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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. There is no AresV in this pack, but Jupiter. I think this mod is good for 2-2.5x rescale like many other mods (Tantares, Bluedog). There is no AresV in this pack, but Jupiter. I think this mod is good for 2-2.5x rescale like many other mods (Tantares, Bluedog).
  2. You need to make a new config. Open a texteditor and save it as LaunchTowersTweakScale.cfg or anything else anywhere in GameData. Name of this config can be everything. Copy the code into this new empty config and save it. You also need TweakScale. Now you have in SPH/VAB a slider for adjust the size.
  3. This is my (test) spacestation. I followed your instructions: Select PORT1 as target (yellow ball) /leftAlt/. Done Push VEE button on IKRC window. Done The port1 will be the EndEffector (white ball). Nothing happened, the ball is just yellow Select PORT2 as target (yellow ball). Activate Inverse Kinematics function. Edit: reload the scene and now it works. Edit2: OK, I can do this VEE only one time. After that I can`t rearrange the EndEffector. I must reload the scene.
  4. OK, for me this works. But I have a question: I have a habitation module with a PDGF an a dockingport (port1).The habitation is connected via the PDGF to the robotic arm. next step is docking the habitation module with port1 to the port2 (target) on the spacestation. Marking the port 2 as target isn`t difficult (leftALT) but how can I mark port1 as the actice port so that IKRK can use this port to align instead of the LEE?
  5. 1. make a .cfg and place it somewhere in \GameData. 2. insert the following @PART[39A_pad|FH_pad|1.0_pad|1.1_pad|FT_pad|F1_pad|Vandy_F9|Vandy_Heavy]:NEEDS[TweakScale] { #@TWEAKSCALEBEHAVIOR[Science]/MODULE[TweakScale] { } %MODULE[TweakScale] { type = free } } 3. Cheer!
  6. Did you see how old this thread is and that this User visited the forum lastly in february 2016?
  7. DECQ said it clearly: This mod is dead and has no continuation.
  8. What are "some" parts? Do you missing apples or bananas? Sorry, but how may we help you when there are no infos in your question? Logs? Did you install the dependency (look in post 1 of this thread)?
  9. Any problems with the robotic stationarm from Kerbal Actuators? After use it wobbles, tear off and explodes.
  10. Make a Maneuvernode with MJ and fly ist per hand. I know that MJ had problems with angled engines in the past and don`t know if they fixed it. But: it is no problem of any shuttle like cormorant or the old CSS-Shuttle/DECQs-Shuttle.
  11. No, I tweaked nothing. With cormorant I attached the OMS one time normally to the OMS-Pods and saved this craftfile. That`s it. The OMS must not 100% perfect. That`s not possible with various payload. But with the buils-in SAS of the Cockpit and, in extreme Situation, RCS it will be fly perfect and stable. This works also with the originally craftfiles of CA. But a little question: which OMS do you use? the angled or the straight ones? I use the angled like the original SpaceShuttle.
  12. That`s not true. I have made hundreds of flights (last one is 10 minuts ago) in KSP with Cormorant-Shuttles and other Shuttles (with and without MJ). And I didn`t need some extra control pods or something. If the thrust of the OMS is correctly aligned to the center of mass it works 100% without other control pods or something. I also used the craft-files of cormorant. And I didn`t need any controlpods or extra reaction wheels too. So I think you do anything wrong with your shuttles.
  13. Why? The OMS are perfectly aligned for this Shuttle so that it fly straight. Thats why the crossfeed is off by default. Activate it in VAB and you don`t need a fuelline.
  14. You can find the Craftfiles in the OP. They works in 1.5.1.
  15. Folder is: GameData\MrMeeb\SPT\Parts\Utility\KUBand Inside are 4 files: KUBand.cfg KUband.mu KUBand_Diffuse.dds Thumbs.db In 1.5.x I delete all other folders in GameData\MrMeeb because the parts are included in Cormorant now. I left only the KUBand-Antenna. And it is loading
  16. Because only the upper part is the Kerbin Return Vehicle. This heatshild isn`t for Dunalanding, it's for Kerbinlanding.
  17. It will work in all KSP-Versions. I used it in 1.3.x, 1.4.x and 1.5.x.
  18. Transfer Window Planner should work even with KSP 1.5.x.
  19. What exactly isn`t working? For me this mod works well with KSP 1.5.x.
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