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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. What does it mean 'Min sun angle' and 'Max sun angle' on orbital telescopes?
  2. You can use it in a 2.7 system. I tested some rockets in JNSQ.
  3. Please don`t pester the modder. If a day, a week or a month... It is his mod and he alone decide when it keep going on. Why missing? It works with the newest KSP-versions. So you can use this mod.
  4. OK, thanks. This was only a question. But what about my other question? Say a part has a specific experiment. In the right-click-menu is onla a Button like "Log Data" and then I can`t save this data because the stock-window for experiments opened with the report. From here I can`t save the data.
  5. I like the new Science-System but I have a question: does now every mod with Scienceparts need a config for Kerbalism? Because I used KNES and there are some probes with integrated Telemetry reports. But they can`t be stored because there is not enough space on hard drive even tough there is a buildin-space of 512.00kb in the probe. Also: is the new time-using-science-system conflicting with Nehemia Engneering Orbital Science or is it compatible?
  6. It`s a known issue that clouds are not shown in the main-menue. But you can ignore this. So long it works ingame everything is OK.
  7. I know that you mean the ship but Beale did a revamp not long ago. What exactly would you see in a new version of Soyuz (ship)?
  8. Do you mean an adapter? There isn`t one. As Decoupler you can add any decoupler you can find.
  9. It is RemoteTech compaible but has only one Groundstation like on stock-Kerbin. You can add Groundstations yourself. There are some configs like SETI which you can get for example.
  10. You can fix this yourself. Go into the craftfiles (config) and you will find something like this:
  11. @GalileoAfter removing the SigmaRandomPlugin the issue is gone.
  12. Yes, I went back to 1.7.0 but I did a completly new install with completly deleting the old folders/new DLC. So I can exclude this.
  13. Found an issue. Everytime I go on EVA a parachute is shown (look picture below). I use KSP 1.7.0 and only JNSQ with dependencies, KJR and TweakScale: Log: KSP.log
  14. You can ignore these messages. Load the craftfiles and save them again. After that the messages are gone.
  15. Which parts exactly don`t appear? Which KSP-Version? Do you have the newest Dependencies? Did you install SDHI correctly?
  16. In some craft-files I used a Procedural fairing base. It looks like an original part from PF but it is more flat/slim and isn`t directly from PF-Mod. Partname is KZResizableFairingbaseSlim which is the same name-art PF uses (KZResizable...). Does anyone know which mod this part add to the game?
  17. Thats because in reality the crew doesn`t leave the capsule at the side-hatch. They leave it at the top hatch. Thats because the capsule can fall over and then the side hatch is blocked. This can happen in KSP too.
  18. 1. Yes, it`s a little bit too light. 2. You can use autostruts or KJR. 3. CoM does not to be in the middle of the shuttle. It`s related to the CoL. For me I made a testflight today and reentry and landing works very well. No need to change something in the mass allocation.
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