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Everything posted by HebaruSan

  1. Yeah, your CKAN is not able to access the file where it stores its settings. Maybe a permissions problem? You could try deleting that file and trying again, to see if it's able to re-create it.
  2. Observations from 20–30 days after the collision are finding Dimorphos's orbital period is 1 minute shorter than originally reported post-impact, which some sources are reporting as a subsequent or continuing change. https://www.universetoday.com/163089/dart-had-a-surprising-impact-on-its-target/ https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.15488 So far I'm finding no indication of peer review having happened yet, so the customary grain of salt should be taken with this news; at least one source reported the margin of error of the original measurement was 2 minutes.
  3. I agree that the bugs are probably actually consistent across the board, but some variation is not a completely absurd possibility; given the existence of the following files in the game folder, there is some Steam-related code being worked on: KSP2_x64_Data\Plugins\x86_64\steam_api64.dll KSP2_x64_Data\Plugins\Steamworks.NET.txt KSP2_x64_Data\Managed\com.rlabrecque.steamworks.net.dll PDLauncher\steam_api.dll ... just probably very little of it.
  4. You can guess my opinion based on this being the only mod I installed for Mass Effect 2: Doing the same pseudorandom task over and over to unlock chests felt like fake busy work.
  5. Why not both? https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/122-the-ksp2-spacecraft-exchange/
  6. Hi @Rudolf Meier, replying here in case you don't have GitHub notifications enabled: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/pull/9793#issuecomment-1705722079
  7. "The Daily Kerbol" is a title complete in itself, akin to "The Daily Planet", in a way that "The Spacecraft Exchange" isn't quite.
  8. The keybind for pause is Esc. I guess that's the same as 0x timewarp.
  9. When the KSP1 subforums all had "KSP1" prepended to their names, it worked fine for most, but not quite for this one, due to the presence of "The" in the title: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/21-ksp1-the-spacecraft-exchange/ Could that be changed to "The KSP1 Spacecraft Exchange"?
  10. Did it change at some point? The wiki at least doesn't agree: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Key_bindings
  11. "SIDEREAL PERIOD" has units of "m/s", which makes no sense for a time interval: (Image sampled from a screenshot in a previous thread. If this has been patched, let me know and I'll retract this within the limits of the forum software.)
  12. Hi, FYI this was entered on SpaceDock as "0.1.3" instead. I assume you'll want to update that.
  13. Looks like SpaceDock has to be updated separately? Looks good now, thanks!
  14. Is the ZIP file supposed to contain another ZIP file?
  15. Looking back at KSP1 v0.25, would the world be much different today if it had been released on October 7, 2014, instead of October 14, 2014?
  16. I think of it as, T2 didn't just buy the KSP IP, they bought the business model as well. From a publisher's perspective, KSP1 was lightning in a bottle, a small team with a small budget punching way above their weight. Makes sense they'd try to approach the sequel the same way.
  17. Hi, can you give us any clues as to which version exactly this is referring to? Is it this one? https://github.com/sswelm/PersistentThrust https://spacedock.info/mod/2450/Persistent Thrust https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/194707-1711811911101-persistent-thrust-extended-175-now-with-background-persistent-thrust/ (Asking because that's the one on CKAN, so if there's a newer fork, we'll need to update that first...) Also, which game versions are compatible? Just 1.12?
  18. No mods for KSP1 "require" a mod manager; they can all be installed manually. CKAN just automates the process.
  19. They're in progress here, FYI so you don't need to duplicate efforts: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/pull/9757
  20. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon's_razor
  21. Rep. Tim Burchett: "I've been a kind of a UFO... follower for since I was a little kid" Being elected to Congress neither bestows absolute knowledge nor stops a person from being a "rube". Misguided sincerity should not be ruled out.
  22. The universe is so big that if someone says that there's another civilization nearby, I'll be very reluctant to believe it.
  23. I see. Then we're back to no evidence whatsoever that CKAN was involved in causing any problems. At least that narrative had the tiniest sliver of possible shared responsibility.
  24. Let's rewind the clock a bit and try to actually answer the question in the OP. I still have not seen any direct communication about this incident, so the below summary is gathered from reports by others who follow some forum threads I don't. Some time ago, the current maintainer of the currently active fork of TweakScale uploaded a release of a mod that was impossible to install correctly at the time of upload, because it depended on a version of another mod that was not yet released: This is like dropping a landmine into SpaceDock, lying in wait to cause problems for unsuspecting users. Any user who sees an update of that mod and clicks Download without reading the fine print will end up breaking their install. This was the first time I know of that any mod author has subjected this community to this problem. People take shortcuts, skip reading fine print, misunderstand warnings, etc., and it's quite easy to release updates in a sensible order to avoid a span of "dead time" of forbidden installation. Ironically, CKAN has the technical ability to handle this quite smoothly (and in fact the code supporting it is very old), given the courtesy of a notification that it's needed. Though this exact problem is likely unprecedented in the history of KSP1 modding, it's common for a mod author to approach the CKAN team and ask how to deal with other types of tricky upgrades, and we're happy to work out those situations. All it takes is a quick heads-up about what is about to occur, so we can figure out a good plan, and the users with the smoothest upgrade experience will be the CKAN users. In this case, no such advance communication occurred. This is understandable if the person doing this doesn't know it would help, but it meant that CKAN users (presumably) also got burned by the out-of-order release snafu, just like anyone else that clicked Download upon seeing the update. Of course, sometimes tricky upgrades get missed, and mod authors come to CKAN with problems that could have been prevented but are already occurring. Again, we're happy to make tweaks and adjustments to fix such things. All that's needed is a quick note, "Hey I did this thing and it had an unintended consequence, can you fix it?" As a bonus, the next time there's a tricky upgrade, that mod author is much more likely to let us know in advance, making things smoother for everyone. In this case, no such post-event communication occurred. Instead, a "rant" about "ditched" and "support", conspicously paired with NOT wanting the mod removed from this awful horrible CKAN that has been blamed for causing so much distress. Hmm. Interesting.
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