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The Aziz

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Everything posted by The Aziz

  1. You better redo the interface as well if you can.
  2. I mean, Intercept Games site was still up not that long ago with a big red "WE'RE HIRING!" Guess it all disappeared once T2 got rid of the label, bet it was sitting on their servers.
  3. I see the footer has changed as well. Ironically it seems like this forum is overall in much better shape than any other site under the wings of PD :')
  4. Oh look it works. Now, on the other hand, the entire kerbalspaceprogram.com doesn't. It redirects to private division website which is also down, now it throws 504, yesterday it screamed about expired certificate.
  5. one thing is for sure, Nate isn't coming back, he's already busy
  6. Being fired and then rehired on a very similar or identical project would leave a very bitter aftertaste for the former devs, I'm not sure many would go that way even if offered a job. But I don't think the apparent failure to deliver was absolutely their fault - they are skilled people no doubt about it, but when they were forced to work on an existing codebase with NO documentation whatsoever or even a chance to talk to people who wrote that code... That's an impossible task. Starting from scratch from scratch would perhaps work, but I don't think they'd want to. Again.
  7. Maybe change the thread name to "we're having some kind of technical problem"
  8. It was fine when the transition went from Squad to T2, it should be fine now, assuming the new owner wants to keep the franchise alive. It's odd how it happened gods know how long ago but everything PD related still has T2 mark at the bottom, including this forum. And KSP page. Now, whatever happens to this game, or that new independent one.. call me when it's finished. I'm done with corporate funded early access bullcrap.
  9. Whatever the fix did, it didn't help with neverending 502 errors.
  10. I got so used to not visiting I only noticed it's back today. But by the look of the last page of this thread, nothing has changed since last year.
  11. Bought and built the Discovery shuttle. Holy hell personal piece count record, 2354pcs in just 9 hours. The only trouble is, it doesn't fit in any furniture I currently own. So for now it's collecting dust on the top of the showcase where my Saturn V stands.
  12. I'm catsitting this floofball
  13. So nothing new. They still hold the IP and have KSP2 as "key project" of PD. No other mention of it. Yeah. See ya in November or whenever the next one is.
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