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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. I would infer from previous discussions that not asking about it would help. That's just me though, and I'm not a mod so I don't really know exactly what they want.
  2. Life of i: The mathematician from Finding Dry gets stuck in a boat again, but this time he has to teach a metaphorical tiger about complex numbers for some reason.
  3. Granted, your lungs burst from the vacuum and you die fifty seconds later. I wish to see a big meteor in my lifetime.
  4. I'm having that issue too, and I think it's because Scatterer isn't working correctly, because I don't have scattering or sunflare refraction either. It's just the stock atmosphere. I got the ocean above 100 km, but nothing below that.
  5. See? I think people just aren't messing with the sliders enough, I think that would solve a lot of the problems people are having.
  6. I dunno, a lot of cartoony games work great in VR, and I'm not sure KSP would handle high-quality graphics and being basically run on two screens at once (maybe three) and the tracking of the headset and hand controllers very well. It'd be a cool mod though if someone could get it to work!
  7. Update: I found that one of the two fans on my graphics card was blocked yesterday. I unblocked it and now I am still having crashes, but they appear to be much less frequent. You should check to see if your GPU is overheating, because that may be part of the problem.
  8. I think the person you want to ping is @KasperVld? He'd know if there was any issues with using the logos of the KSP companies on your RC planes.
  9. Slightly off topic, but we ought to have some proper smoke trails like that too. Also, to tie in with my previous post, maybe the RCS could get the current rocket sound, and the bigger rockets could get a better, louder sound.
  10. Note that there are now a lot of things about the wheels you can change in the editor. Are they truly "broken" making the game "unplayable" in all combinations of these settings?
  11. No bananas in MY house! I think... @Felsmak!
  12. Granted, they work so well they accelerate vehicles to 0.9999999999999999999999951 c, causing big problems for any nearby planet. I wish I was tetrachromatic.
  13. @Cydonian Monk for his awesome story, which I read every new episode of!
  14. Banned for having a background on your profile.
  15. Actually, it'd just be the protractor. The keychain ring is for navigation on the surface of planets or moons. It doesn't work in microgravity, unlike my optical sextant. What I'd do is make a replica of the ship I'm on, and fly that on the same mission I'm doing. And Jool doesn't need the protractor either, because it's basically 90° and a huge SOI.
  16. I suppose it is hard. I was just wondering because the repeated descriptions are still there too. I can wait, though.
  17. There are seat belts in Star Trek: Beyond... I too think tethers are a good idea, and I'd like to further the idea: In career mode, when EVA is first unlocked the jetpack should not be available, only tethers. After researching related technologies, the jetpack would become available, but with limited delta-V. With science you could upgrade the jetpack to have a higher Isp and therefore more delta-V until it got to the full 600 m/s.
  18. @Endersmens Where are the rest of the descriptions? I thought you'd have them fixed by now, did something come up?
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