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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. Thats wrong. Mr.Meeb added the KU-Band-Antenna with Beta 0.21 (31. March 2017, page 8 in SPT-Thread).
  2. Boosters to the top of a rocket???? Did you look on real rockets where they have their Boosters and do you understand how a rocket work? And why ejecting the Nosecone/fairings at 40km within the atmosphere???
  3. Did you remove the configs in GameData\RN_Skylab\Compatibility? There are 4 configs. You must delete three of them which are not used. So if you have KW-Rocketry installed, you must left only the KW_support_mm.cfg.
  4. @bcink Do you have plans for more parts like Habs and rovers?
  5. Click on the "Compatability Patches Github Link"-Pic in the first post. You will come to the github: https://github.com/Pak84/Patches There you can find a config for cool rockets: CAcoolRockets.cfg
  6. What do you mean? Buran-Parts are included in the normal download. Do you mean the Energija-Parts? They are not part of this mod rather in Tantares.
  7. Is the IUS included or still WIP? Also is there planned the IUS Airborne Support Equipment (Launch Platform)
  8. OK, fail by me. Do you have an CA-version for 1.2.2 because there are some new parts sin this mod since 1.2.2. So the config don`t work with newer CA-versions.
  9. That`s why there is no RO-config for this part. Do you have KSP 1.3.1, RO for 1.3.1 and an CA-version for 1.3.1? Some more infos are needed of you installed game/mods.
  10. What exactly isn`t working? Sorry, but "is not working" is no error description. 1. download the RO patch from page 1. 2. unzip the downloaded zip and you will find an .rar. 3. unzip the .rar and you will find 1 folder (Cormorant Aeronology) 4. Merge this into GameData\Cormorant Aeronology. Also consider: The patches are from 2017 and for KSP 1.3.1 (RO isn`t updatet for newer KSP-versions yet) so you need an CA-version for 1.3.1.
  11. Agreed. But, for whatever reason, my 7zip shows some issues with this .rar like "cannot open this archive"
  12. Can you please change from .rar to .zip because not everyone has WinRAR. Mostly all other mods in KSP use .zip too.
  13. Downloaded the latest version and all dependencies but the landings legs on the heatshild of dragon doesn`t work. Button is there to extend but it happened nothing. KSP 1.4.5
  14. Same here. It`s not only the MK1. It happens at all pods.
  15. The experiments are for low orbit and high orbit of every planet/moon.
  16. What is not working? No Parts? Do you have Firespitter (as far as I know it is an dependecie)?
  17. Yes and no. It`s no dependencie of SPT. DIRECT is only need for the Boosters.
  18. I only used the latest versions of the dependencies. That should work. DIRECT is no dependencie but works too, even REDIRECT.
  19. I use SPT since long times and I can say for sure: it works very well in 1.4.x. Which parts are not working in your installation?
  20. I think it should work. In 1.4.5 it work very well. No need for updates of SPT.
  21. How should this mod work without adding this module??? I think you didn`t understand this mod. It don`t add a part like a mechjebcore to any probecore. It adds a mechjeb-module (Code) to the config of the probecore. So there is nothing to remove ingame.
  22. I have a problem making configs. I made a config for coatl aerospace argo probe core because it is only in the dev-version and there are no config for this core. My config: I have a delay of 69 seconds but I can control (with the keyboard WASD and QE) the probe directly without an delay. Same problem with other probes. But if I activate SAS or RCS or an experiment I curiously have the delay. Whats wrong?
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