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KAL 9000

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Everything posted by KAL 9000

  1. Looking through this system idea, I like it a lot! So... Many... Habitable... Places! Also, another part of the monolith has been deciphered: "If any intelligent life develops in this system and reads this, please send 500 million Altarian dollars to the Horsehead Nebula to cover the costs of making this system habitable. Thank you in advance. Also, please appreciate the fjords of Norway. I worked hard on them. Sincerely, Slartibartfast, Starship Bistromath, representing Magrathea Planet Manufacturing Corp."
  2. Oh, your mom... Wow, that must have been hard! Tell her I'm glad she's better!
  3. Doesn't matter whether you're a kid or adult, if you like KSP, you like it. If you don't like KSP, you don't you must die.
  4. KSP + Factorio? I would play Kerborio for sure! I can picture the grin on Jeb's face when seeing an automatic booster assembly line...
  5. Send more supplies on a supply rover from Earth. It will probably land after Phase 1 roving is complete. As the "grand finale" of the mission, dock the rovers and, using the extra supplies, make it to Tharsis and back! I'd love to see a flag on top of Olympus Mons . But it's your choice.
  6. Whoever she is, wife, sister, aunt, mother, daughter, friend, I wish her the best of luck!
  7. I know we're not legally entitled to new updates, but I HOPE SQUAD keeps updating. Sure, KSP was officially "finished", but with a game as amazing and with so many features as KSP, it'll never really be finished. I just want to say: Thank You @SQUAD, Thank You Devs, Thank You Community for the greatest game ever.
  8. Good luck to your family/friend! I hope they recover soon.
  9. But if they were landing sites, they would have had some interesting science stuff by definition...
  10. The part of Acidalia Planitia within the green circle appears to contain the Ares 3 landing site! You must investigate... The Viking 1 landing site is just outside the green circle, maybe you could make it?
  11. Now that 1.2 is about to come out, the natural question to ask is: what will 1.3 contain? 1.1's main new feature was Unity 5, and 1.2's is communications networks. What do you think 1.3 will have?
  12. No screenshots went up this weekend due to us losing contact. However, we believe the crew is okay, as they were on the surface of Dres when the accident happened. -Story - Part 11- "Kaptin, sensor readings indicate a large explosion occurred onboard the max_creative. We've lost contact with it and KSC." "Roger, Bob. All crew: Red Alert! Get back to the rover immediately! Repeat: All crew: Red Alert! Get back to the rover immediately!" Jeb, Val, and Bill scrambled to the Karibou, having left it to stargaze when the rover stopped for the Dresian night. The Karibou fired up its wheels and drove back to base as fast as possible. Both landers took off, with Jeb and Val in one and Bill and Bob in the other. "Lander 2, this is Lander 1, stay in orbit. We'll investigate the max_crative." "Roger, staying in a 25 km parking orbit. Good luck." Lander 1 approached where the max_creative should be. "Val, we should be in visual range. Begin a scan." "Jeb, sensors are picking up a large debris field. We are picking up a faint signal from the max_creative's emergency distress beacon." As the lander closed in on the beacon signal, Jeb and Val saw the central portion of the max_creative, spinning wildly on all three axes. Jeb looked at the wreck and saw an open, undamaged docking port. Smiling, he set it as the ship's computer's target. "Jeb's what are you doing?" "Docking." "That's impossible!" "No. It's necessary. Computer?" "Sir?" "Play 'No Time For Caution' on the lander's internal speakers." "Yes sir." Jeb hummed to the tune and matched rotation with the wreck, guiding the lander's docking port to the undamaged port. "Contact! Computer, SAS on stability assist, RCS on." "Yes sir!"
  13. @Nimzo Kerman Whatever happened to Mortimer's wrath? Also, @Kuzzter, we must have MOAR Kerbfleet after Jool Odyseey.
  14. Actually, launching everything you may need on one rocket is a major engineering challenge.
  15. Good luck to your family! Hope their house/apartment/whatever survives.
  16. 21: Failure to register flight plan with Space Traffic Control 22: Unauthorized Boarding & Entering of a Kerbfleet space station 23: Flying under influence (Code 5: Bubblyzine) 24: Writing while flying 25: Pouring Koffee on sensitive Kerbfleet equipment
  17. Highlights from the press conference about the situation: Gene: "I hope the crew's okay!" Werhner: "I hope ze crew's ZIENCE is okay!" Mortimer: "I hope the ship is okay! DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY FUNDS IT COST?!?!"
  18. It is! I used Behemoth Aerospace and a 10 meter wide rocket was barely big enough!
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