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Everything posted by Jimbodiah

  1. Hence my question, as KSP has said nothing about this issue so far.
  2. Already using KJR as KSP sucks to the point of being unplayable without it. Mass isn't so much of an issue as I have had heavier ships without problem, it's when you start having long sections in stations that it becomes a nightmare sometimes. I'm not going to put a ton of struts on parts because KSP will not fix this issue, and besides that; good luck in putting struts on parts when they need to be assembled in orbit. Joint strength and this Kraken iteration have been problems since I started playing and have never been addressed. I only ever get evasive answers and people saying that it's a feature, not a bug. Kind of getting tired of playing like this, as you are basically limited to childish builds with small parts unless you want to run into issues with KSP. 1.0 with x65 support would fix it all, but I have more crashes with 1.1.2 than I ever did with 1.0.5, even BSODs that I have not had in years. The fun is beginning to leech out of this game.
  3. The Kraken is acting up again as well, can't build anything large or it will just shake apart.
  4. 1.) I can't right click the crane when on the pad, online in the VAB for some reason. 2.) I'm not familair with any of it Maybe you can use stock plume effects somehow. 3.) There are several mods, top ones being SSTU, CryoEngines and KerbalAtomics. As far as I am aware, only LqdHydrogen has the boiloff functionality in mods, I've not seen other fuels with this mechanic. Maybe some RO guys can chime in (I only use RSS without the RO). Thanks for making this mod!!!!
  5. Wow... I just made my first tower and I love it... I've noticed a few things and have some ideas, please don't take this as criticism but as a stoked user that found a new toy I really think you have something unique here, and a lot of people have been looking for something like this. 1.) The top arm does not move out of the way upon staging, you have to assign it to an action group. 2.) Would it be possible to have a plume dropping down from each umbilical so it looks like condensation? This would make it so awesome. 3.) Would it be possible in the future to have fuel added though the umbilicals like it supplies Ec right now? I use some mods that have LqdHydrogen with a boiloff, which means I lose LH2 while on the pad, it would be cool of the arms keep the ship topped up until it is launched.
  6. Large ships that start to oscillate by themselves until they shake so violently that they blow up.
  7. I just cancelled the contracts. If you get the KIA then you could use ShipManifest (mod) to get them back
  8. I had high hopes that 1.x would have solved the Kraken issues, but I am still getting them on large structures (stations). Will there ever be a fix for this?
  9. That is one way of doing it, but not in line with the kind of ships I fly. I'll just wait to see if there is a solution, ie manual patch or fix by the dev. No rush, just wanted to mention it. Removing the modules from the contracts is also a solution. btw, are there any airlocks included with the mod (beside the PMA) ? As The airlock module also doesn't have a door to EVA. Maybe I am looking over this part.
  10. I get that, but as these parts show up in career contracts it's kind of a disappointment to do 3 rescues (RSS) in a row to find out they are trapped in the HabTech module
  11. The doors on the nodes do not work, I can not EVA from the modules. This also makes contracts a pain as these parts are used to carry kerbals I need to rescue but there is no way to get them out of the hab/module.
  12. From the "just an idea" box... The current launch towers already supply Ec while on the launchpad. Would it be possible to have an SSTU version that also fills LH2 tanks while still on the pad so you don't need zero boil-off tanks for the launch stages? NB: Yes, it's easy to patch the original, but maybe something more SSTU worthy?
  13. Has anyone else tried the Lander tanks with an opening for the Ascent stage where the engine always gets stuck in the tanks (collider issue)? Any engine I put in there gets stuck and either explodes or doesn't separate.
  14. Yep, indeed. In this case there are only two values though, the first relating to atm pressure and the second the ISP value at that pressure. Just wanted to check if I can grasp how the syntax works. Keep up the good work guys!!!!!
  15. Thanks BlowFish!!!!! Then going one step further... @atmosphereCurve { @key[1, ] *= 1.1 @key,1[1, ] *= 1.1 } Is this the right way to change these values? atmosphereCurve { key = 0 310 key = 1 265 } Trying to wrap my head around the syntaxes.
  16. Thanks. But it doesn't work. I also tried just the @Propellant[*] without the index, but same result.
  17. Question regarding changing multiple propelants... I've looked on the wiki and this thread, but I can't find anything that works for me. I'm trying to make a patch that will handle all engines in a certain mod to change the propellant ratio. Say the engine module uses two propellants but I do not know which ones (could be any of 4 combinations as fuel switch is active and different engines use different fuels). I tried this, but it only works on the first of the two propellants. Simply adding the same @PROPELLANT just changes the first one again, not the second. @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngines*]]:NEEDS[X]:AFTER[Y] @PROPELLANT { @ratio /= 2 } Then I tried the ,1 and ,2 options but this only change the second one (guessing this is not he correct approach). @PROPELLANT,1 { @ratio /= 2 } @PROPELLANT,2 { @ratio /= 2 } What am I doing wrong?
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