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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. It is the same issue, but metalOre isn't the cause, afaik. I tested individually with each resource, and it's just broken
  2. No, SSRSS comes with its own cloud cfgs. It's not compatible with SVE. When I update this weekend, I will include city lights
  3. We actually just came to this realization ourselves. For now, just use scansat
  4. The version on CKAN is not for 1.3. When you see OPM-Galileo on CKAN, then it will be updated. Looking at you screenshots on SVT thread, you are looking at a lot of 1.2.2 mods though you are playing in 1.3. I highly recommend you only use 1.3 version of mods so you don't waste modders times by reporting issues by using outdated, unsupported versions
  5. Ok, enjoy your issues. If there weren't any problems, why the heck would I have wasted my time updating it for 1.3???
  6. Send a screenshot of your gamedata folder and your logs if you need help finding your logs, read this
  7. I have recieved some complaints about the same thing in the GPP thread. Mostly people are getting trapped in buildings around KSC and having to force quit. I'll see if I can get some logs together for you from them.
  8. Yes, there must be something wrong with way you are launching your game. Check that you are launching in x64 bit. I see you are new to the forums. Typically, coming to a thread and saying "this is broke" without providing any info at all would probably yield very little support. Read this and return if you continue to see the crash after trying x64 bit.
  9. It's intentional. Just like how we can see Uranus and Neptune with the naked eye in optimal conditions kerbals know something is there
  10. That was in an old version of GPP and does nothing. It is used with Kopernicus Expansion, though the code and ramp texture included in GPP does not work. It was merely there as a placeholder. It has been completely removed in the later versions of GPP. Also, the procedural gas giant plugin for Kopernicus Expansions is not an easy alternative to creating a texture. In fact, it won't create a texture for you at all, so if you are hoping for it to make a procedural texture for you, it doesn't do that. It merely warps a small ramp texture using noise to create an effect.
  11. Spacedock is fine. Servers go down every now and then, but that's all. I recommend using the one that is for the version of ksp you are using.
  12. It's been gone for over a year now. It's a long story. I'm sure if you search the forums you'll find answers though
  13. No and mine definitely doesn't look like that.
  14. @JadeOfMaar Sometimes, its what needs to be done unfortunately. I wouldn't go from planet pack to planet pack calling it a bug though. There is nothing I can do in GPP, or another planet pack dev can do that can fix an lingering issue of another mod. Have you brought it up with the dev of BTW?
  15. I did this a lot when developing SVTs latest update, with SVE installed and didn't get any spam. Perhaps it doesn't happen to everyone
  16. KSC is next to a n inactive volcano, but besides that, no plans.
  17. Yep, just looked and you're right. I fixed it a long time ago, but I guess my recent edits brought it back. It will be fixed next update. Thanks
  18. So I taught myself tonight how to submit netkan info for indexing my branch on CKAN. Look for it on CKAN soon!
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