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Everything posted by Awaras

  1. Pa nije neka mudrost napraviti zastavu... Nadjes neku zastavu (Recimo OVDE), smanjis je na 256x160, snimis kao PNG i stavis u folder gamedata/squad/flags (ili napravis svoj folder umesto squad). Sto se tice 0.20, za sada mi se svidjaju nova sedista i novi filteri za mapu. Takodje, malo sam eksperimentisao sa uvelicavanjem i smanjivanjem delova:
  2. Nice rover. Did you also have a problem with the wheels jittering in place? My rover refuses to keep still and constantly vibrates and makes tiny jerks, even with the brakes on. It seems to be something related to the new wheels since the stock ones do this as well but it is less noticable because they are larger...
  3. There is a line in the settings.cfg file that reads something like 'PART SNAP INCLUDE VERTICAL'. Check if that line is set to 'true' and if it is change it to 'false'.
  4. Can someone please (pretty please with a SRB on top) update Deadbeef's editor tools as well?
  5. Just replace the .dll with the one from this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/30696-0-20-Subassembly-Loader-0-20-Compatibility-Patch
  6. I wanted to make a rover that looks more like the rover Apollo astronauts used on the Moon, or the one featured in the latest KSP trailer but all the parts seem way too large for this... :/ Because of this I tried to resize the new rover wheels and I got this: It looks nice, but it is very 'twitchy' while driving, and even when you turn on the brakes it keeps twitching in place...
  7. You open the resources tab in the top right corner and then click on the check box to the left of the resource you want to display.
  8. Yes, unless you launch the vessels very quickly one after the other on the exact same trajectory (which is very, very difficult), you will probably waste a great deal of fuel getting them to meet up. Just do your rendezvous and refueling once you get to where you are going.
  9. Just like embedding images but type in video instead of img in the tags.
  10. I wonder if this movie will get orbital mechanics right:
  11. And it always backfired with server crashes and a host of other problems with noone around to fix them... :/
  12. The same thing happens to me too. Overly educated KSP player problems.
  13. I have seen the movie and I have to say I agree with Astronox. While it is an OKish action-scifi romp (if you ignore all the plot holes), it is definitely Star Trek in name only...
  14. Did you turn on fallback shaders by any chance?
  15. 1. Set the stranded ship as the target. 2. Achieve a circular orbit at the same height as the PE of the elliptical orbit. 3. Match inclination. 4. Place a maneuver node at the PE of the elliptical orbit. Raise/lower the AP until you achieve intercept with target vessel at the PE point. 5. Execute the maneuver node. 6. Rendezvous as usual. Unless you get very lucky, it will probably take you 1-3 full orbits to do all this, so it could take a long time... :/
  16. To all those that have issues with burning up on reentry even when setting the PE to 60km - If you have the ferram aerospace mod installed, it seems to make reentries much less survivable.
  17. I tried your craft on the same descent profile as the one from my previous post and landed with no issues. It's probably something to do with ferram, since I don't use it (I don't fly spaceplanes much, and it makes it way too easy to launch rockets). Also, I don't think that putting the heat shield directly onto a full fuel tank is a good idea. When the heat shield heats up it transfers heat to whatever it is connected to, and fuel tanks have lower heat tolerance than command pods (but strangely not lower than probe cores...).
  18. Not 100% sure that it's the same in the demo, but the full game has a file called settings.cfg in its folder. If you open that file in notepad, there should be two lines reading 'SCREEN_RESOLUTION_WIDTH=' and 'SCREEN_RESOLUTION_HEIGHT=' somewhere in there, with the currently set resolution entered after them. All you need to do is input the resolution you want to use there, save the file and run the game again.
  19. Attachments don't work at this time. You need to upload your pictures to an image hosting site like imgur and then post the link here using the [ img ] tags. Just click 'reply with quote' on any post with pictures in it to see how it should look.
  20. You included "The Kerbol Expedition : 6 : Vulcan" by StreetlampPro, but I think his part 5 is the best:
  21. Well, I honestly don't understand what the problem is. What version of deadly reentry are you using? Can you post a picture of your probe? Or the craft file? Here is what happens to me: From a stable 70 km orbit I set the AP to 36 km: My craft drops to 32 km, slowing down without significant heating: At an altitude below 28 km the heat shield starts to heat up: The heat shield temperature rises to the maximum temperature of 5485 degrees at around 20 km altitude, then starts to cool down: Parachutes opening, dumping heat shield:
  22. I usually set my PE at around 35-45 km, depending on my speed. It seems to work fine, even for returning from the Mun.
  23. Pa ono kao... Za te pare mozes da uzmes (skoro) sve sto mozes da zamislis... Sta ja znam, neki jaci i7, 16+ GB RAM, neka jaca grafika. Ne znam kako se krecu cene kod vas pa ne mogu konkretnije da ti kazem. :/
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