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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. See, I tried that. Hmm I had to have done something else wrong. Thanks Poodmund I'll try it again
  2. So, I am working on yet another mod. This time the goal is to replace the entire solar system with one of my own. Now, this has been relatively easy up to this point as I am just renaming the planets and creating new texture, normal and heightmaps. The only issue I'm having is with Eve. I tried to edit it but I never got the results I wanted. Is there a way to remove it with kopernicus or replace it with a planet with a different template? I looked everywhere and checked nearly every updated planet pack for an example but I couldn't fine one. I know rss replaces the stock planets so I guess my question is how?
  3. That really depends on your CPU and GPU. I run over 90 mods and use high res but I have a pretty good rig
  4. Random. I'm not into themes. Plus they have all been used and I'm not going to stoop down and start naming them after avengers
  5. It was B. And the moon having a moon would just be a cool thing. Complete disregard for physics
  6. I just got home and I'm going to put out as many planets as I can
  7. @OhioBob or I can reposition the planets to avoid the headache altogether
  8. The moonless vacuum planets in my layout will have gilly and bop type satellites if that makes you feel better
  9. The Half size RSS has already been made and the full size visuals for rss are at a stand still atm. I am doing a lot at the moment with other projects and can't seem to allocate time to it recently
  10. I have done nothing yet but I can come up with something
  11. you read my mind! also the first large moon around Gauss I also want it to be an Earth like planet. The moon above that will orbit the earth like planet not Gauss if that makes sense.
  12. It's a much better looking rss that is scaled back down to stock sizes It's a much better looking rss that is scaled back down to stock size
  13. I could simulate a gas planet with cloud layers in EVE but if you could land on it, it wouldn't really be a "gas" giant now would it? here you go.. Note its not to scale There will be more than 1 planet like Gael that will be habitable so you can colonize to your hearts content
  14. 21 unless @OhioBob make a body near the sun too hot for kerbals to be on i think thats possible so more like 20
  15. Are 3 gas giants enough? This system will have 24 celestial bodies. About 5-7 of those will be moons of the gas giants
  16. I do not. Linux does not play very nice with this mod as far as I know. The only issues being brought up are from OSX and Linux users. Something to do with opengl. I can't do anything about it as I don't run either of those os'
  17. Yes it will be the same as kerbin. Exactly.
  18. Added a new planet and screenshots in the OP
  19. Tonight i made Gael. A replacement for Kerbin in my upcoming mod
  20. Its does happen with SVE but its way less noticeable. Its caused by the cloud shadow. Its less noticeable in SVE because my cloud layers are more transparent. Since Matchlight is using Astronomers old clouds, they are so opaque you will see way more artifacting caused by the cloud shadows. When Astronomer created his clouds, EVE did not have the option for cloud shadows so he never had to account for that. Thats why his textures are not transparent at all and cast horrible shadows.
  21. i didnt mean it like you were withholding secrets and i know you use kopernicus im sure ill figure it out
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