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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. I think you are confused about what EVE/SVE does. SVE does not procedurally add clouds to planets. A planet pack needs its own cfgs for EVE. As far as I know, this planet pack does not have any. So, no, you won't see any clouds.
  2. turns out I made it private in the desktop app. its public now
  3. Well, a FASA clamp uses it, but it's just an unused option in stock.
  4. I foresee a lot of issues, but I may be a good "fix" for now. We should have an update ready in the next few days that is compatible with the new kopernicus and fixes the issue
  5. Why not link the latest version?? It has research bodies support:
  6. Almost Free Launch Clamps (AFLC) Recently, I have heard a few people grumbling about how launch clamps add to your total mass and cost of your vessel in the VAB, sometimes resulting in not having enough funds, or being overweight. "Their mass ony equals 0.1, so how can it make you overwieght?" I've seent it! Dont question me. After discussing with many experts, colleagues and kerbals, we have come to the conclusion that launch clamps should be free and not count toward your total mass or launch costs. Some mass is required to avoid physics issues and game crashes, so a mass of 0.1 has been given to all launch clamps. Anyway, ALFC makes launch clamps free. Kinda. Its up to how you play really. If you play with "entry purchases required", you will only pay the entry fee. Guys old enough to go to the club should be used to this by now. Entry prices have been raised to balance out the "free" effect with this mod. If you don't play with "no entry purchases" It's free. ALWAYS. Pretty lame. Its not hard to imagine that the launch clamps are reusable, and should technically be a part of the launch pad. We shouldn't have to continuously pay for a new set each time we launch! Functionality: Launch clamps capable of transfering fuel to the vessel can do so on the launch pad. Right click on the clamp and select "Fuel On" to begin fueling your vessel. This can be considered cheaty, but I'll tell you anyway. Draining the tanks in the VAB results in huge launch cost savings and fueling up on the launch pad is free, but its immersive in the fact that you have to sit and wait for you tanks to fill up. This mod is compatible with: Stock launch clamps (duh) FASA Launch Clamps: HERE Bluedog Design Bureau SpaceY Lifter Pack Community Resource Pack If there are others that you want patched, you will have to let me know To install: Just drop the AFLC folder and ModuleManager.dll into your GameData folder DOWNLOAD Public Domain
  7. Nope. Land control is used in GPP and other planet packs to determine how much and where the scatter objects show up (trees, rocks, grass). Has absolutely nothing to do with the color map. That was made in photoshop.
  8. I don't know. I don't deal with CKAN. Bring it up with them. Sorry. check your gamedata and make sure you don't have it already. CKAN seems to think you do. If it's a CKAN issue, try installing manually. This is the easiest mod to install.
  9. Just to quote myself a little here to piggy back off @Snark Using MM really isn't hard if you take the time to learn how it works. Almost ensures that your mod won't break when things update, most of the time. 90% of the work is already done, you just need to add your mm tags to the top of the cfgs and a few brackets here and there. It would maybe take an hour out of your day
  10. Use the correct version? I assume you went to the original thread and didn't check the last page. The version by RBray has been discontinued.
  11. Yes, but you still need to follow the stipulations of his license. He would need to change his license on those textures for you to use the MIT license or you need to change yours to a compatible one. I would do some research on the licenses so can better understand.
  12. Yes, but 1.3.1 is very close and Squad has said to look out for a release date any day now. So I would expect 0.7 to be for that version. Also, if you can afford it, go for 16. I'd argue that 16 is the minimum requirement for mods like this. 12 would be fine if you were running JUST this mod, but if you want to even sniff EVE, Scatterer, any part mods, or any other number of mods, 16 will be needed. I ran this mod the other day and was hitting between 10-11gb without any other mods.
  13. OPM_Galileo v1.2 This is a version of OPM maintained by Galileo This version of Outer Planets Mod is for KSP version 1.3 I will host this version until CaptRobau takes it over. Change log Completed necessary localization ResearchBodies is now supported (Thanks @JadeOfMaar) Kopernicus biome displayName enabled Karbonite resource configs have been updated (Thanks @JadeOfMaar again) KerbNet is not functioning correctly. Use ScanSat instead. Restructured texture paths. Should speed up loading time by a few seconds This mod retains OPM's original License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Extensive testing was not done, so let me know if there are any major issues and I will fix them as quickly as I can DOWNLOAD
  14. This will be fixed this evening. I have to enable the display names for the biomes so the latest kopernicus can see them.
  15. They likely never worked properly together. I would do some research before mashing mods together that are known not to work together
  16. Quick update! v1.0.4 Removed Module Manager. "queueLength" ruturns! Now as a value of 1! @Porter_John This is the version you will need to use to stop the onslaught of pop ups reporting an error. DOWNLOAD
  17. Yeah, I need to add it back in there. I figured. Thanks!
  18. You can use this, if you don't have KSPRC installed.
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