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KAL 9000

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Everything posted by KAL 9000

  1. Thanks for the KAL naming! The KSS max_creative will wait for your Dres ship at Dres . As to what Gerty said: Finally! Someone remembered them! Please! Someone change the BACC translator! No, that's Latin! Change it to English please! Still working on his long speech...
  2. Sorry about no weekend updates or screenshots, there's not much to report and I am not lining everything on the max_creative up for beauty pics at 10 fps. Also, a bug has appeared where KSP crashes every time I go EVA.
  3. A 7km impactor, hmmm... The Kerbasaurs mystery has been solved!
  4. They need a bypass for a new hyperspace express route!
  5. I don't care what color it is. I want to fly it!
  7. Good job China! Can't wait for Shenzhou 11!
  8. Engineersmate Bill Kerman's Log: Kerbdate 3022.503 It's been 50 days since we left Kerbin. All systems are nominal and the Wi-Fi is still at 5 bars. Crew on board: Kaptin KAL 9000, Kernel Jeb Kerman, Engineersmate Bill Kerman, Sciencemate Bob Kerman, Komder Val Kerman, Shipboard AI MechJeb. Jeb and MechJeb have come up with a new song: "We're off to see the Dresard, the wonderful Dresard of Dres..." If they don't stop this, I will make MechJeb divide by 0 and throw Jeb out the airlock without a suit. --Bill Kerman, signing off--
  9. Probes are go for Plock orbital insertion, but a software failure on the Beros probe requires a total system reboot (turn it off and on again).
  10. Welp, in one of my career saves, I got a contract to "rescue Halfred Kerman from orbit of Dres." Note: This contract actually appeared when I had just reached orbit for the first time in that save, which shows you how ridiculous the contract system can be sometime. Anyway, I transferred his pod over to the main Sandbox save for the max_creative to rescue. But then I remembered that it only has enough life support for 4 crew... So, I launched a HUGE 10 meter wide rocket. On top, a DeepFreeze cryosleep pod. The rocket is huge so it can get there fast enough, before his life support runs out. Once he is frozen, the pod will hitchhike home on the max_creative.
  11. Nothing bad, the ending probably should be in a spoiler. Just wondering. BTW, I'm actually writing a short story on this topic about beings that, when the heat death is closing in, figure out how to create a new universe and move, leaving the old one behind. However, creating a new universe will take almost all of the energy the old one has left, so it's a race against the clock to gather the energy in time.
  12. Have Bill replace the AE-35 unit. Travelers 3 and 4 confirmed course. Side Note: Contact re-established with Kaos 3, all systems functioning and a little bit of fuel left. Permission to redirect it to a Kuiper Belt Buckle Object?
  13. Glory to Artza... Arta... Arza... Forget it, I'll never spell it right. GLORY TO THE UNION!
  14. And of course, when MechJeb shut up, Jeb belted out: "924 million, 999 thousand, 999 bottles of bubblyzine on the wall!" It's gonna be a LONG 250 days to Dres with these two...
  15. -Story - Part 6- "Trans-Dres injection maneuver node is plotted. Node in T Minus 2 minutes." "Copy that, Bob. Standing by for ignition." "Okay... All systems go... JEB! WHERE IS THE IGNITION BUTTON!" "I thought it said MOAR BOOSTER IGNITION, so I proposed..." "Just please give it to me." "Okay." "3...2...1...Ignition!" --After the burn-- "Thank goodness we used Physics Warp!" "Okay, we are on the way to Dres! Only 250 days to go!" "925 million bottles of bubblyzine on the wall... 925 million bottles of bubblyzine... Take one down, pass it around..." "MechJeb... Shut up. Now."
  16. Bye, Kasper... . The devs are leaving us!
  17. A new update! Come see, @max_creative! Your ship has really come together! New Update!
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