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The Aziz

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Everything posted by The Aziz

  1. Lol2. There will be no sales after user backlash if they decide on that disastrous PR move. (The backlash is already happening after as much as a rumor).
  2. Sorry to be the one to pry but I'm tired of reporting one after another, can we get this absolute mess that is now the KSP2 forum sorted out?
  3. So probably not as IG, perhaps not in full strength, but they're working and it ain't cancelled. Lol toldya.
  4. Who they? Nowhere does it say "Intercept Games" or any of the employees names. Look on the bright side, the forum currently experiences the highest number of active users since a very long time
  5. This is the opposite of hype train. Doomsay all you want in related thread(s) cuz there are already 3 about the same thing lol.
  6. Sounds like normal thing for few dozens of games I follow. A patch is not a game release loudly announced half a year before it goes live (which imo is a stupid tactic, as a long history of terrible quality releases prove, when devs simply ran out of time to polish their product because the publisher demanded a very specific date long before they could tell if it's possible to achieve) For minor patches? Yep, that's never a surprise, there's no point for a marketing campaign for a set of bugfixes and minor QoL. For milestone updates, I almost hope you didn't forget the several weeks before FS!. And who would've guessed, the numbers went up.
  7. People: we want communication!!! Devs: okay so here's some info we have P: But we wanted dates :((((((( D: We don't have any dates yet. P: Then why are you communicating :(((((( D: Cuz you asked.
  8. I'm not. But I've made it to the mountains south of KSC without much trouble (except for physics glitch). And I see you have conquered some hills as well (back in 0.1.1 by the looks of it) No I'm just trying to place that suggestion within reasonable margin of sorts. I'm holding off on playing KSP simply because of certain errors that throw my ships off their trajectory on load, so I'm unlikely to head in to review the rover capabilities until at least 0.2.2; it's clear that the game made it already more game-y than any safety measures would allow (going 30m/s [about 100km\h] on the surface of the Mun isn't particularly brave but the rovers can do it) so we've got the speed to our advantage already. But I'm also leaning towards the opinion that traversing the uncharted terrain shouldn't be too easy, so you can't just zoom across it in straight line no matter what's ahead. Steep hill? Slalom your way up or go across. Within reason, but based on my (limited) experience, it's very close to that reason.
  9. I've driven on it in the past. With mixed results, none of which related to inclination though. i think you'll be fine.
  10. Let's see They don't tend to be powered by electricity (no, RC don't count, they don't weigh half a ton). They require VERY flexible, completely independent suspension. (not possible, all springs are directly connected to the wheel and there aren't separate parts for that) And most importantly, have you seen the wheels on these things? Ability to attack steep slopes aside, can make your KSP rover do that? You may want to, but can you with available parts? Don't think so. It's a science operation first and foremost. MadMax is out of the game's scope.
  11. Missed one important detail there. Nate was HOPING based on the progress back in October, that it should come quicker. He never said it "would". But this is software development so
  12. Idk what are you talking about. The entire first half of the main post is about 0.2.2.
  13. Rescue contracts were an infinite source of new Kerbals (and money, cuz a very basic rocket headed for LKO costs a fraction of contract reward). And I'm glad that the whole loop around Kerbal xp is gone because before you could get enough crew to have a colony going, you'd have to repeat the same tasks over and over and over again. If anything they should learn over time.
  14. That's my gripe as well. When I'm at WASDQEZXwhatever the Del is far away, and the gaps for deleting are too small I far more often close the category than actually delete a part/assembly. That second click feels like much smaller inconvenience than any current alternative.
  15. And then start manufacturing spacecraft to launch it from orbit, without having to deal with atmospheres, launch vehicles and all the work to get into orbit. As the saying goes, if you reach the orbit, you're halfway to anywhere - you get that first half for free.
  16. The problem is, no manmade spacecraft would be able to reach the core in one piece due to the pressure. And since it's not really simulated, the only thing that could stop the craft from getting too low is temperature. Buuuut on Jool it's not exactly reliable. Not to mention, the entire reentry profile is borked, but apparently it's not a bug .
  17. So you joined to say that you're leaving
  18. I'd just like to say that even if dragging the node beyond current dv should be possible, the game should clearly and explicitly inform that THIS MANEUVER EXCEEDS YOUR VESSEL'S DELTA V BUDGET AND PLANNED TRAJECTORY MAY NOT BE ACCURATE.
  19. Can't believe this argument is still being used. I mean yeah sure maybe it does. But perhaps it's because it ain't finished? Call me back when we're at 1.0. with colonies with almost complete freedom in their placement (and related missions), two additional solar systems (and related missions), and resources (and related missions). My gods the first public release of Terraria had 3 bosses and playthroughs ended at Skeletron. Look where it is now. Same can be said for any early access game across the last decade and a half. They become less repetitive when more content arrives, I don't think that's something I have to explain. The autogenerated missions are as boring as procedurally generated planets would be, and that's why they're gone. But also, it's because a slighty different gameplay loop is planned than just sending a 158th tourist to space (why bother, they're not paying anything) or send another useless piece of scrap metal into designed orbit for no reason. That's no incentive to exploration. A handcrafted mission to scan for anomalies, and once found, to land (and perhaps, drive to the location because landing zone is too difficult, has steep slopes or large rocks or near bodies of liquid) to discover an interesting geological formation or an artifact, that will give you some hint about the history of the place or planet? Yep that sounds better. Handmade is better than generated.
  20. I have played through KSP1 career more than once. It was all the same every time.
  21. Leeky leeks from people digging through code few weeks ago
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