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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. you will need cfgs, like the default EVE cfgs or SVE, but other than that, no, nothing needs adjusting.
  2. Yes, because those are no longer used/no longer function in EVE.
  3. 980ti and a i5 4790k overclocked to 4.2 ghz. I always stay above 70 fps regardless so I guess i wouldnt see much difference, especially since SVE never uses more than 2 volumetric layers. Ill keep toying with it!
  4. @blackrack I tested it out and with a basic SVE install (Scatterer, EVE, and SVE) and I'm not seeing a big gain in performance. You should not be experiencing anymore lag than before. Are you certain you have water refractions turned off?
  5. UPDATE Change log v1.3 Added support for OPM's Tekto Download and install instructions in the OP.
  6. You use whatever you want to use... you have options. Nothing confusing about that. They all do the same thing, the implementation is just different. But currently SR is not updated for 1.4, as for the others I don’t know. TR is updated obviously, but I don’t know about TRR
  7. Well, you don't put the gamedata folder into the gamedata folder. You put the scatterer folder that's inside the gamedata folder into your gamedata folder.
  8. I mean, bluedog design has nearly ALL of the same parts and is constantly being worked on and adding cool historical parts. I have not seen anyone use FASA faithfully since 1.0.5. And it’s textures where done extremely well. If you haven’t been looked at that mod, you are missing out.
  9. The 1.4 version works, but there are some issues as of right now. Currently, tracking station has no effect, and being close to the Mun or Minmus renders the rest of the system pitch black. You will have to be patient and wait for fixes from Blackrack.
  10. UPDATE: change log Fixes aurora texture and squiggly line in the sky. REQUIRES SVE_Textures v1.0.6 Download and install instructions in the OP Give CKAN a few hours, at least.
  11. just google "EVE ksp" if its not the first or second option, I'd be surprised.
  12. You are absolutely right. I have tracked it down to the aurora texture, so i will take a look at that ASAP Edit: I found the problem. Turns out I had a microscopic, 0.5% opacity, hair of a line, right smack in the middle of the Aurora texture. I will be updating tonight to for those who want to get rid of the tape worm in the sky.
  13. Bring it up with the custom barn kit dev? I only supply a cfg, that worked last I checked
  14. while you are right, it does get rid of the hard line at the end of the atmosphere, it lowers the atmosphere as well, to where in scaled space, the cloud altitude is right at the edge and it looks odd. That's why i left it at it'd default. I may have my clouds a bit high though, so I can double check all that
  15. The issue is the dimensions of the ring texture. In OPM the ring textures are 1024x1 and in GPP they are 1024x64 (so you can see it better while you develop it) and in GEP they are oddly at 2024x100 and I suspect unity/ksp doesn't know how to degrade a texture that is not a in a proper, typical dimension. They don't have to be 1024xX, they can be 2048x1 or 2048x128 if you want to keep it close to that size.
  16. Well, Kopernicus isn’t updated to work in 1.4 yet lol that may explain it. It’s version locked so it will only work on 1.3.1.
  17. The mod works just fine in 1.4.x just don’t use the bundled EVE. Get the one updated for 1.4.
  18. I have no idea what you are talking about. If you have a bug to report, please see the OP for what I’ll need from you.
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