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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. I saw that! So cool! ok so I got everthing running fine but hit one little snag. looks like the godrays are acting up again after entering a facility and exiting it seems to fix it but it returns every now and again BTW everything is running really smooth. LOVE the new set up now. This is probably the best release so far. cant wait for the planet shine!
  2. thats all good! i already set up the nodes for when its ready also what do i need to change to change the name of the sun just this? mainSunCelestialBodyName = Sun or do i also need to change sunflares { Item = Sun } or this? Sun { //path to sunflare textures assetPath = scatterer/config/Sunflares/Sun ill play around and see
  3. ok for your bugs. The atmospheres move when you are not orbiting them. That happens with ALL kopernicus planets that have scatterer installed. even in ssrss. the sunflare is yellow. i made it that way the hard eclipse, i dunno why its doing that considering i removed eves eclipses and used scatterers. im updating scatterer now with the latest version. the sun looks like that because we gave it an atmosphere. doesnt look like that in game though only in the tracking station
  4. i just used loki to remove kerbin. nothing was wrong with it
  5. @Fobok ok one more time i forgot to give you the texture https://www.dropbox.com/s/xmjyabrikt1wpj5/MJ_KER FIX.zip?dl=0
  6. i actually didnt use them just yet. i have to go back over them and fix some small gaps. i just didnt have time and i threw some quick ones together. yours were way better though. If you want just dl the prerelease and edit whatever ones you want. the ones poodmund did are perfect but anything inside of otho is fair game After testing those cfgs i no longer getting spammed with errors
  7. @Fobok until he is done, will you check these fix mechjeb and ker? just replace gaels and loki's cfg with these https://www.dropbox.com/s/xmjyabrikt1wpj5/MJ_KER Fix.zip?dl=0
  8. yes! dont you go messing up my ssrss porn duski lol i just fixed the issue with mechjeb and ker. ill upload as soon as ohiobob finishes his tweaks
  9. Yeah I just haven't made city lights for this yet. I will eventually
  10. OK cool I'll look into these issues. Try removing the city lights plugin if it's not already removed in eve. I may have forgotten. Can someone check that this happens on other bodies?
  11. I hope he come back and merges your pull. I don't know if mine works with deep space
  12. You can try this. I made it for SSRSS but it should work https://www.dropbox.com/pri/get/Final_Frontier-SSRSS.zip?_subject_uid=304422407&w=AAAVQf3HuHWYuG7PZSKPVNaLaqhSCZQcpR_FNuTq8GFP1Q
  13. I may or may not have dropped a prerelease of my planet pack and you may or may not be able to get it here
  14. This is a Pre-release. Expect to find things wrong and maybe a few bugs. This will only work for 1.1.3 I understand 1.2 is about to drop but seeing as Kopernicus wont be updated immediately, best course of action was a 1.1.3 release. Some mods lack compatibility. Thats what this release is for! Although I had an awesome team helping me get this planet pack going, we just don't have the time to get all of the mods compatible. So, if you are capable and want to help, please let me know! At the moment I have not implemented anyone elses submitted biome maps but mine and poodmunds for now. Not because I don't like you or your work, there were some limitations or small things I needed to fix that I didnt get to yet. Science Defs are not done. If you want to contribute to that see @JadeOfMaar Planet Descriptions are also not done. I figured this could be a fun way to get other involved in this planet pack. If you think you have a good description for a planet, post it in the thread! I also did a terrible job naming biome regions. If you can come up with better names please let me know. Big thank you to @OhioBob for the everything atmosphere related. What he has done truly makes this planet pack what it is. Also, a big thank you to @Poodmund who put together some very awesome biome maps and was key in helping me figure out many other things. Overall I hope everyone enjoys this planet pack as much as I enjoyed making it. Yes, it is a large download. This is a very large planet pack. SCREENSHOTS OR I TAKE THE MOD DOWN! just kidding...but seriously...screenshots. Make a save of your stock game before installing this mod. This mod replaces every stock planet and will destroy every ship you have in orbit if you try to continue a career. Start a new game to avoid this. This is your warning. GET IT HERE
  15. Never! If you have a ton of mods and still manage 30-45fps, that's perfect! A perfect medium.
  16. The 970 isn't bad at all. Your performance is actually pretty good as for the CPU I wouldn't worry about it as long as the game is running smoothly and it isn't overheating. Just remember the more mods and parts, the more your CPU will be stressed.
  17. Thats about as good as it gets! No need to deprive yourself of the highest resolutions! Once past the clouds it's super smooth sailing. I have a i5 4690k and a 1070 and I get about 55fps in the clouds. With my 980 I was averaging 30-45.
  18. This planet pack will have svt by default. It will be a more performance friendly as I thinned out all of the scatter objects by roughly 75%. Sve will be an optional mod though. Oh yeah! Also with the work @OhioBob has done with atmosphere colors, scatterer, as much as I love it, is pretty much not needed. It seriously looks spectacular with and with out scatterer. So performance should go through the roof if you choose not to use it. Of course I can't live without my sun flares though lol
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