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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. I know. You don't need to use svt. The sun cfg will work by itself. Once you copy the sun cfg over you can delete the rest of svt
  2. No, you have to download Stock visual terrain and copy the sun cfg inside svekopernicus over to your gamedata. If opm doesn't have a sun cfg to delete don't worry about it
  3. There isn't a sunflare folder in opm or kopernicus. You have to add my sun cfg from svt to opm and delete any sun cfg within opm so it doesn't conflict with mine
  4. I almost gave up on putting scatter objects in this planet pack.... I'm really glad I didn't Oh! And Jeb told me to tell you that he wishes you were here at Lake Tellumo. Ok one more.. A Gratian sun set
  5. Hey Blackrack, This isnt a pressing issue, am im sure its by design, but when you Rename the sun in Kopernicus, scatterer does not work properly. It removes the ocean and there is no atmospheric haze. Its not a big deal i just so happen to notice it :0 thats all. have a good one!
  6. There is a way to do it but i can't think of it off the top of my head. I do know know that it does not look very good it causes a hexagon shape "cloud" to float underneath you. If you are wanting more realism, I wouldnt change it. Believe me if it had looked good I would have kept it. I know RVE still has it in there cfg.
  7. this mod is decently performance heavy, yes and when packaged with a bunch of other mods, it can be a crippling experience, especially when those mods are part packs. I dont know if you use a lot of them but they will drastic slow your game down. Even if you are not currently using them in game they will slow you down. My suggestion would be to go through each part pack( if you have them and prune through those. Delete every part you dont need or use. i also recommend using Procedural parts and getting rid of all other fuel tanks. This is how im able to run over 100 mods and the high res of SVT and SVT without issue. As for filter extensions i have never used it and dont know what it is tbh.
  8. Ok one last thing and ill leave you alone today, I am trying to switch my template to Duna, everything is good except the color when i get close. My planet surface takes on the color of Duna and is very over exposed. I have all of the Duna PQS mods but can figure out which one to adjust or remove to allow for my color map to supply the correct color.
  9. Where can i find the complete list of PQS mods for each stock body? i think my issue might be the template im using
  10. Well after looking a little closer, it didnt get rid of the issue, I swtiched out some of my textures for builtin ones and it was less noticeable but definitely still there I dont know what is causing the issue
  11. I tried all of that and was still getting the bug, I just noticed however, switching removePQSMods = FlattenOcean, VertexSimplexNoiseColor, HeightColorMap to removeAllPQSMods = true seemed to fix the issue
  12. i will take a short video for you, thats really the only way to explain it. no EVE or Scatterer either give me a few and ill have a video
  13. @Sigma88 Im getting a strange "jittering" with my textures while on the surface. I dont know why as i dont have any issues like this with SVT here is my cfg.... again
  14. I hope Tellumo is a one way trip especially for those who want to colonize a new planet and use life support mods. Think about the logistics of getting supplies to your kerbals.. sound like an awful time, but awesome
  15. Lol that part wasn't directed at you guys it was just in general since I had to make the tutorial public. I can give you some planet textures and the cfgs for you to look at and play with
  16. I don't really know the answer to those questions bit maybe @Poodmund can clarify for you. I just always set each biome to 1
  17. This is a quick tutorial on how I create biome maps. I have read how others do it and I'm sure others do exactly as I do but I haven't seen a tutorial so, here is mine. If i do anything wrong in this tutorial please feel free to correct me. I'll be using the latest Photoshop CC during the tutorial, but it can easily be done in Gimp. Ok so, lets begin: Create a new project, DUH Select whatever texture you want to create a biome for. Once you have done that, create a new layer. Next, Select your rectangle tool and cover the entire texture with a black rectangle. Now set the opacity of this layer to roughly 30%. Now pick an area that you want to have a biome. For my example im using this crater. Now Select a color that you want to represent this biome. Ill be using RGB Red. select a solid brush and set the hardness to 100%. You can set to whatever size you want, I wouldn't go too big or too small though. (don't select the type of brush I used, its too soft). Now, color in the area you wanted as a biome with the color you chose earlier. You can get as detailed as you want. Now you can choose another area that you want as a biome. I chose another crater area (you can do anything, not just craters) Again choose another color. I chose RGB Green. Color that area in with the color you chose You can do as many biomes as you would like but KSP only allows so many. I forget how many that is. Once you finish coloring in the areas you want to be biomes, go back to your layers and change the opacity back to 100% Your texture should now look like this (obviously if you have more biomes it will look different) Now go to your Window Tab and select Info Now if you move your cursor over your biomes the info tab will reflect the RGB value associated with that biome. Remember this or write it down. Now you can save your work. I usually save my biomes as PNG but DDS will work as well. Remember those RGB values? now you can imput those into your biome node in your planet's cfg (I'm not going to teach how to write out a cfg. If you are making biome maps you are beyond that already) Thats basically it. Just place your biome map where ever you need it to be. Again, if you are making biome maps you probably know where you need to put it. If there is anything that i need to change or include let me know. I made this rather quickly and probably skipped something. I hope this helps those of you that want to know how to do this. It may not be the best technique but it works for me, so maybe it will work for you.
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