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Everything posted by Well

  1. For PTK Federatsia, i know that not perfect, but i'm happy with my version made with actual tantares parts: so we could built it : Zarya look interesting, i'm not a big fan, but i'm pretty sure that could interest a lot of people with this crew capacity. Edit : i've justed started to update all my craft files for Tantares, link in signature
  2. Looking for 1.4.1 update... but i have some bug i need to fix... 1.4.1 broke many things RCS FX and i have a big problem with my parts.... teleport to 1km height when you launch a craft. I've already fixed the RCS FX but the teleport problem is really hard.
  3. I have it in my game, reinstall maybe ? Sandbox or career ? I have already made this rocket with actual parts... the only required part maybe is a 1.875 Engine for the first stage. I think with Energia booster, you're fine. Also, to avoid quite confusion, could we call this variant from Eyes Turned Skywards: "Alternate Vulkan" And talk about "Vulkan" for the Real Vulkan
  4. I'm happy with this craft now... i've choose a Proton Light for launcher Balanced for stock scale so only 1 stage Craft here : https://kerbalx.com/Well/TKS-PPTS-Proton-Light Thanks for the Update and the new color switch for Soyuz ! I like that.
  5. Small Modern TKS Variant. I'm always impressed by the possibilities with Tantares Parts. Your stuff is really like "LEGO" Parts ! Ernergia look like so cool. Awesome work @Beale
  6. @Jeb's Pirotecnics Guy I don't have noticed any problem with the KSP 1.4, so I declare this version compatible.
  7. I don't have made any patch for realism Overhaul, that not a mod i use. If you feel motivate to make a patch, i could include the patch in a next release.
  8. I'm really interested by these tank, i love to launch my sat with this small launcher like Cosmos3/C1 (i'm not sure about the name of the launcher), more size could be really useful.
  9. Old version ? Could you confirm if with the new version KrakenScience 0.8 [2018-03-04], you don't have this problem anymore.
  10. KrakenScience 0.8 [2018-03-04] Online on Spacedock Changelog: KrakenScience 0.8 [2018-03-04] ------------------------------- - New K-38 "Jade" Kraken Engine - Bug fix for LittleFrog and ScaraB probe core (wrong orientation after quicksave and reload)
  11. Every time i see this Mir/Hermes patch i'm really happy ! Great job !
  12. I found the problem with the Probe core LittleFrog and ScaraB, Fix in the future update and new engine included (i wait KSP 1.4 Release)
  13. Thanks for this One @DiscoSlelge i love the shape and the color, great work !
  14. @Gyger Thanks for your review, you found a bug, i've reproduced the bug this morning on my dev install. Edit : The ScaraB probe core have the same bug ( for now i don't find what is the problem) I need to debug that, fix on the next update ! Many thanks again. +1 rep
  15. Thanks for the review, have never noticed that, I need to check that. have you other mod installed ?
  16. Awesome work @blackheart612 i have always liked ground vehicule to start my career. Thank you for this mod !
  17. ATV Maybe in the future. not sure.
  18. Ok No problem, so... you need to wait a little
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