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Everything posted by XOC2008

  1. I believe it was Firespitter/Spaces/FSapacheinternal and Firespitter/Parts/Utility/FS_movecraftgadget. I just removed each of their full folders, and then everything loaded fine.
  2. Oh everything else was fine. I removed that part and the Apache internal and now it runs fine.
  3. I'm not even sure what the issue is. As 1.1.2 loads and it gets to the Firespitter parts, it freezes and forces me to shut the game down as it won't finish loading. I reinstalled several times to make sure it was the most recent version and it is, so if anyone else had this issue and found a way to fix it, I'd be quite happy if you shared. Edit: It hangs on fsmovecraftgadget.
  4. I mentioned this a while ago. He has plans for a medium one, but obviously isn't working on this much if at all, at present.
  5. Well my best planes use more than the required mods but I may dl those two and see how they fare in a personal challenge. I'll have to see if I can come up with something for this, though!
  6. @kimiko: What would the rear attach node be for the PEW P-800 Oniks missile? Giving your mod another shot on a new install and want to add it to the list.
  7. Well I will try throwing one of them under there without tweaking it in the slightest. (Those were the only things aside from the weights that got tweaked so maybe that will fix it.) Just gotta revert the configs back to normal so everything is as it should be for a proper test.
  8. Resources are filling with water, and I know there is weight there because if I speed up filling them (like with Hyperedit), they spontaneously separate from the weight. I've tried one tank, I've tried 10 tanks, I've scaled them up to 400%, like 64000000 water or something, and still won't sink. Where I'm at now is throwing a bunch of scaled up variable weights from LLL into the hull, and I added the resource generator to fill/empty the hull pieces themselves to their specific config files to see if that works. So far I've managed to get it to sink about 1/4 of the way into the water.
  9. Provided no one takes great offense to these being not stock :), here's my MiG-31 and MiG-35:
  10. Love the sub parts, but I cannot get them to sink at all. Is there something I am missing? I have a bunch of the ballast tanks on the thing and I've even hyperedited it so they were completely full and it barely affects it at all. It just sits there on the water.
  11. Weird, I don't have any issues with missiles being inverted when mirroring my quad VLS tubes. Must depend on the missile. The ones from Malfunc's armory made to use the VLS tubes work fine mirrored.
  12. Malfunc's armory has VLS tubes which you can attach a missile inside and then offset into the hull. It seems that it works for most people, though some still have problems with missiles firing through these hulls without exploding, so YMMV. He used to have "VLS hull" parts, but he didn't find they worked as well as he'd hoped, so discontinued them.
  13. "We" don't all have issues with this. I can fire my missiles from VLS through the hull just fine, with or without collision check. However, the NANA Sinking About mod has some config files that should, in theory, fix the problems for those people that have had this issue. I wouldn't know, the mod doesn't work for me, but like I said, I don't have any problems with VLS.
  14. I will second this. If the fuel section was omitted, this would partly solve my need for flat bottomed mk2 parts. Open ended versions to build double length bays would be sweet, too.
  15. I getcha. Figured I'd ask, and I went ahead and posed the same question there too!
  16. Any chance of a mk2 version of this, with maybe a flat bottomed ventral opening cargo bay and maybe adapters to/from mk2 to mk2 flat?
  17. Check your CoM. It's still important even with ships.
  18. Well I tested the large tubes with the tomahawk in the tumblehome hull and as long as I hack gravity when it's dropping into the water, they don't explode or vanish. They should work out of the box, so to speak, since they have a rear node.
  19. I use KJR and I still get ship launches into the sky. Just have to carefully plan how to load things, and pray for the best outcome.
  20. GPS guided missiles, from my experimenting, work fine fired from the VLS, and hit their targets on land. (Okay, all I've tried is PEW's Tomahawk, but it works.)
  21. Get those Zumwalt guns done and I'll be glad to! Seriously, I have to finish clipping all my VLS modules into the hull, then I gotta download the updated version, then spend 15 minutes waiting for KSP to load again.. it will be a day or two before I get to pics.
  22. Glad it got fixed so quickly. I want them on my Zumwalt.
  23. Looking forward to yours, harpwner's, both! Oh! I have a problem. The Oto Melara autocannon does not fire. It has no ammunition. It tracks the mouse fine, though. Also, the camera seems to be stuck behind some of the gun's model and only has partial visibility.
  24. I think that's just a limitation of firing vertically in KSP. I know that radar-lock missiles won't track their target unless it's overhead, laser guided won't find the 'beam' to track, but GPS guided missiles work fine. (At least this has been my experience.)
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