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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. Is it an additional file or a replace for the RemoteTech.dll?
  2. After several tests with x new installations of KSP, it didn`t work with 1.4.5. The only mods I installed are MM and MJ. Edit: Here is a Pic of what I meant: The only thing I did is "show ascent navball guidance" to show the Target (as 1000 times before) but as you can see, it shows the anti-target. And this has nothing to do with the AR202 or probes which are upside down.
  3. Yes you can use it. Add the patch to a text-file, call it anything.cfg and save it in the GameData-Folder. That`s it. Don`t forget Module Manager 3.0.7.
  4. The function "disable decoupler is still there. I use it permanently. To the custom textures: to use the PP-textures there is the need of a separate Mod. But I don´t know the name of the mod in the moment.
  5. Yes, I have this patch (since years). But the issue is still there when I remove this patch and use a AR202. So, it has nothing tot do with this patch. It happens with unmanned probecores and manned capsules. I don`t understand whats going wrong.
  6. I play with MJ since 5 Years. I haven't a second Probecore and the one I used is orientied correctly. Also: I use MJ for everything, so i don`t need the AR202 or something.
  7. After a new installation of KSP with only MJ ( Build #801), the issue is still there. On Launchpad, when I activate the Ascent path, it shows the Anti-Target and not Target. Log is in my other post.
  8. @Tonka Crash Burning Kan meant the ModuleManager.Techtree. You can delete this without any problems because it will be newly created after a new KSP-start. The only one of the MM-files you must not delete is the ModuleManager.3.0.7.dll
  9. @NightsideNo, the pod isn`t upside down. Here`s the log: KSP.log I used Build #800 and #801 or RT.
  10. I had read some things in this thread but has n ot found a clear answer: doesn`t MJ work with ksp 1.4.5? Because the ascent guidance isn`t working well for me. The Navball is upside down when I activate the ascent-path. Also: after one flight with using MJ the launchers flips around and KSP does stop working (I must restart KSP).
  11. @DrakenexThank you. But how did you edit the Adapter from 3.75 to 3.125 meters?
  12. Does anyone have some working configs for made the Daleth-Fairingadapter and the Muo Fairingbase (AtlasV) compatible with Procedural Fairings? @Jso configs didn`t work well with the latest BDB.
  13. Do you use the right versions of this mod for KSP 1.3.1? The newest ones are for 1.4.x. I used RN-Mods in 1.3.1 without any problems. It should be a problem of other mods.
  14. If you can read, scroll the mouse or can operate the searchbar, you will find the answer several topics above yours on this page
  15. Sorry but this has nothing to do with racist. The most people speak english and this is an international forum so english is the best way to communicate each other. I didn´t wrote the forum-rules myself.
  16. For me it works in 1.4.3 with Real Plumes. It must be your installation or another mod which caused this issue.
  17. The most mods with such big rockets don`t work without KJR. The stock-autostruts are mostly not sufficient.
  18. Beacause it is a dependency. Without KJR the Rocket will be very wobbly and break during launch.
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