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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. Well that can be done manually. And I can certainly try to accomplish that later. For now, I am settling for aesthetics if it looked good it passed the test
  2. I will most likely have a pre release ready by tonight. Probably late though
  3. For some reason I read tylo instead of gilly earlier. Woops! I did intend to add small asteroids but I am not great at making smaller bodies. Maybe I'll try again later
  4. There are 26 planets in this pack. I'm sure you will find one like that
  5. No caves but how about some deep holes? lol
  6. Yeah I'm 28 years young. Spent all of my adult life in the military so in my mind I'm still 20.
  7. I have added everything you want in my planet pack I think I had more fun making this and walking around than anything else. I hope to have a test release out in the next few days
  8. I would have to say no UNLESS all planets were made using the same technique. Otherwise you would have ultra real looking mods like this (see below) sprinkled in with stock alike planets and they wouldn't look right together.
  9. The texture are using aren't seamless and will create some odd looking surface textures. For all of your ground textures I recommend using or creating seamless textures.
  10. all is well now. Just get to sit at home with my daughter and and work on this for the next week or so thanks for the well wishes
  11. All of the biomes are done. Always room for improvement though. @Poodmund i think you said you were finishing up the Otho system, so i didnt do those also i failed miserably at completing a successful biome map for Icarus. If you could take a shot at it id be very grateful Edit: Uploaded all the changes to github
  12. that would be awesome! if its too much work though dont worry about it. like i said the current 1.1.3 version does everything i need minus the renaming sun bit
  13. Hey blackrack, I will be home soon and want to test out the new scatterer. my only question is this, will the newest version work in 1.1.3? The planet pack I'm working on is going to have to be released on 1.1.3 because kopernicus' future is uncertain for now with the dev being busy IRL. if not its all good. I was perfectly happy with the older versions as well
  14. So I am using a kerbin template for another planet Im working on and think i have successfully removed everything I needed to, however I cant seem to find how to get rid of the deformity caused by the space center. Is there something i can add to do that? If not, it will just be a crater Template { name = Kerbin removePQSMods = PQSCity[IslandAirfield], MapDecalTangent[IslandAirfield], PQSCity[UFO], PQSCity[Pyramids], FlattenArea[Pyramids], PQSCity }
  15. Stock visual enhancements and stock visual terrain
  16. Hopefully you are okay waiting a little longer get I wound up in the hospital today
  17. Is github updated with everything you have done? I will download everything when I get home and continue the work on biomes tonight
  18. Extra planetary launchpad works fine in 64 bit. Maybe what you need to do is start a 64 bit game without any mods then add one mod at a time until you find the problem mod. Don't limit yourself to 32bit if you don't have too.
  19. Some mods dont use AVC that may explain why you don't see them in there. If they don't have a .version file in the mod folder, chances are they don't use AVC
  20. Finally got trees on Tellumo. Its still a pretty lonely place. It should probably be colonized. Also for any one who cares, Im planning on releasing a prerelease version soon. I'm steady working on biomes. The science defs don't NEED to be done right away as I'm sure ksp pulls from a generic pool if custom ones aren't present. I figure the faster I can get a version out there, the faster things like science defs and other mod compatibility can happen. Hopefully this can happen over the weekend biomes are the priority right now. @Poodmund if you have finished any recently let me know so I can pick up where you are.
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