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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. ATM is no longer necessary and hasn’t been in a very, very long time. The reason is that it’s been built into the stock system. On top of that, it hasnt worked since 1.0.5
  2. Nope, but thanks for the offer! This mod is as ready as it can be, but Kopernicus is version locked. Any and all planet packs depend on it so we are on the schedule of its developer. An update for it is probably a few days away at least.
  3. It means any day prior to May 1st 2013. http://kerbaldevteam.tumblr.com/post/47730955705/expansions-dlc-and-the-future-of-ksp
  4. No nothing has changed. I wouldn’t use scatterer right now. When Blackrack implements some fixes, I will go back to recommending it. Not exactly, I use a cloud layer to gain the effect. Currently there is a small transition that happens around 25km as you fly through the layer and it clips the camera. I have approached the EVE dev with a potential solution and hopefully it can happen sooner than later. But I hope it is able to fill the need for now.
  5. It’s on spacedock https://spacedock.info/mod/803/Green
  6. Thanks. I was in the process of fixing that and just left the window and got side tracked lol
  7. UPDATE Change Log v1.3.0 Update for KSP 1.4.1 Implemented EVE atmospheres While not as pretty as Scatterer, it greatly improves performance. Once Scatterer updates and fixes some bugs it will still be recommended. In its current state, I recommend not using it. REQUIRES SVE_Textures v1.0.5
  8. Both look good, but at the moment there are some bugs with scatterer in 1.4 that make it hard to use. So for this update, until Scatterer has its fixes in place, I recommend going without Scatterer
  9. Update is coming tonight. You will have the option to play with or without Scatterer. The update will be for 1.4.x and 1.3.1
  10. Im also having an issue with 1.4, but nobody has brought it up yet, as far as i can see. I get no effects in the tracking station. Its not a huge deal, but I'm surprised you haven't been swamped with "bug reports". ...unless you made that clear and i missed it.. Surface looks great and in flight mode and map mode, everything looks fine, Its just the tracking station I noticed. Note: this is only with scatterer installed. I have not tried with any visual packs whatsoever.
  11. @Waz, I have posted an “issue” on your github. If you would be so kind as to check it out, I would appreciate it!
  12. I mean, TT is not going to change it because a small group of people need their hand held while they read a EULA that is pretty general across the board and in probably more than one game they own. It’s pretty simple; don’t give them your info, they can’t store it for “hackers to get” or whatever you are worried about. Amazon stores people’s info, but if people don’t feel comfortable inputting their bank info or name and address, they just don’t use Amazon and shop elsewhere with cash. It’s a personal option. Only you can prevent data collection, and it starts with you making the decision to not type in your info. Nothing is stopping you from using a gift card and being happy. And nothing is stopping me from willingly giving them my info, and also being happy, regardless of the EULA. That being said, many people saw your comment, but most people are tired of the circular arguments. So are you here to argue and kick up more dirt, or did you just want someone to acknowledge your comment, as I did? this exact type of EULA has been around for years, and people have been able to make that decision for themselves. Give this a week or two and everybody will go back to quickly hitting “I agree” and jumping to the game without blinking. This only got as big as it did because TT was tied to it.
  13. Oh I was asking the OP, but yeah, sorry you have no mods!
  14. Have you not ever played a planet pack? Or how about SVE? They tend to improve gas giants and star textures... for example here is Jool with SVE and SVT installed. Something tells me you have not looked through the ENTIRE forum...
  15. In your steam library, right click on Kerbal Space Program and go to “Properties” then click the “Betas” tab. then select the version of ksp you want to install.
  16. Of course there is a chance.. what is needed is patience. A lot of modders are not updating to 1.4 as 1.4.1 is days away... also be mindful of the fact that the forum rule about asking modders about updates is back.
  17. It’s a debug file that allows modders to see what causing issues in your install. the location of the file changed with 1.4, so I can’t tell you where to find it anymore and my “how to get support” button is outdated now.
  18. Would you be willing to post your output log?
  19. They don’t, and they won’t get it until you decide to make a purchase.
  20. What are you even talking about?
  21. Reread my comment. Actually I’ll just say it again, mr. caps: “there may not be a reason for it right now, but perhaps in the future there will be and that’s why it’s in there” that clear?
  22. I have said it multiple times now, all of that information is needed to make an online purchase. There may not be a reason for it at this moment, but perhaps in the future there will be and that’s why it’s in there. In order for them to get that information, you have to give it to them. You are giving them the right to process your payment. If you have made an online purchase ever, you would know you have to insert a billing address, an acct number, a name, and any other pertinent information.
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