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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. They don't exist in the files. You either need to download them, or make your own. There is a list in the OP full of suit packs. Most of the suit packs include visors, and probably already have one that meets your needs.
  2. The version for the mod is 1.2.1 it works in ksp 1.2.2 as it states in the thread title.
  3. I dunno but I'll bring it up to blackrack and see if he can figure it out.
  4. No i dont have any readily available. The texture i used had to be made a little strangely for it to work with the EVE integration in the latest scatterer. Blackrack is working on a bunch of issues for scatterer and when he updates, my textures will probably change again because i should have more creative freedom. right now my hand is forced by scatterer.
  5. Thanks for the heads up. I'll fix it on my end as Sigma stays busy and i don't want to create extra work for him
  6. The textures have changed ALOT since page three. That was quite a long time ago
  7. I love GPP, but today started a new RSS career. Check it out! First episode, To Venus and Back!
  8. The use of DOF in your screenshots alone makes me want to download this
  9. Yeah blackrack is working in a fix. It's not too bad though. Yep just make sure it's either png or jpg format. I reccomend jpg due to its smaller file size
  10. As much as people complain about performance on these forums, I try to take all the necessary steps to make performance a priority. If i dont, @Poodmund yells at me! But, he doesn't. Let me try to explain. He can use the exact same cfgs as his windows version. Once he is done making edits to his windows version all he has to do is make a copy of the entire OPM folder, then go into each cfg, hit Ctrl+H replace .dds with .png and its done. Now he just has to replace the dds textures in the PluginData folders with the png textures. Double Done! Took me 15 minutes to do yesterday. The part that takes the longest is waiting for the textures to convert from dds to png. To me, that's not hard to maintain. If CaptRobau ever decides to change a texture, all he would have to do is remember to also save the texture as a png as well. easy peasy. I dont see anything difficult about how OPM distributes its planet textures. Its compartmentalized and organized by celestial body. Makes finding the textures for a specific body easy without having to skim through all the planet textures at once. It makes sense to me, but to each there own
  11. doing it that way hurts the end user performance wise. you don't want a bunch of unused textures in your GameData
  12. i need video proof of you doing this. Pics won't cut it for this one. You may want to download my kerbal heat tolerance patch a page or two back. Better yet, here's the comment.
  13. I threw this together in about 20 min as a proof of concept kinda thing. I probably wont continue it, but i wanted to see how it could look. I came to the conclusion that it needs A LOT more effort and creativity than I was willing to put into it
  14. Here is the OpenGL version of OPM for Mac & Linux users. I converted all terrain and planet textures from dds to png. In the cfgs, I only changed the extension type, everything else is exactly the same. @CaptRobau if you just want to host this link in the OP to make it easy on you, feel free. I don't mind maintaining it or updating it whenever you get to updating your core version. Or if you would rather take it into your hands, go for it! DOWNLOAD
  15. ah I didnt make that cfg, but i know how to fix it and will for a future update
  16. In an attemp to make kerbin more comparable to real life, I lessened scatterers effect. That is why you see less "glow" as for the NRE's ill check to see if im getting those as well. Thanks for bringing it up
  17. You guys got it easy! In GPP I have 1 guy and his poor wife writing 4260 definitions. Those two are the real MVP lol I don't think I know 4260 words!
  18. Oh, I know all to well how long science defs take that was why my reaction was such when I read that the stock bodies were being done first! Initially, I thought the priorities were out of wack, but I hadn't considered that the stock bodies were changed. I have only ran this mod once because I have been busy with my other mods, I really just pop in to help beat away the entitled beggers or help with troubleshooting. I feel like I overstepped my boundaries asking what I asked but I was clearly uneducated on the matters. I just wanted to make sure you guys were moving forward and not laterally so impatient users wouldn't complain.
  19. So you guys made new science defs for the stock bodies? Why not focus on the new, non stock bodies that really need them and let the stock ones keep the stock science defs for now? Just seems like a waste of time and effort to me. This isn't my mod so do what you will, I just hate to see you guys get bombarded with "why isn't this ready for 1.0 yet?" questions. I know how annoying that can be, but hey, if you made them better, then kudos to you.
  20. I am pretty sure the non64 folder doesn't produce a log if you are running x64. But I too, could be wrong. i do know you have to manually put in the correct directory into steam for it to run x64. By default, even the x64 option on steam runs x32. Its dumb
  21. Are you sure you are running the latest version of SVE and OPMVO? If those are not up to date, they disable each other, resulting in zero clouds. Double check that those are current. Everything else looks good
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