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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. Are you running it in opengl or dx11 by chance?
  2. Not at the moment. We may have it fixed tonight. Yeah I fixed the scatterer flickering issue with the last version. Which version of Sigma dimensions did you use exactly? That is our current issue is getting it to scale correctly with Sigma mod. Today I will fix the moon transition as best I can. I didn't even look at the moon last update :/ my bad lol
  3. Not at the moment. We have to get regular rss working right first :^)
  4. I changed the Ghost1 and Ghost2 file a little. Let me know what you all think. I didn't update the version number because it was a minor change and didn't warrant it.
  5. still tinkering..there was an issue with Sigma Deminsions and we are going to get if figured out soon!
  6. haha he does all the hard work, I just make it look pretty!
  7. This mod is intended to give your celestial bodies the greeting they deserve each day! Thanks to @blackrack for creating Scatterer, which allowed me the opportunity to give back to this awesome community. Latest version: 1.8.3 LET ME SEE YOUR SCREENSHOTS! v1.8.3 Updated version file for 1.3.1 v1.8.2 Ok, for real, no more stripes! Fixed case sensitivity stuff for Linux and Mac users No more stripes. For real this time Better exposure on all sun flares TO INSTALL: Download and install Scatterer Drop the GSF folder into your GameData folder DOWNLOAD I HIGHLY RECOMMEND DISTANT OBJECT ENHANCEMENT FOR DYNAMIC SKY DIMMING Enjoy! License is CC BY-NC-ND Every time you donate a puppy is adopted... Not really, but it does help keep my motivation up!
  8. Thanks! I'm am currently trying to tweak the scatterer configs so that the transition is smoother from high orbit to low. so they will hopefully look even better some eye candy
  9. are you getting a drop in FPS with the scatterer config?
  10. Try this, hit alt+f10 at KSC or in flight. Go to Ocean Settings. Then change Ocean mesh resolution from 4 to 1 if it isn't already. Hit Set, then Rebuild ocean and let me know what happens
  11. Are you using the scatterer included in the DL or are you downloading it separately?
  12. Ah ok sDaZe will have to add it tomorrow. I cant edit anything atm
  13. I have not tested that out yet but if you want to test remote tech and scansat and let us know that would be greatly appreciated
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