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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. No that’s not how it works. It would take recoding the way eclipses are done in EVE.
  2. Just post your output log and a screenshot of your gamedata folder. Otherwise, I wouldn’t expect any more help. See the link @OhioBob posted or click the “how to get support” button in my signature. Post your screenshot to a site like imgur.com and your logs to Dropbox. Share the links here so we can see them.
  3. Are you playing SSRSS? The day is only 8 hours with that mod.
  4. You can disable ring shadows in the main menu scatterer window.
  5. If you have Kerbal Konstructs installed, you have to disable KK ground stations in the difficulty setting and restart KSP.
  6. the one for 1.3.1 should be the only one visible. Not sure why CKAN is showing the others. Those height and low res versions are old.
  7. Have you put them in the ribbons folder inside the FF ribbons folder? I know OPM has ribbons but I have not looked into if OPM’s set up is working. I guess I will have to soon
  8. All of the update posts are the same as the OP.
  9. Sigma Replacements is a more modular, easier approach to replacing stock textures. I will never go back to TR or TRR; too convoluted to simply replace textures. They can, but I wouldn’t run them side by side.
  10. You should make an edition for Sigma Replacements. It allows you to replace all faces and admin faces as well. So your known issues will be gone.
  11. GameData/GPP/GPP_Skybox the only settings cfg you need to change is the one there, not the one included in SR. And if you are just changing the textures you don’t even need to touch that
  12. Rename Your skybox texture to what GPP names them and replace the files... done. That’s the only thing I can think to tell you
  13. I’m confused by this. You WANT your lands to be black? You want your land masses in your textures to have transparency while your ocean is completely opaque, resulting in shiny oceans and matte land masses when seen in KSP. That’s what poodmund is trying to say.
  14. That would require a new model Look at the skybox cfg that comes with GPP. That’s a really basic set up
  15. @CaptRobau if the above is ok with you, and you want a collaborator role on github to make changes as you see fit, I have no problem doing that for you. This will allow you to make changes, releases, and whatever else you want. just let me know
  16. Not with Texture Replacer, but you can with Kopernicus and there are a couple mods out there that already provide high quality ground textures if that’s what you are looking for.
  17. There used to be an album in the OP.. well here it is again https://imgur.com/a/sdQmY
  18. This cfg will do the trick. Just drop the cfg anywhere inside your gamedata folder. https://www.dropbox.com/s/hilss93rvcjakib/EVE_2D.cfg?dl=0
  19. Make sure you are running the x64 bit exe. If you think you already are, see the “how to get support” button in my signature below my post. ps your grammar was superb
  20. I would honestly keep it that way. I feel the map view and tracking station are seeing the system from a different perspective, like a group of guys in white shirts in ties are watching a simulation from a room on the home world. If they are seeing things like that, they should really clean the lenses on their glasses
  21. They would be available next release. 1.6 is mostly a visual facelift and if I change one texture, I am going to take advantage and change all of the textures that I think could be better. The changes would have zero effect on careers. Purely aesthetic
  22. Would anyone be opposed to redownloading the GPP_textures next update? I know it’s a large download, so I figured I’d ask before going forward. I am looking to replace gas giants because they don’t seem to scratch the itch anymore for me. There are a couple bodies other than gas giants I will be replacing. So, speak now or forever hold your peace.. I did my best to keep them recognizable. There should be no confusion as to which ones these are
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