|dpafBottom|dpafMid|DPAFtop|]:NEEDS[TweakScale] { #@TWEAKSCALEBEHAVIOR[Science]/MODULE[TweakScale] { } %MODULE[TweakScale] { type = free } }
  3. You need a decoupler between 2. stage and trunk. The trunk itself works as an decoupler for the rodan-pod.
  4. What should Kerbalism do with engines? Limited restarts is not a feature of Kerbalism. It must be another mod like Engine Ignitor. Also Kerbalism does nothing to fuel tanks, it`s a life support mod, not a mod for fuels. Ulage is not a feature of Kerbalism. As far as I know only Engine Ignitor and Real Fuels includes ullage simulations. And the pods are compatible with Kerbalism. For me there is Oxygen and all other ressources like water and food onboard. But the compatibility of kerbalism isn`t made by Bluedog. Kerbalism itself has a patch for Bluedog (GameData\Kerbalism\Support\Bluedog.cfg). So if you have problems with Kerbalism you must ask in the Kerbalism-Thread. But I don`t see any problems and play BdB with Kerbalism since more than two years now.
  5. They work as any other Dockingport. An exact angle is only needed if you have a Mod like Snapdock.
  6. Linuxgurugamer is not an Modder. So he could only change the configs and some other little things but not build/texture new parts. So, I testet it in 1.7 and it seems to work well.
  7. They are available in the dev-version. Link is on page 1 or here. There is a green Button 'Clone or Download'. Click it and then 'Download ZIP'.
  8. That can be but the fuel-ratio in ksp is 1:~1.222. In this case it was 8.182:1!!! After changing the config to a ~1.22-ratio it works. The MB-3/LR-79 could have a little bit more thrust. All other of you tanks have a ~1.22-ratio.
  9. @raidernickDo you use the LR-79 from Thor for the Delta 1000? Because I use it with 9 Castor 2 and it did not have enough thrust to launch. edit: found the issue: There is too much Liquid fuel in LTTAT (35341.1 instead of 3534.1) and ELTTAT (36047.922 instead of 3604.922) Also: - Castor 2 and T-201 has no plumes for me. - There is a config for a LR-101 which is not included. KSP 1.7 and th follwing mods: US-Launchers + your Dependencies for 1.7 + Real Plume + Real Plume Stock configs.
  10. What exactly isn`t working for you? If you install the newest dependencies it should work well with KSP 1.7. For instructions look several post above yours.
  11. @ Cargo hulls - which effect has the Button 'open outlets'? I cannot see any effect.
  12. So every time I start KSP 1.7.0 with KAX (only other mods are firespitter.dll and ModuleManager 4.0.2) it stopped at ModuleManager for KAXelectricpop. There are no entries in the Log.
  13. I like the first concept. It`s a really good concept for an crew transport vehicle.
  14. Where did you find this X-20 concept? That`s awesome and would be cool to have it ingame.
  15. @Wellcan read minds. Downloaded the old one on friday, tested it and had some issues, deleted it this morning. And now that... Download again.
  16. 1. download Shuttle Lifting Body 2. open the .zip and then open the included folder "Cormorant Aeronology 1.5.1". There you find an folder "Cormorant Aeronology", firespitter.dll and ModuleManager.3.0.7.dll. 3. If you use KSP 1.6.x and newer then put only the folder "Cormorant Aeronology" into GameData because Firespitter and ModuleManager are old versions so you need to download them separately (click for downloadlinks) 4. download CA MK3 Block II 5. open the .zip and then open the included folder "CA_Block2_0.2". You will find an folder "Cormorant Aeronology" again. 6. Put this folder into Gamedata or the subfolders "Assets" and "Realplume" to GameData\Cormorant Aeronology. If asked merge the files and ready. Your GameData now have the following content: - Cormorant Aeronolgy - Squad - firespitter.dll - ModuleManager.4.0.2.dll
  17. DocBones Last visited: March 7, 2018 I think yes, it`s dead.
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