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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. It’s really doesn’t. Don’t lead people astray.
  2. your logs tell me you are on KSP [KSP Version]: and that these are the folders in your GameData Mod DLLs found: Stock assembly: Assembly-CSharp v0.0.0.0 ModuleManager.2.6.22 v2.6.22.0 B9_Aerospace_WingStuff v1.0.0.0 Stock assembly: KSPUtil v0.0.0.0 modularFuelTanks v5.7.0.0 / v5.7.0 Stock assembly: KSPSteamCtrlr v0.0.1.33 Stock assembly: SaveUpgradePipeline.Scripts v1.0.0.2 / v1.0.0.21 Stock assembly: Steamworks.NET v8.0.0.0 / v8.0.0 Folders and files in GameData: B9_Aerospace_ProceduralWings ModularFuelTanks Stock folder: Squad ModuleManager.2.6.22.dll ModuleManager.ConfigCache ModuleManager.ConfigSHA ModuleManager.Physics ModuleManager.TechTree Just so you know, the output logs are no longer in your KSP_x64_Data folder. They are now located in: Local Disk\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program
  3. you mean these "nuked" features? @Scatterer_config:FOR[StockVisualEnhancements] { %oceanRefraction = False %oceanPixelLights = False %terrainShadows = False } No, these will not cause the issue you are seeing. Lets do some simple troubleshooting. Let's determine if the bug happens in the most minimal install possible. 1.Remove all of your mods. 2. Install only SVE and its dependencies (EVE and Scatterer) 3. Run the game. If you don't have the issue, great! Now add your mods back a couple at a time until you see the issue. This will help you narrow down which mod is the issue. Then make a bug report to that mod author. @Kwebib Looking at your mods, you are using mods that are known to not work properly in 1.4.X. One being Reentry Particle Effect. That may not be your issue, but it makes it much harder for developers to debug issues when you are using outdated mods. I also recommend you follow my instruction above. Mod authors don't have endless hours of free time, especially blackrack, who works full time and maintains scatterer in the little free time he does get, so when we have bugs, we need to be ready to present them with the quickest way to reproduce the issue. Reporting a bug without doing your due diligence just isn't fair. Personally, cannot replicate this bug, and I have tried for the last 2 hours. If it is a mod incompatibility, its on the user to narrow down what mod is causing this. Blackrack cannot download every part mod and test each part on the launch pad to figure this out. So, lets try to help him out, yeah?
  4. Updated for 1.4.2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yes, you can set your funds to -x per science point in the cfg. For example: PYW_SETTINGS { funds = -10 rep = 1 queueLength = 1 }
  5. Updated for KSP 1.4.2 Download and install instructions in the OP
  6. Update for 1.4.2 Download and install info in the OP
  7. UPDATE Change log v1.3.0.3 Update for 1.4.2 Removed MiniAVC; install full AVC to get update notifications Download and install instructions in the OP.
  8. UPDATE change log v1.3.0.2 Made Kerbin a little more blue without scatterer installed Removed miniAVC; Use full AVC for update notifications Download and install instructions in the OP
  9. UPDATE SVT v2.1.4 Change log Update for 1.4.2 Fixed KSC color again Fixed stock boulders without colliders showing up in game Better cliff texture for Kerbin Removed miniAVC. Install full AVC to get update notifications. Download and install instructions in the OP
  10. The watercolor painting effect? Yes, that’s intended. Anything nyan cat related is a module manager/Sigma joke for April fools. And sigma mods don’t provide visuals. The read me and info post linked in the OP tell you what they are used for and are linked there for your convenience
  11. OK, but you aren't helping yourself or anyone else that may be having that same issue. If you post your logs, I'm fairly confident I can tell you what is wrong. Not doing so makes me feel like I wasted my time responding here.
  12. then you have something else wrong. Post logs and a screenshot of your GameData folder and probably a screenshot of your issue in game. I cant help if i cant see whats happening.
  13. sounds like you have a borked scatterer installation. Post logs and a screenshot of your gamedata folder.
  14. There is nothing to see with this mod. It just changes the behavior of the atmospheres to be more realistic. This is not a visual mod.
  15. You put the GPP_Textures folder inside your GPP folder. There are more in depth instructions linked in the OP or in the README that comes with the download. If you don't know how to install manually, or just not confident doing it, I suggest using CKAN.
  16. I Know 1.4 is for 1.4.1. It works fine with the dlc as well. I run 1.4 with 1.4.x and the latest 1.3 version with 1.3.1. But there is an issue with additional launch points. It may depend on the asset used. I have only tested with the big hangar, water launch points, and stock runways. All put me on the stock pad or runway. The exact same cfgs in 1.3.1, using the latest 1.3.1 version of KK, does not have the issue. I can make a test cfg for you in stock so you can see yourselfwhen you are done vacationing.
  17. @Ger_spaceI’m having an issue with some launch locations not working correctly with the 1.4 (dev?) version. The new launch locations work fine in 1.3.1, but selecting the same launch pad in 1.4 always puts my vessel on the stock launch pad or runway depending on where I made my vessel.
  18. I didn’t change anything to “gael”. There is only “Gael” with a capital G in the cfg (afaik). If there are issues with contracts, it likely lies with the contract pack or contract configurator. I’ll double check before I update to 1.4.2 later today, though
  19. Nope, there is nothing you can do except lower the cloud layers, but having clouds at 3km doesn’t look right. It’s a limitation of EVE that I have long wanted a fix for.
  20. No, but I can’t tell you it adds rumbles and shake noises when in IVA.
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