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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. Quoting @Ger_space from 1 page back...: “You need to restart ksp after you disabled the ground stations support within kk. If you ever load a save game with it enabled, bad things could happen. ( KK needs to destroy the original ground stations do only the KK ones are active) It's messy I know, but I cannot do anything about it. I can't deactivate or modify the stock ground stations. That's my problem.”
  2. This is by design. The over saturated orange on the terminator is not realistic and looks bad in my opinion, so I made it extremely subtle. There is not an easy way to change it and make it look good with the cloud texture included with SVE. It looks good with default EVE due to its scarce cloud coverage. Dense cloud coverage causes hard terminator lines, which I don’t like.
  3. Yeah you don’t want to mix visual mods for many reasons. I didn’t bother to add it as a conflicting mod because it’s kinda common sense... but looks like I’m going to have to make that a thing.
  4. Install the clouds cfg that are in the download and install the EVE plugin. Those are the steps
  5. That is normal if you don’t have the advanced settings linked in the op. That just means you are using the the default terrain detail. It will not crash your game. You will need to post your logs for support beyond that. I need your output log, not a crash log
  6. If you use secondary, you can use SVT and SVE I cannot guarantee that it will work with anything else
  7. No, the base name needs to be the same followed by the cube face, so for example: nameXP, nameXN, nameYP, nameYN, etc. where the name is always the same. you only need one path to the textures. I recommend replicating what you see exactly in the example I gave you.
  8. Here is an example. https://www.dropbox.com/s/kuclkrvdz0c6z6a/NewSky.zip?dl=0 you will need to rename the TR/TRR skybox textures. The folder can be put anywhere inside your GameData folder so long as your texture paths are correct.
  9. GPP on CKAN is ready and updated. Enjoy and Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!
  10. It’s safe to install over a career, yes. As for sliding, I am certain that’s a stock though thing. I have seen it in my stock play through as well.
  11. It’s an EVE bug. It comes and goes and has been hard for the dev to track down since it’s so random.
  12. UPDATE Changelog: v1.5.99 -forced-to-make-d3d11-work Small changes to make DirectX 11 work. TU users rejoice! Fixes the renamer and enables it to work with career saves again. Download and install instructions linked in the OP
  13. UPDATE Change Log v1.2.8.0 Changes for dx11 REQUIRES SVE_Textures v1.0.3 Download and install instructions in the OP
  14. UPDATE Change log Fixed dx11 issues on Kerbin Fixed star light issue Download and install instructions in the OP
  15. Ok fixed the dx11 issue. And update will come in the next 12-24 hours
  16. I can’t test now, but is this configurable via MM, or will I be forced to use a UI like I am with Distant Objects Enhancements and set everything up every time I reinstall it?? (I absolutely hate that about DOE. I could go on a tangent but I’ll stop here)
  17. The issue is not GPP, you are using Rescale and you simply did not install KKtoSD like it recommends in the rescale thread... as for CKAN, everything works as intended, so keep trying. And yes, GPP can run just fine without scatterer, but due to how it’s handled in ckan, it has to be made a “requirement”. just simply delete the scatterer folder from gamedata
  18. That may be and I’ll have to look into it. I do some things differently than KSPRC but ultimately it’s the same mod lol
  19. I should clarify; I will not support dx11 until KSP does natively. SVT is not dependent on dx9, KSP is, and I assume the way unity reads the dds textures causes this moire effect, simply because KSP doesn’t support dx11. If you want specifics, I don’t have a good answer as I don’t understand the guts of unity. If KSP ever reaches 2017.3 i may not even need any changes. That version of unity could read my textures properly with dx11. Who knows. All we can do is wait I suppose. I’m not against dx11, but I’m not going to make performance hindering changes, as small as they may be, to work with a graphics technology that isn’t supported by the game natively. With that being said, I have an idea I would have to test over the next few weeks, probably after New Years, that may be able to support dx9 and dx11. If it ends up working, I will update, but if not, I will not look much harder for another way to preserve performance and allow dx11 compatibility, and leave the mod as is until I’m forced to change it.
  20. Post your computer specs. This is typically an issue with weaker cpu’s
  21. For those wondering, I can and will fix the lighting issue in an upcoming update, however, I will not do anything to fix compatibility with dx11. I understand that the PBR mod is popular, but I do not want to sacrifice performance to make SVT compatible with dx11, which is what I would have to do. It’s a damned if you do, damned if you don’t sort of situation, and I choose don’t. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  22. No there is no need to rewrite them. I am just going to let the stock values take over. I just need to delete the sun curve cfg in the dL. I have been out of state for the last week so I haven’t had a way to update anything
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