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Everything posted by AlphaMensae

  1. Both the 1.4.x versions actually work in 1.6.1, but it's probably best to use the 1.6.x versions for 1.6.1....and those also work in 1.7.x
  2. Something new coming in v2 of Modular Launch Pad for the remade Soyuz Launch Base: The crew elevator is in the arm on the right...of course, still can't use it to board an actual crew through a stock-type fairing
  3. It's in the v2 AlphaDev repository on the github. It isn't one part, but a bunch of parts. A subassembly and a Cormorant Aeronology shuttle stack craft file are also on the github. ============================================================= Still more work to go, but the long-awaited Soyuz Launch Base gantry arms are in place: They are off by default, and there's also an option for just the crew elevator tower only. I was going to have different height options, but the .mu file was getting too big (Github has a 25 MB file size limit), so I had to shelve that for the integrated arms. The separate gantry arms part though will have adjustable heights, and depending on the full base ends up, I may be able to squeeze in an additional height option for the integrated arms.
  4. Yeah, there was no problem, turns out I simply forgot to copy over Module Manager in the rush of setting up my 1.7.2 install.... All good now
  5. No, it's not the KSP version. I'm thinking, did you delete the actual Modular Launch Pads folder? That's still needed, even if the Saturn parts are not.
  6. @RoverDude CCK 4.1 doesn't seem to be working in KSP 1.7.x, 1.7.2 in my case. My custom filter isn't showing up.
  7. Without more details, I don't know what to say. If AlphaDev is installed properly, all the parts show up. This is KSP 1.7.2:
  8. Titan IV was an Air Force project after all, designed mainly for the big AF sats. Cassini was the last of the big NASA planetary probes, by that time they had become smaller--i.e. cheaper--so they didn't need a Titan IV.
  9. Yep, World Stabilizer doesn't like very large and heavy free-standing structures when spawned on the launch pad; I've seen the same thing happen with my shuttle pad and WS. If the strongbacks were converted from free-standing to a launch clamp, that problem would be avoided
  10. Ok, back to work on the v2 Soyuz Launch Base! The newly-revised base only is now on the Github. It's just the base, as it's in working condition, and the other stuff isn't done yet. The old Soyuz Launch Pad and Russian Launch Stand are now hidden. The old accessory parts can still be used with the new v2 launch base for now. As mentioned, there is only the full version of the Launch Base, with the deck. Since it is now a launch clamp, the reasons for the old separate Russian Launch Stand no longer exist, and so it is gone. The full version made things easier as well: the clamp arms can be in the default 45* positions as shown, or in the 90* positions, or even turned off, leaving just the pads. Everything can be turned off as well, so accessories can be node or surface attached to the deck.
  11. Yes, the shuttle Mobile Launch Platform, FSS and RSS are in my WIP v2 dev build of Modular Launch Pads, on the Github. One big note: It was designed and sized for the Cormorant Aeronology shuttle stack, as SOCK wasn't even a rumor at the time. Getting the whole pad to work with SOCK requires a lot of offset gizmo adjustment, and even then it won't look exactly right, i.e. like it does with the Cormorant shuttle. In a future v2 update, I will add some adjustment options to accomodate SOCK.
  12. The additional options should cover that one as well, as both are accurate replicas of the shuttle orbiter.
  13. You can get the SOCK shuttle to work with the shuttle base, it just requires a lot of offset gizmo adjustments, and the end result may not look exactly right, but it will work. Before benjee10 made his shuttle, I tried out the DECQ shuttle which was re-released by someone else, and I got that to work, but it didn't match the CA shuttle, as expected.
  14. Yeah, the shuttle base was designed and sized for the Cormorant shuttle SRBs. With those, the bottom of the aft skirts are even with the top of the deck, and the SRB hold-down bolts line up with and fit into the bolt sockets in the skirts, i.e. to replicate this: With other shuttles, you have to make sure the collider(s) on the bottom of the SRBs don't clip into the sides of the base's exhaust holes. A future update for v2 will have some more options/adjustments on the shuttle base to accomodate other shuttles, namely benjee10's SOCK.
  15. Yep, it works I don't think you even need the latest versions of B9PartSwitch and Animated Decouplers for 1.7, but you could get them if desired. I don't use any of the new features added to B9PS since the KSP 1.3.1 version and B9PS for KSP 1.4.x works fine in the later KSP versions, as those haven't broken B9PS. Same thing for Animated Decouplers. ************************* A status note: As of now, the WIP v2 AlphaDev from the Github completely replaces the old Saturn pad parts in v1.3.8; the old ones can be deleted from ModularLaunchPads if you don't need them (delete the Saturn_Pad folder). If they are kept, AlphaDev hides them. Work on the Soyuz pad remake has been on "pause", as last month I got sick with chest congestion and a nasty cough; it took over 2 weeks to get over it, and during that time I had no energy or desire to work on v2. Since then I decided I needed a break, and so haven't done anything in a while, but I'll get back to the Soyuz pad soon. Of course, during the downtime, I had a chance to think, and decided to make the full version of the Soyuz launch base the only one, and remove the core stand option (what is now the Russian Launch Stand). With the conversion of the Soyuz base to a launch clamp, the reasons for having the separate Russian Launch Stand (a compact launch clamp version of the full free-standing launch base) are gone, and since I greatly prefer the full base version, it will be the only style for it. Makes it a bit less complex as well.
  16. The AlphaDev branch on the Modular Launch Pads Github is the WIP of version 2. As of now, it replaces everything in version 1 except the Soyuz pad and Russian Launch Stand, which are being rebuilt as well.
  17. There are both swing arms and drop-hose/pipe umbilicals in v2. They don't actually connect to a rocket, but can be adjusted so they are right up against the side (the ends have no colliders). The drop-hoses have end connecters that retract first, and the swing arms also have retracting umbilical connecters; this happens before the drop or swing animation starts.
  18. I will add that while I do have a SpaceX-style variant for the General Crew Arm in v2 of Modular Launch Pads, it is not an exact replica of the actual Crew Dragon arm. It uses the default general crew arm's structure, which has adjustable lengths in 2.5m increments, so the shape and size aren't the same, and there are no dark glass windows, just open spaces.
  19. Haven't gotten to those yet, but being a Necrobones mod, I'd think the F-1 at least would have a lower attach node. If there aren't any on some of the parts, you can make more MM patches like the RN R-7 core one above. Just replace the part name in @PART[xxxx] with the appropriate ones from RSB; you can find the part name in .cfg file, there will be a line that says "name = xxxxx". For the NEEDS[], put the name of the mod's GameData folder inside the brackets; NEEDS[] just means "only load this patch if this mod is present".
  20. Yes, there needs to be a free attach node available for the bases to attach too; normally an engine's lower node will suffice, but if there isn't one, you have to make a MM patch. Here's one to add an extra node to the RN R-7 core; copy and paste it into notepad or other text editor, and save it as a .cfg file somewhere in GameData. @PART[rn_r7_blok_a]:NEEDS[RN_Soviet_Rockets] { node_stack_bottom02 = 0.0, -15.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 4 }
  21. Progress with the Soyuz stand-base remake: the base deck and frame is done.....deck off....deck on....deck off..... The arms can also be turned off, and an alternate mount pad can be selected (one with them rotated to the 90-degree positions); with the arms off, the separate version or other hold-downs can be used in either of the pad positions. Access ladders have also been put in and are working.
  22. Not anytime soon, but when I do a partial remake of the Saturn tower parts, I'll set it up so I can add a third color variant for current look.
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