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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. I wouldn’t want any mod I make on console because, frankly, I don’t want to provide support for them on a system I don’t have. What if there is a bug that manifests on PS4 that doesn’t on PC? Then there is also the licensing issue. Squad would need to get permission from mod authors. And each time there is an update, Squad, Sony or Microsoft would need to verify everything. I just see it being too much work.
  2. There are legit torrents, but one could argue that nothing on kickasstorrents is legit, at all.
  3. I will need you to replicate this with bare bones GPP. Since GPP just provides the cfgs for agencies and contracts, your problem likely lies with contract configurator or another contract related mod.
  4. I shouldn’t be obligated to give a reason, but since it’s a hassle for moderators, close it for good. I’ll host the mod elsewhere if I feel the need to return to it.
  5. Everything looks right in your screenshots. City lights have always looked like that in RSS and RVE for years. The yellow “overlay” simulates lights. City lights were not developed to look good from the surface. So don’t expect them to. They are meant to look realistic in space and in space only. The flooding is a well known scatterer bug. Looks like you aren’t having any issues.
  6. I’m really unsure what is going on here. If someone is looking to Rescale SSRSS then they are going to have issues because you can’t rescale a rescale. Doesn’t work that way. There is a cfg floating around the SSRSS thread that makes SSRSS into a quarter size system. You will have to look for that. The issue you in the screenshot above is cause by not raising the altitude of the KSC pqscity. Essentially, you didn’t take the KSC position into consideration when upscaling the system.
  7. Can you please lock this thread for now? https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/158326-ksp-131-stock-size-real-solar-system-0031/
  8. Sorry to pester again, but do you intend to work on this anymore or do you think you can relax the licensing now so others can bring it up to speed?
  9. Yes, asteroids will only appear around Nero, Grannus, and Tellumo etc. after you visit. as for the asteroid limit, we only allow 45 asteroids max at a time for performance purposes. you can go into the asteroid cfg, located in GPP/GPP_Configs/Asteroids.cfg and adjust the “lifetime” of the asteroids. But everything you see happening is intentional at this time
  10. Sure, if you want to get technical, but I think we know what I meant.. making changes to a cfg outside of the GameData at runtime, which module manager cannot. And even if I’m just “overwriting” values at runtime, I think that can be defined as an “edit” no? Regardless, you would need to run MM again in game, which many don’t know how to do, and can cause issues last I heard, so to edit the physics cfg directly I’d say is still the best way to go about it. To revert you would just need to remove the cfg and let KSP rebuild it at run time
  11. Don’t use KSCSwitcher and don’t use RemoteTech. It is required for you to have other ground stations for remote tech. If you don’t want realism, why even use the mod?
  12. No need to send logs, as when I get to update this mod, the sun curve cfg will be deleted, and you have already done that. I have been using github for a long time, and this is literally the first I have heard of it being “notoriously bad with large files”. Regardless, I am not the owner of the textures repo, so no I won’t host somewhere else. Even if I could, I wouldn’t because that creates more work for me by having to upload every time changes are made. I can’t be bothered to do that tbh. Sorry.
  13. You are supposed to upload your logs to a file hosting site, like Dropbox, then share the link here. However, your issue is simple. Kerbalism was not updated to work with the latest module manager. Roll back to module manager 2.8.1 and all will be fine. Don’t hold your breath waiting on a fix from the dev here as it seems he is taking an extended break from KSP.
  14. Thank you @OhioBob for creating such a seamless addition to GPP. You really have done some great work! If your initial release is this good, I’d really like to see where it ends up down the road!
  15. I can barely see them, but I did notice you made the height maps with the white polar caps still there? Won’t your polar caps now be super tall on the surface? I did that once and it turned out pretty awful and yours are very bright. I suspect they are really tall.
  16. distributing the game is illegal no matter how you do it... instead of distributing the entire game, provide steps to troubleshoot the guys issues. and remove the link from your post.
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