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Everything posted by Nightside

  1. I think I need clarification on a detail of this latest plan. Is Elon planning on sending up his old Roadster or one of the new models? Either way its not exactly on message from Mr. Reusability. I want to see some details on how he plans to retrieve it once he gets to Mars.
  2. One thing to do is check your ksp.log file for errors, with so many mods you are bound to have some conflicts. These can spam your log and really slow things down even if it doesn’t crash your game.
  3. Why do people assume "he made it up" is equivalent to "he lied"? He "made up" the idea of having a rocket company and went ahead and did it.
  4. @Sigma88, it's true that it is a long running glitch, but I haven't noticed it for a while and I'm running a pretty light install. If it recurs I will attempt to provide some useful info. another question, when a new version of kopernicus comes out is it best to wait for a sigmaDimensions update before installing?
  5. @DDE, interesting article. It is fascinating to hear about how people relate with technology. Did you see this one from the same site? God helps the Russians to fly into space
  6. Good on you for trying! At least they canceled the position before giving you the job. Anyways, you should probably look for a job related to CAD or 3D modeling!
  7. Europa will fly on SLS in 2022; it’s the law! http://www.planetary.org/blogs/jason-davis/2017/20171128-clipper-slipper.html
  8. Surely I do not. I do have Textures Unlimited though
  9. I experienced the flooded KSC the other night without Scatterer and with the latest SigDim & 10xRESCALE. Not very many other mods installed. I was waiting to have it happen again to make a report. Entering and leaving a building send get rid of it.
  10. Is that actually compatible with Real Fuels? I thought it would only work with SSTU’s fuel tank module.
  11. I sometimes run a mod to nerf the rxn wheels and require me to include RCS. For a non gimbaled engine you might need to run at reduced thrust to let your rcs keep up. @RaiderManWhat do you mean by match up? like relative length of Soyuz compared to Russian module? Or docking port sizes? I believe all SSTU-DP-ports can dock with each other regardless of size.
  12. It is surprising that the reason for the failure came out so quickly. I would expect to learn this much later or ... never.
  13. Have they discussed how this tech will scale? any plans for a bigger rocket?
  14. Awesome! Looking forward to this, I don't care for round sats either. I went ahead and mashed together a modular probe core based on the octagonal paneled LV tanks and it looks great.
  15. Has anyone done the math to figure out the altitude and top speed of this vehicle? do we know the thrust or isp of the rocket?
  16. Summary: Boeing has met important “cool render” milestones...
  17. @Fergrim, the mod is not hard to install if you are experienced with the process, but it is a bit more involved than the average mod. I haven't tried the latest Principia, but I successfully installed the previous one on Windows. I believe that previous versions required users to compile the mod themselves, but this is no longer the case. You don't have to be embarrassed to ask a clarifying question, but be prepared to provide as much info about your installation attempt as possible so people can help easily: your computer OS, KSP version, and Principia version you downloaded(and DL source). Check the Original Post of the thread to see if there is any additional info the developer, or other knowledgeable thread dwellers need to answer your question.
  18. Can you use the new syntax in place of the old?
  19. Well there is this extension for EpL, that adds nice models. If you were looking for a different experience you could probably figure something out with Kerbal Konstructs and this, to make it look like your SPH was in space.
  20. Is it a real constellation? It doesn’t look familiar to me.
  21. Low terrain resolution settings can cause a mismatch between visible terrain and the collider, what are your settings? Does it happen everywhere? Are you using a resized system?
  22. Are you using the dev version of MJ? It works for me in 1.3.1. Also, I noticed you have an old version of Module Manager, from an old version of the game, you only need the most recent, 1.3.x version.
  23. I'm vaguely trying to teach myself programming and I notice that code comments are typically written in first person plural. Does anyone know why?
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