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Everything posted by JoeSchmuckatelli

  1. They should be leading with that, and finish with the hopeful and positive. Their comm strategy has been dreadful since Feb 24.
  2. It would have also been wildly different in terms of players response and effect on the reputation of the title. Not only have player numbers dropped to 2% of purchases, but even the most positive and patient among us are losing faith. KSP2 is already a cautionary tale to the industry. Or should be.
  3. Missed it - what, did she have the attitude 'everything is great, tell your friends to buy KSP2!!!'? Because the more they keep that crap up, the more they're liquiding off their core fans
  4. At least we got to see the explosion and not just
  5. Change a few words and you have my review and criticism of KSP2 and its post launch comm strategy.
  6. There is a whole lot of gossip around the things like space vespa slow speed chase and the somewhat jarring arc of Mando3 being 'management interference with artistic vision.' Apparently the vespas were the classic 'yeah, we can sell toys' mandate and Baby Yoda was forced back into the season too early for the planned story arcs of his and Mando's characters.
  7. Except for the fact that the Flight Report MUST OBSCURE the explosion for it to be KSP2 Some architects use things like tracks in the grass to know where to put walkways... That theory seems applicable here.
  8. Nah - all the models are continuously being tweaked and reworked and proofed. This is more of a proof of rigor in the system and methodology than anything else. My only point is that some of the more extreme 'suggestions / fixes' out there (kill all the livestock and just eat beets) aren't good science.
  9. OK - I'd heard they weren't flying until the 21st. Totally missed this - and the first thing my wife did was tell me it blew up. My WIFE! She's as interested in this as I am in Medieval Lyrical traditions. How about a SPOILER ALERT, babe? Still - great flight. Looking forward to reading all the speculation when I get a chance
  10. Yeah. Another piece of the puzzle... I'm wondering if he wasn't the chef hired to make soup, then given 5 tomatoes, 3 potatoes, a rock, 6 leeks, an old leather shoe and a rusty electric kettle. Everything needs to be in the soup. Or else he was the guy hired to make soup, given proper ingredients and then wore the pot as a hat and made 'soup' in the shoe. Who knows.
  11. Steak is not nearly as bad for the planet as some may have been led to believe https://www.sciencenews.org/article/methane-warm-earth-atmosphere-radiation (mind you, the cow farts argument was always stupid)
  12. Okay, I hate you now... Because someone is actually going to do this NuSteak
  13. My fault for injection of a thought unrelated to the instant discussion. It was meant as a general observation
  14. That seems excessive. Dragon flew - what? 20 flights before Crew Dragon was a thing? I suspect they'll have a few 'dry' landings of it before they start playing around with docking and lunar landings - and they might fund their own 'mission to Mars' just to prove/learn about how SS does in the Martian landing config. OfC they might just skip terrestrial landings and go straight to work on docking/lunar - because that's leading them in the direction they already want to go. (Guessing that depends on whether SS reusability really is a gamechanger in price/ton to orbit)
  15. I agree in general about highlighting problems with early human exploration of Mars. And yes, SX has been beyond open, to actually aspirational, about Mars as a destination. So general concern about how that will work? Sure. But at the stage we are at?
  16. The more we progress through this - the more I wonder if the requirements for multiplayer isn't screwing up everything for everyone. (You read from people who know what they're talking about how MP has to be baked in from the beginning, hear from Nate how every system and part has to be proofed by the MP team before proceeding and compare that to the state of the game... And it's a likely explanation. Not perhaps to the instant discussion, but as the background for a lot of the seemingly questionable choices and limitations of KSP2 when we expected* so much more.) *were led to expect a much deeper, better experience than we got.
  17. I think you are missing that this is a proof of concept vehicle program at this point. Further, SX has a proven record with Unmanned vehicles performing well in space so for the short term there is no problem. Once they move on to crew rated anything on top of Booster - I suspect that the design will have changed and matured. So I think your concern is premature. Let them iterate, get cost down and the vehicles flight rated and then see what changes and where they are headed before fretting about possible human use of the craft/s
  18. Has the game stopped renaming one of the undocked craft, 'debris', and preventing you from controlling it? I'd say in the previous iteration it was impossible. At least it never worked for me. This was something I wanted them to fix but there were so many other problems that I figured they'd never get to it. Still I'm glad you bring it up - because between this and losing all rcs before even attempted docking is a PITA.
  19. I'd like to point out the fear of T2 shelving the project is a 'Them' problem. They bought the IP, paid for the development, and then for the earnings call or whatever other reason pushed KSP2 out in the horrid state we got it. Yeah, Intercept should not have promised way, way more than they delivered - but T2 stands to benefit or lose from decisions they made and will continue to make over this development period. My personal belief is that they've harmed their IP in ways that it may never recover from. That's on them. I tried to make myself play this last patch - but just cannot muster the interest in bug hunting right now. Literally the very first thing I tried to do was bugged (VAB persistent procedural icons) and that, on top of everything else, broke any interest I have in KSP2 for the near future. The 'game' just is not fun.
  20. Please share one that had any success. Must be purchasers, not investors
  21. Should have gone with the 7th grade sleepover favorite "weegee board"! Yes I know how it's spelt
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