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Status Updates posted by Spaceception

  1. When did you become moderator? Congrats!

  2. Just noticed you're a moderator, great job :)

  3. Today is the 1 year anniversary of when I first joined the KSP forums, at the time, I only had the demo, and now, a year later, I have the full game, and it's awesome!

    This community is the best!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Spaceception
    3. NSEP
    4. electricpants


      I agree with ProtoJeb, it's pretty mind blowing how a person can get that much rep in only a year!

  4. I think I'm going to write 'The Voyage through time' late next year, early '18.

    It's going to likely be a SciFi thriller.


    I think ahead.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. NSEP
    3. Spaceception


      Actually, it's 'before anyone else'


      Why do I know this? I watched a Stephen Colbert interview with Millie Brown (The Eleven parody was hilarious), and they were talking about it.

      Alright, back on track, It's probably going to be a 2 part novel :)

    4. adsii1970


      Way to go!  I'm working on one now called "Exodus Earth"

  5. I've written almost 10 pages of the second chapter of "The children between worlds' and is looking to be longer than the first, the first chapter will be posted on the main thread soon 


    Also, I've got around 10,400 words :)

    1. Show previous comments  56 more
    2. Spaceception


      Chapter 3 is up! It's a first draft, so it's probably not very good, I think there's too much telling and not enough showing, but leave your comments on the overall storyline :)

    3. Spaceception


      33,333 word count now. :)

      Can't wait when it's 44,444.

    4. Spaceception


      Daaaaaang this status is long.

      Anyway, chapter 4 is up!

  6. I just noticed these:



    I like these :D

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. LordOfMinecraft99


      Your status update made me distracted when i was playing KSP RSS and R.O I burned :retrograde: too much and my very :funds: probe that got a lot of :science: burned up before i could get to my :targetpro: 

    3. Matuchkin


      Oh, that's so :P;.; about that.

      Why would you burn :retrograde: when playing ksp, unless you want to reenter?

    4. LordOfMinecraft99


      I was trying to lower my orbit

  7. I see you got a moderator promotion, congrats :)

    1. Red Iron Crown

      Red Iron Crown

      That's kind of you to notice, and kinder still to comment on it. Thanks!

    2. legoclone09


      Yep! Just noticed as well and came here to congratulate you!

    3. Red Iron Crown
  8. Who's going to Mars in the 2040s like me?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dman979


      100k/yr. isn't much if you're married. I'd like to go, but I won't.

    3. The Raging Sandwich

      The Raging Sandwich

      Oh please, become an Orion astronaut and go in the 30s!

    4. legoclone09


      ^implying Orion will work


  9. So what do you guys think of my new sig colors?

    It's various blue and purple shades

    The Universe is probably littered with the one-planet graves of cultures which made the sensible economic decision that there's no good reason to go to Space - Each Discovered, Studied, and Remembered  By the ones who made the irrational decision. -Randall Munroe   |   Once you're in low Earth orbit, you're halfway to anywhere -Robert Heinlein Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.-Arthur C. Clark

    My mod discussions | My slightly modded KSP Adventures! | SciFi novel ideas

    The children between worlds WIP novel | Sci fi | The Void WIP novel |Sci fi

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Spaceception


      Argh, I'm out of likes ):

    3. Spaceception


      NOOO! Matuchkin! I ran out of likes again!

      Also, I think it fits my cover photo better :)

    4. Matuchkin
  10. Do you want to be the Planetary sciencer for "The Void" and "The children between worlds"? I think it's safe to say you're the resident expert on planetary systems :)

    1. Spaceception


      I'd add you to the PMs for both.

    2. ProtoJeb21


      Sure, I finally have a few days for some KSP stuff.

    3. Spaceception
  11. If you want, could you see how many light years apart are Proxima and GJ 876 in Space Engine for my novel?

  12. Any news on your planetary systems?

    1. ProtoJeb21


      Yeah, I made a post about the four IPH systems (although I referred to them by their KIC designations) on the Planet Hunters talk page. Nothing much else, since school just started up again. Sorry.

  13. I'm probably not going to be back on here until the first of September (Limited data internet)



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Spaceception


      Verizon, jetpack.

    3. Andem
    4. Spaceception


      I'm traveling so...

      I mean, I don't mind the traveling, it's fun, but I miss constant internet.

  14. Do you want to be added to "The Children Between Worlds" PM?

    1. TotallyNotHuman


      Yes please! I'm in school though, (blegh!) so I may not be very active. I'll try my best to help out.

    2. Spaceception
  15. I'm rewriting "The Void" to make it more realistic, and there will be 2, maybe 3 targets.

    Proxima b, obvious choice. 4.2 ly

    GJ 876 c or b, not sure yet, hey @ProtoJeb21 is it possible for c to have a Moon, say, 2 to 4x the mass of our Moon with a thin atmosphere, and small lakes? 15.2 ly

    And either a moon around HR 8832 g or HD 69830 d, which one would you rather me send my interstellar explorers?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Spaceception


      @ProtoJeb21 Like a protoplanet that formed with a lot of ice in the outer solar system, made its way to planet  69830 d, and got captured, making it a double planet system?

      It could be a tropical ocean world with a mass of 1.6 Earths, no ice caps, but small islands around the poles.

      Or for Nerrivik, would it be a warm titan with a thick hazy atmosphere, and small liquid water lakes?

    3. ProtoJeb21


      Maybe HD 69830 d could have encountered some proto-planet when it was young. The secondary member of that system could be 3-5 times the mass of Earth.

      A moon around Nerrivik would be very similar to Titan, including its temperature. That moon, which I have made for IA-Revived and named "Kokksaut", is covered with green and orange exotic life forms.

    4. Spaceception


      @ProtoJeb21 Why can't the temperature be above freezing? If it has a thick atmosphere, and orbits in the HZ, shouldn't be temperate?

  16. I just got my braces off!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. ProtoJeb21


      Two weeks? More like two days for me.

    3. Spaceception


      They are, and I think it was more like 3 weeks, and then when I got the jumpers... Another 2 weeks.

    4. Atlas2342


      Yeah, well what are Cracker Jacks? Never seen them in my country lol

  17. Twitter doesn't like to work on firefox when I connect to a different internet service.

    That and Wikipedia.

    1. legoclone09


      Ah, OK.

      Mobile app?

    2. Spaceception


      No phone, only laptop.

    3. legoclone09



      Try using another browser?

  18. @Snark Why do I not have followers?

    1. Snark


      I believe forum shenanigans are at work.  Mine are gone, too. :wink:

      Give it some time, I expect it'll sort itself out.


  19. Oh hi, I didn't know there were more "Ception" users :D

    1. Trolllception


      Haha yup.  A name carried over from League of Legends :P

  20. SpaceX is launching!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ozymandias_the_Goat


      Shame the booster didn't land.

    3. electricpants


      Launching what? Another Falcon 9 rocket?

    4. legoclone09


      Yeah, it happened almost 8 hours ago, though.

  21. 130 to go, and I'll be in the grand group!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. legoclone09


      [terrible i crei joke]

      i CRYE Precision evri tyme u hav mor rep thn m

      [/terrible i crei joke]

    3. ProtoJeb21


      What's the grand group? Is it for people with at least 1000 rep?

    4. legoclone09
  22. Nice location :D

    1. Matuchkin


      Thanks. It's another XKCD reference.

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