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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. Oh, very cool! Yeah, I assume the body index will be adjusted causing the save to load a little wonky. Looking forward to the update
  2. That's not eve either I don't think. Last I checked EVE doesn't have auroras.
  3. That's not SVE there used to be a subtle terminator color, but I have released an update since then basically removing it.
  4. Yeah it's only really noticeable with heavy cloud cover. That's been an issue ever since scatterer introduced the feature. I tried my best to make it look ok
  5. The new version won't work because the cfg structure in scatterer has change. his bundled version was the default scatterer. Not much reason to bundle it to be honest
  6. Yeah your right, but for simplicity and so he doesn't mess up the original cfgs, I figured it would be better to make the change in the mm cfgs.
  7. If AVP bundles scatterer, the yes, you could just delete the sunflare folder which will give you just the stock sun.
  8. Scatterer 0.0320 obviously won't work as the available version of this mod was not developed on it. You have to use my RSS patch without removing anything and use the patch I made for this. That's the only way to use it in 1.3 currently. If you absolutely have to remove the !cbNameLater from my patch, you will have to make the adjustments in the scatterer and EVE cfgs yourself and probably some other places but I can't think at the moment.
  9. nope. That's the intended look. The aurora are more subtle and realistic and the terminators are a lot more subdued. Like, a lot and that is more realistic as well. You still get the volumetric cloud color change on the surface, however.
  10. Scatterer needs to be v0.0300 if you are on 1.2.2. The cfg structure changed a lot with new scatterer 0.0320b and we are not supporting that version because we are moving on to 1.3. Our cfgs will only work with v0.0300. Sorry for the confusion. When we wrote the install instructions, we did not anticipate another release for scatterer for ksp 1.2.2.
  11. It has been like this since EVE has been around. There just isn't a way around it without rewriting the way EVE works.
  12. That is something that can't be fixed but it can be made a little less noticeable with the falloff stuff I was talking about. Won't get rid of it completely though.
  13. Did you try my suggestion and reload your game from the main menu? EVE integration disables it self as soon as you apply a change in the EVE GUI and requires the game to be reloaded from the main menu. This is probably why you don't see the terminator color.
  14. That depends on the changes the developers make. Should be fine though.
  15. RSSVE might disable opening the GUI to prevent other from making changes. I have considered doing this as well. It prevents bug reports from people that broke things when making changes that they don't understand. I would check the cfgs and see if that's the case or @Phineas Freak could just let you know.
  16. You need to try the mod with absolutely no other mods. Including the sunflare. Have two cfgs for the same star(sun) can cause issues too.
  17. The GUI should still pop up regardless. Sounds like a bad install post your logs with the current setup and a screenshot of your gamedata folder
  18. No. The new thread is a major WIP and the developers have said to continue using this version (range machines) until they release a proper version that can be used in its entirety. Currently the new version is not working completely and is not recommended for use in a real play through. Many people are still using the versions here and if bugs pop up exclusively for this version, taking the bug reports to the new thread will be pointless as they are practically two different mods now.
  19. I already created a land control issue on github, and it has been fixed for the next update as far as I know. Hopefully that's soon. edit: ninja'd by Sigma
  20. That patch I made was for 1.3 not 1.2.2. You shouldn't need anything except RSS and it's updated dependencies for 1.2.2, EVE for 1.2.2, scatterer for 1.2.2 and RSSVE as is. No patches necessary. Having version compatitble dependencies is key. Making sure that is right, everything should work fine.
  21. If you make adjustment via the EVE GUI, it turns off EVE integration. You have to return to the main menu , then load your save. It's a known thing with scatterer. Seeing as scatterer is more of a modders tool, it's not really a big priority to fix since the typical end user shouldn't mess with it, and most modders know of the issue.
  22. No. Only the rss folder. i will be updating this tonight to work with the latest scatterer.
  23. OH I read your comment wrong, completely. Send me your sun cfg and any textures you use for it and I'll see what's up. The stock flare shouldn't disappear though. That just sounds like a kopernicus cfg that need some adjusting
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