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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. If we are being objective, the old ones were bulky, ugly, and looked like they had caution stripes wrapped around them that completely broke the continuity of a ships design.
  2. No but you can go edit your comment and delete everything in it or change it.
  3. You mean the eclipse? There is a wonky interaction with EVE and Scatterer eclipses that doubles it, but turn your camera around and notice the planet that eclipsing Jool.
  4. Does the new update do away with the need for KKtoSD when used with Sigma Dimensions? I’m a bit confused on that end of things.
  5. That’s because you need 1.3.1-3. https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases If it still is giving you the error, then you likely have the mod installed incorrectly.
  6. Flare Replacer is a mod to replace the stock sun flare without using Scatterer. Currently there are 15 different flares to choose from. These sun flares are ported over from Galileo's Sun Flares. All flares are 4k (stock's are 1k if you are wondering). I think I covered most niches when it comes to sun flares. There are some basic, no-nonsense flares for those who like realism, and there are some flares that JJ Abrams would be proud of, and a few in between. Here are some screenshots Aichmiros Avrams Classico Fusion Grande Megalo Mellontikos Omorfia Lampros Grat Foveros Zesto Epos Fotia Enkavma Just a cool screenshot Screenshots are also available in the each zip file, so you can easily see what each looks like without having to come back to the forums over and over. How to change the color Open the FlareReplacer cfg and find the parameter %sunLensFlareColor = 1,1,1,1 The color is in decimals, or float value. Replace the value 1,1,1,1 with any of the recommended values below: The higher the value, the more saturated the color. 1 should be the minimum, and there is no maximum, these are just the values I prefer. R,G,B,A 1,1,1,1 = White 4,1,1,1 = Red 1,4,1,1 = Green 1,1,4,1 = Blue 4,3,1,1 = Yellow 4,1,4,1 = Purple 4,2,3,1 = Pink 4,2,1,1 = Orange 1,4,4,1 = Blue-Green Using a value less than 1 causes some odd looking sun flares. You can come up with whatever color you can think of, these are just examples and probably the most popular. Here are some screenshots of the colors in action To add compatibility with other planet packs *NOTE: ALL planet packs have a star named "Sun" as the center of the system, or should. They may be renamed once kopernicus loads but they are still technically "Sun". That being said, you can leave the first Kopernicus node alone. To add a star from a planet pack to this mod, copy the entire body node in the FlareReplacer cfg. and paste it directly below the first one. All you have to do is change the name of the body name in @Body[] as shown below. You can add as many of these as you like to cover as many stars as you have in your planet pack. This will allow you to define a color for each individual star. Feel free to include your new cfg in your planet packs and add this mod as a recommendation! It should look like this: @Kopernicus:FINAL:NEEDS[FlareReplacer] { @Body[starNameGoesHere] { %ScaledVersion { %Light { %sunLensFlareColor = 1,1,1,1 %sunFlare = FlareReplacer/FlareReplacer.unity3d:sun_flare } } } @Body[anotherStarNameGoesHere] { %ScaledVersion { %Light { %sunLensFlareColor = 1,1,1,1 %sunFlare = FlareReplacer/FlareReplacer.unity3d:sun_flare } } } } @Scatterer_config:Final:NEEDS[!FlareReplacer] { @fullLensFlareReplacement = True } Be sure to include this ^^^ at the bottom of your cfg. This enables the Scatterer sun flares again if FlareReplacer is uninstalled. @Scatterer_atmosphere:FINAL:NEEDS[FlareReplacer] { @Atmo,* { @m_mieG = 0.2 } } ^^^ You may also want to add this bit of code so that the sun flares are not super over-exposed when you are inside an atmosphere. v1.0.3 Change Log Update for 1.4.2 To install: Drop the FlareReplacer Folder into your GameData folder Install the latest Kopernicus (https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases/) DOWNLOAD Unfortunately, there are too many files to have on CKAN. I don't feel comfortable flooding CKAN with all of them. CC BY-NC-ND
  7. Firstly, I think you take the tone of my comment out of context. That is your conscience if you feel that way. I wrote that in a large text so everyone could see it, but since you feel it was directed at you and you felt the need to defend yourself, it looks like it will get buried in this crap. Now, I am a little annoyed. Secondly, how can you even think this mod is dead? It hasn’t been updated in 24 hours of a major KSP update, so it’s dead, right? Your logic is flawed here and you are making your comment sound even more like it’s asking for an update. Where were you last week asking for an update? It was just as inactive then, wasn’t it? Only now, there has been a major KSP update and it doesn’t work, so NOW it’s dead? I just want to be sure I get your logic right. I guess every mod that hasn’t updated within the last 24 hours is dead, and we should ask if there are “plans for a new update”, since that’s not badgering mod devs.
  8. This happens every update. You inadvertently asking about “plans” for a future update is as good as asking directly for an update, and the fact that it come within 24 hours of a major update is ridiculous. Also, you may want to take a look at the forum rules if you are not familiar with them. I will not loosen my trouser belt, because people asking question about updates, indirectly, or directly, will lead other to ask the same questions elsewhere as it looks like common place to do so, and as a mod developer, I believe I can speak for most as well, it is quite easily the most annoying thing on these forums.
  9. let’s nip this in the bud now. Do not ask for updates or ETA’s for future updates. It will happen when it happens, IF it happens. If you cannot live without clouds, you can roll back to 1.3.1. Have a nice day.
  10. This is not exactly ok as ferram4 is very against unofficial updates, if the past is any indicator. I would reconsider posting this for now and shelve it for a later date if need be. I know the license allows it, but let’s be a little cautious. I mean, it’s only been 24 hrs. Give it some time. For personal use, go for it, but unofficial version only cause confusion leaving the mod developer having to figure out what version the user has, and leaves them answering for bugs that may not be caused by them.
  11. Ordenator is a great tool, isn’t it? I used to use it all the time to squeez performance out of many games.
  12. They just preemptively put the loading screen in for the expansion is all.
  13. While this is in our description for Eta, I think you interpreted it wrong or out of context. If you have yet to visit Thalia's surface, you will quickly find why you will be returning to Eta as soon as you do. I won't give too away, but it has nothing to do with resources. Also in our wiki description for Thalia, I think you may have overlooked this tid bit of info: End the end, this is not a bug. It's much worse. Looking forward to a follow up, and to hearing what you think
  14. You can find where the log is located if you click the red “how to get support” button in my signature
  15. What I think a lot of new players don’t realize either is that mods have already been ripped and put into the stock game. Rovers, space planes, a simplified remote-tech, etc. My point being is that they don’t have to claim our mods via a EULA for them to implement the idea into the stock game. It’s already been done over and over. The rest, I have no idea what to think about. I see some very well written pieces by people that clearly understand more than I do and so far, their words are comforting. I guess we will need to just wait it out. I personally don’t expect much change from what we have come to know and expect.
  16. AVP and SVE together is a no no. They both add scatterer and clouds to the same bodies. It’s one or the other
  17. GitHub likes to throttle download speeds every now and then. Not sure why. I’d say just give it some time.
  18. I’d say check to see if it happens in stock too. If it does, bring it up with the Kopernicus dev because all I did was add a small cfg and some textures.
  19. No it’s doesnt mean that. When you are making changes, and it doesn’t look the way you want, hit the load button. It will load up the last save you made to the cfg. Everything saves to the laythe cfg. It’s an issue with scatterer. In order to extract the changes, you need to go into the laythe cfg and copy the cfg for the body you made changes for.
  20. It’s an issue with the current save process. You will have to go into the laythe cfg and copy and paste the bit for the body you want. The “load Atmo” button loads the last saved atmo.
  21. UPDATE Change log Added support for GPP's Oceanic Bodies (Gael, Tellumo, Tarsiss, Hadrian) Download and Install instructions in the OP
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