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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. You can find infos at github: https://github.com/Sigma88/Sigma-Dimensions Thats the base settings. You can find more on github. And yes, it should work with every planetpack.
  2. Download the Dev Build (as .zip). Inside Modular-Launch-Pads-AlphaDev.zip\Modular-Launch-Pads-AlphaDev you will find a folder 'AlphaDev'. Copy this folder to GameData. Ready.
  3. If you will use the interactive IVA then MAS will be a dependency. But like RPM you can use mods without it. Either you hav no IVA or the stock-one, depending if the IVA is hardcoded or set via mm-patch.
  4. Skyboxes are not handled by AVE. You must look into GameData/TextureReplacer/Default
  5. I asked this before. But bcink don`t plan to build one because there are other mods for this.
  6. Career/Science mode? Then you must research the two parts first. Otherwise make sure that your installation of KNES is correct.
  7. I found a little issue with the American Launch stand - Rectangular: It can be rotate, but only the plate, not the feet.
  8. @CobaltWolfI´m rebuilding all of the Atlas-series in my game. I wonder if you have plans to build some more parts: - Star-17 - Star-26 - Star-27 - X-248 solid upper stage - MSD (Multiple Satellite Dispenser) + FW-4D solid upper stage - side-mounted attachement for solid upper stages like Atlas OV-1 and OV-3 - shorter (2/3) conicle Tank for Atlas E/F with 1,875m to 1,5m - shorter conicle (1/2) Tank for Atlas-H with 1,875m to 1,5m - texture-change for the Centaur-interstage (white/grey), suitable to the white/orange centaur-tank for later Atlas I and II. - also: revamped Castor-1 with conic nosecone for Delta - Castor-2 I know, this are a lot of things. Do not get it wrong. It`s only a question or suggestion.
  9. @ensou04Is this mod only working with smokescreen/realplume? because some mods like Bluedog uses the new stock-plumes too.
  10. This mod contains only the descent-/ascent-stages. So no, there is no tether. All parts are shown in post 1.
  11. That`s right but they have not the quality of KNES.
  12. It is only a part-mod so it should work.
  13. As the title says: from SpaceX Starhopper, the test-vehicle of the new Starship.
  14. I can confirm this, there is no part and where. In the picture it looks like a part of procedural parts.
  15. Here is a list of the issues: Muo 5xx 3.5 Fairingbase --> nodes to low Daleth-P Fairing Adapter --> nodes are too high Sarnus-SII-5625 Fairingbase --> nodes a little bit to low Sarnus-SIV-3125 Fairingbase --> nodes a little bit to low Sarnus-SIVB-375 Fairingbase --> nodes a little bit to low Sarnus-SIVB-375 Interstage --> nodes a little bit to low
  16. @JsoDo you have plans for an updated PF-config? There are some parts missing/incorrect like the Atlas V 5m-fairing base
  17. hm, for me it works. Did you reinstall CA? Some people had the same error in the past and it was related to SPT or a wrong installation. Also: use the newest dependencies, not the ones who included in the download.
  18. Do you use SPT as separate mod? Then remove it because it is included now.
  19. Good work. A little thing: the ladder looks very small.
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