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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. Performance takes a small hit, but hey, no glitchy ocean right?
  2. So late. We already updated twice and are about to release a third version. Thanks!
  3. Dont use the stock inclination folder if you don't want it
  4. Hmm It wasn't doing that to me last night I'm in class currently so I can't test atm.
  5. That is a known issue with scatterer. It will be fixed eventually
  6. We beat Squad's time of reaching 1.1 Feels good....
  7. I mean, we haven't made one ourselves. So no? The mod is only a few days old and we have focused solely on aesthetics thus far. Maybe in the future unless someone can beat us to it.
  8. You'll need to upload to imgur and post the direct link here
  9. I thought about doing that until RVE is updated.
  10. Most do. Some moons with light atmospheres do not it's all a wip I'm going to continue to tweak and play around even after release. If we decide we like something more than what we currently have, I'm sure we will update to include it.
  11. We have to make it seem like what we are doing is more difficult than it really is blowing our cover
  12. There isn't a cloud pack that will work just yet. RVE will be released soon and we work on making that compatible.
  13. Oh OK. I know dx11 doesn't work currently unless something recently changed. Have you tried disabling anti aliasing in game and forcing it through your GPU?
  14. Pluto was the most stubborn yet most rewarding planet to fix. Im glad its done.
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