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Everything posted by Nightside

  1. @Hans Kerman,The very first time I heard of KSP I knew it was the video game I'd been waiting for since I toggled my first joystick. But I didn't buy it for at least a year because I didn't have a computer that could run it! Now, 3 years later the game has evolved and improved and I still play it, whereas I don't even have a way to play my playstation anymore (no TV). So, if you think KSP is a game you will LOVE, not just like for a couple of weeks, get it and it will lots of entertainment. Otherwise, if you like hearing people griping about software, the forum is free for all (pending net neutrality ruling).
  2. Hopefully you haven't posted your last post, but either way thank you so much for all your contributions to kerbal kind. I've learned a lot about modding and messing with the game from you that has really added a lot of fun and depth to my experience of KSP and how software works in general. It would be a shame to lose your wisdom, but if its time to go, best of luck to you.

    1. Sigma88


      don't worry, I'm not stopping with the development of my mods

      I just decided to not update the threads for my mods any longer because it has become a chore that brings very little pros and it isn't worth the free-time investment

      you can keep following my mods on github / discord and I am still interested in comments from people using my mods so feel free to comment as much as you want :D

  3. IIRC it is an optional feature that must be turned on in a config file.
  4. is the "#" needed for this to work? I think I've been doing this: @PART:HAS[title[fuelTank]] does that have the same effect?
  5. Well that’s modded KSP for you, there is always something strange going on. I’m not seeing the problem on my own installation so I need some more info. If you feel like investigating further I would need to see a screenshot of the problem and your mod list, at least.
  6. I think Kerbalism can make the basic experiments take a little time. But it changes lots of other things too. check out Station Science and MOLE for more time based experiments.
  7. Finally! It seems like everyone else forgot how to space this month.
  8. Geez has anything launched this month?
  9. That is strange. Maybe collider are stuck under ground. I have noticed some odd behavior on rescaled launchpads, usually it makes my rocket just up. If I’m quick I can stage and so I always use launchclamps now. Let me know if problem continues with the new version I released.
  10. Does anyone know how to use this on a system without a numpad (a laptop in my case)?
  11. Sorry to hear @DJ Reonic, is the engine from stock or a mod? If so which mod? Ah you know what, I had made a few fixes that I didn't release. I've just updated the download now on the Github. If you have KER or MJ or similar, make sure to check the TWR at launch. The SRB's thrust doesn't scale quite as expected through SMURFF so it may need further tweaking.
  12. I beg to differ about the solution @RW-1 mentioned. I don't think there is a Legacy folder. Although you could pretty easily remove a few part config files the textures would still load and take up RAM. It would not be worth the trouble to delete specific textures. If you are having low performance, don’t install the PBR extras, run KSP in 64bit. otherwise SSTU should increase performance because it lets you use 1 part where stock might take 6-10 by having built in RCS, etc which reduces physics calculations.
  13. Did you find the static harbor download? you need kerbal konstructs but not kerbinside
  14. @Ippo, What does your GameData look like? It should be something like GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/LifeSupport I'm not 100% on the actual names, but all Roverdude's mods go in the UmbraSpaceIndustries directory
  15. @PrimoDev, look for the link for harbors in the first post of this thread. Its by @SpannerMonkey(smce), who has lots of great mods for when you are feeling nautical.
  16. They couldn't figure out how to post an imgur album either.
  17. @custume, that is strange, can find the version of MJ you used to use that worked? Maybe you can revert to that version. Anyway, like many other mods, this one has specific requirements for support requests listed in the OP.
  18. Well I’d love to try it @Sigma88, my Transmogrifier patches resize all the parts in the game to a user defined size, but not the kerbals. It would be great to resize them too. I’ve seen there are a lot of parameters for kerbal eva behavior, but I’d be happy to do some testing if you feel like adding this feature.
  19. Hi @custume, nice video. I think you may have found a limitation of MJ, not a bug. Your vessel is aerodynamically unstable, and asymmetrical. This will cause it to try to flip to a more stable orientation (heaviest end prograde, with the draggy end behind) as you go fast through the atmosphere. MJ works well for more “traditional looking “ crafts that are aerodynamically stable. If you are doing VTOLs and other more experimental designs you might be better served by the TCA autopilot mod, as it will balance the thrust of multiple engines.
  20. This would open new frontiers of silliness. is rescaling models possible to?
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