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Everything posted by Spaceception

  1. I can do better than one fanbase. Jar Jar Binks is the best character in Star Trek Frick, you beat me
  2. I've never heard of that. I do remember looking at a list of questions that people on the BoR are likely to ask on my previous ranks, but not doing a mock-up.
  3. I've finished almost everything for my merit badges... I only have a couple things to do, then it'll be reviewing everything with my counselor before they sign everything. I need to expand a bit and fix my project report (It's fine, and I have the signatures, just needs to be more specific here and there, and I need to re-arrange the hours). So yeah... it's almost all done, I'm approaching the "Sign, everything!" phase, and then the Scoutmaster conference, and finally, board of review. I'll keep you guys posted
  4. Okay Well, I can't show you the doc, because we're keeping a lot of it close to our chests so to speak; but I guess I can say that it follows a young Teen named Nathan Frost, (And we decided recently it'll follow other characters who will each get chapters in their POV), but he goes to a floating (In air) school called the Academy, where he learns how to use Mana (Or magic). Now, in our universe (Or, really, multiverse), everyone knows mana is a thing; there's no statute of secrecy or anything related to magic. Everyone knows it exists whether they have it or not. And it's a pivotal part of society, and the reason technology is so advanced (Because there's people called 'technomages' who use Mana to power technology). And behind the scenes, there seems to be someone gaining power, but no one knows who it is, or who's involved, but it's causing unrest in some places around the world. Is Nathan 'The chosen one'? No, he's just someone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time (Or something similar), and decides to help. And the other characters we're following in various situations will eventually all meet up in one way or another. One character is a politician who feels someone is fishy, but no one believes him, 2 are twins and are the same age as Nathan, and 1 or 2 more main characters as well. It will be an extensive series too. So it'll go from middle grade, to young adult; and maybe even touch adult, or have themes from that age group. The book is Science fantasy, and I also believe we want some mystery and/or thriller aspects too.
  5. Hey everyone, have any of you done co-op writing with someone? Or know any tips for that? My girlfriend and I are planning a science fantasy/fiction (There's magic)? series, and we'll be planning each book out next month and begin writing in May. If you need details, we have close to 40k words in worldbuilding/background/characters/loose plot points already, and we can write on google docs at the same time. Thanks
  6. Yep. It's all good though. We'll figure it out Yeah I don't think I want to explicitly name her home country I mean -
  7. Opposite side of the world. She lives in southeast Asia (I'm not sure I want to get more specific than that). Round trip flights are about $1k Usually $1.1k at least.
  8. Stellaris is fun to me. I'm in a guerrilla-ish war with the end-game crisis. Space Engine allows you to explore the universe from home - and it's free, and Universe sandbox 2 lets you create your own solar systems. I suppose you could create a mini star cluster, and simulate a setting for a small interstellar empire in sci-fi.
  9. My girlfriend and I (I SAID THAT CASUALLY!!!), have been talking about it for a couple weeks, and one of us may fly over to the other to meet up for at least a week. I'm both nervous and excited.
  10. Thanks I hope the best for you. You'll get there
  11. Hey @DAL59 Making a thread for your story would be a great way to make sure others can see it, and you can organize it more easily
  12. And so - my best friend is now also my girlfriend It was kinda awkward, because I expected something else to happen, but it was actually pretty quick and casual. But she and I are really happy about it.
  13. I wonder what kind of fine someone would have to pay if they damaged a rocket... are there any past examples?
  14. The new infinity war trailer has me shook

    1. Piatzin


      Image result for panic gif
      Excitement Overload
    2. Atlas2342


      Haven’t seen Black Panther yet. :(

    3. Spaceception


      It's really good. Spotty CGI in some places admittedly, but still much better than Justice league's CGI. The story is great, soundtrack is really unique, and Wakanda is amazing.

  15. I'm....actually getting close to Eagle. I finished one merit badge (Personal Management), I have 1 req. left for Communications (That I'll be doing today), I have 1, 10 mile, and the 15/20 mile hikes for hiking (That we'll do before my birthday with time to spare), and I have 4 req. left for Emergency Prep. I'm almost done with my project I've nearly finished the last of the leadership role in my troop. But I have 42 days to finish
  16. Oh crap, I forgot to update this... I actually finished most of it on Saturday!!! We weren't able to finish because the farmer was expecting us to be finished the following week, so he didn't bring the materials. My dad and I are going out this Saturday though. Also, I did a fence refurbishment instead (Same museum though), the process that it took to get there was ridiculous though. First it was 'build 25 brand new sections of fencing', then they figured I should just repair the one they already have, so now it was - replace a few posts/rails, then it changed again less than 2 weeks before we started to 'Okay, just remove 20 years worth of debris (It actually only took a day to clear, but it was a lot), put in a new post, re-nail the cross bars, and tighten the wire fencing'. But, it's almost complete, and my leaders say it's still valid.
  17. RIP Stephen Hawking... I'm glad he was able to live to a decent age, despite all the odds against him, he kept going. I didn't expect this though.
  18. It's actually my home page 'Cause I roll like that Great website though. I like reading it for Sci-fi research, or just for cool concepts.
  19. Read the title, the first thing that came to mind - they did that in The Expanse book. I think it was the fourth
  20. So I figured out how to see if my friend liked me back without being direct (Spoiler; it worked), and now we're talking about it, so far, so good. Thanks for all your help guys!
  21. That makes sense... But if that's the case, why not do it at the cape? There's a lot more launches. Or am I missing something?
  22. Apologies, I'm probably being a stupid-head right now, why's that?
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