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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. What if you find the Golden Arches?
  2. Ah well sorry hope you get to experience the mods some day
  3. There is a mod called stage recovery that does exactly what you want.
  4. will do when i get out of class later today
  5. might i suggest a better texture for for the vapor? I can make it if you would like me to
  6. I worked on the first planet in my upcoming planet pack, Stock Extended Solar System. It will come complete with SVE configs and SVT terrain textures Didn't create a dev thread today. Probably will tomorrow.
  7. So i decided against the OPM visual stuff. mainly because i don't like stepping on the toes of giants around here like @Poodmund. But, I did decide to make my own version of an extended solar system though! Here is a look at the first planet, Gauss. Ill create a development thread tomorrow.
  8. Its only a slight difference but it looks nicer in my opinion without Atmo layer With Atmo Layer you can see the difference in the color of the land. Also it makes for better sun sets I feel
  9. there isnt a released colsole patch but there is this. perhaps this is what he was talking about
  10. You are correct. I did, that's why I don't know what he is talking about exactly. The cloud atmo levels don't have volumetric clouds but what I think he is talking about is, he happened to notice the atmo layer which is very transparent, covers the entire planet and is lined perfectly with with the main cloud layer so noticing it is very hard. Can't please everyone. Oh well.
  11. Well, when the thread gets shut down for a few hours because people can't keep it civil, and it reopens to more uncivil comments and repeated complaints, arguments, it becomes time to close it. I could read the first 2 pages of this thread and get a good idea of what the rest of the thread talks about. 1. "The console game is broken" 2. "be patient" 3. "we have the right to complain" 4. "Squad is not the bad guy" 5. "Yeah, but..... see number 1." It's a vicious cycle, accomplishing nothing. No one is right or wrong. There are shortcoming that pc gamers don't understand and console gamers do have a right to be mad. No need to beat a dead horse.
  12. This is seriously the most unproductive thread I may have ever seen and provides nothing of value to the forums or the game. Its a broken record. I don't know why the moderators have let threads like this go on for so long.
  13. yes, we are talking about the same thing. Well, RVE uses its own sunflare.dll. Have you tried deleting the entire sunflare folder? not the scatterer one but the one in the RVE folder? It might be overriding scatterers sun flare
  14. Are you talking about the atmo layer? I'll assume so. You can delete it in the cfg, or you can Alt 0 in game and toggle over to cloud manager and scroll down until you see kerbal atmo low kerbal atmo mid and kerbal atmo high and disable the layer 2d button.
  15. Typically during boot up you should see an option. It will tell you to press a particular key like f12 or delete. It differs from motherboard to motherboard. If you don't have an aftermarket motherboard though, it can be difficult to turn your fans up. Stock motherboards aren't meant to change like that. And as far as your computer shutting down due to heat, that's your CPU. If your CPU doesn't have a cooler on it, turning up you case fans won't really help you because CPU 's have a built in thermometer basically that shuts your computer down to protect itself. As far as I know, there is no way to over ride that without causing permanent damage. So best course of action for you is probably getting a cooler for your CPU if you don't already have one. If you have one but don't have a motherboard that allows for fan control, then upgrade the motherboard.
  16. Nope. All of this has been discussed pretty thoroughly in the past but at the moment there isn't much you can do. There are ways to make the ocean clipping less noticeable but it's at the expense of quality and performance. So until it's fixed the best thing to do is try to ignore it.
  17. This is almost exactly what I proposed a little while ago. But instead of something that works directly within FF I wanted to make a stand alone plugin. No luck so far. You can check out my concept here http://stockvisualmods.com/career_hub/mod.html
  18. I cant count how many times I have forgotten and ran into them with a rover, destroying everything
  19. Need more info than that. Maybe some screenshots of your gamedata folder and some of what it looks like in game. My guess is its installed incorrectly
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