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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. We still have Gauss and Catullus set up. SB was causing some issues in the past. Dunno about in 1.3 though
  2. This will be possible when 1.3 comes out. Unfortunately, we are still waiting for kopernicus and Scatterer to release an update fixing some major issues.
  3. I wish, but unfortunately not. you aren't the first person to experience this issue recently. I will try to look into it as soon as I can
  4. Yeah, on my main pc (with the busted gfx card) I have 64gb of ram, and have never seen KSP load that slowly. So you are probably right.
  5. Well since my gfx card went out I have been forced to play on my "slightly" less powerful pc. It has an [email protected] ghz and a crappy integrated gfx and 8gb of ram. It takes about 15 min to boot a fresh GPP install. My guess would be either the ram speed, or the CPU itself being slow. Don't know if that's his issue as well, but maybe.
  6. @Slasher @CatastrophicFailure Is correct, you should only have 1 module manager
  7. Of Kopernicus? There are multiple versions of Kopernicus for 1.2.2. Is it the one included in the GPP file? also, if this is a 100% fresh install of ksp, did you run it once without any mods? and, post a picture of your gamedata folder. Do it the same way you did your output log. You can upload it to imgur.com and share the link here
  8. You have a bunch of errors from kopernicus. What version are you using?
  9. Typo. Your output log. It doesn't matter how big it is. Just upload it to Dropbox and link it here.
  10. IF YOU CHOOSE TO DOWNLOAD THE 1.3 DEV VERSION ON GITHUB BECAUSE YOU ARE TOO IMPATIENT TO WAIT, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN. I WILL NOT, NOR WILL ANY OTHER DEVS, GIVE SUPPORT. WE HAVE MADE IT PERFECTLY CLEAR THAT 1.3 IS NOT READY AND SHOULDN'T BE PLAYED WITH. The more I am bothered about 1.3, the closer I am to taking down the download completely. Enjoy 1.2.2, and stay away from 1.3 until the dependencies get their crap together. If you still decide it's worth trying to contact us about 1.3 issues, be fully prepared to be ignored, but know it's nothing personal.
  11. Using the atmosphere node in kopernicus is the only way to change an atmosphere. There are some useful tools to help you if you search around on the forums
  12. It is. I don't like to ask for hand outs, but @RocketPCGaming asked if he could do this for me. Even if I said no, I have a feeling he would have done something, he's that kind of guy. Thank you to anyone who donates, but really, don't feel obligated. I'll bounce back @RocketPCGaming thanks again for doing this. It means a lot!
  13. In x64 with 32gb of ram, there is no point in using dx11. New players often search for ways to get better performance, and come across the very old, not supported dx11 workaround. Visual mods, particularly scatterer, SVT and mods like them, do not support dx11 and usually cause issues with it in the command line. If you decent specs, why, oh why would you use dx11?
  14. Did you download the RSS_Textures in the OP?
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