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    Engineering Student
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    Setting course for Rocheworld
  • Interests
    Gloria in astra caput
    Lets head to the stars

    Writing, KSP (why else am I here?), Spaceflight (crewed and robotic), Astrobiology and the search for habitable exoplanets, Interplanetary travel and colonization, Interstellar travel, and watching or reading plenty of science fiction and fantasy.

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  1. Sci-Fi novel idea based of of an idea I had.

    Now, as far as we know, wormholes can't be created naturally, and if they can, they're probably too small too detect/use, so my idea is if you build a wormhole gate without an exit, and, y'know, enter it, you'll pop out of a pre-existing wormhole instead of a naturally existing one that expands, or a white hole (If it's like a wormhole exit of course).

    So that's going to be the abstract outline for a Sci-Fi novel set 100 years from now, where humanity builds a wormhole gate (Without an exit, still need to figure out an idea on why they enter without one, maybe space pirates, I dunno), and enters it out of curiosity, only to pop out in the Large Magellanic Cloud, at the presence of an Alien civilization, (Still debating on whether or not the Aliens has problems with another civ). Also need to work on some BS physics for it to make sense but I'll try to make it as accurate as possible, but you guys get the idea, right?

    What do you think?

    As for my WIP novels, they're on hold for now, sorry.

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    2. Spaceception


      @electricpants I've finished 6 chapters, they just need to be edited, but I can't write more until I get a new laptop, or can borrow one for a long time. :)

      @Matuchkin Okay.

      @RandomGuy1824 I'll do my best, but I will not use Kerbals, sorry.

      @LetsGoToMars! I'll change it, it's still only an idea.

      @adsii1970 I'll try not to.


      I've thought more about it last night, and I'm really liking the idea, I won't be writing it for awhile however, but what names do you have? I may use one of them, or it'll give me an idea.

    3. Spaceception


      Actually, I've been thinking a lot about it, and I might start writing soon, and by soon, I have no idea, before the summer I guess? But I have some of the characters visualized to a degree and the first couple chapters somewhat imagined.

      Also, go to the lounge for an update for 'The Void' sorry in advance.

    4. Spaceception


      It's going to be called 'Infinitum'

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