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Everything posted by Bombaatu

  1. Is there any chance you'll be making a cylindrical 1.875m fairing? I love the tapered Gemini fairing, but sometimes you just wanna build 1.875m stuff.
  2. FYI, I found an error on http://www.kingtiger.online/uvsii/other_mods/ The description for the Surface Mountable Inventory Container is the same as for the Guidance Computer:
  3. I'm running into an issue where Snacks are consumed at a far higher rate that normal if you are time-warping with the craft loaded. This occurs if both Snacks and MOLE are installed; Snacks alone does not do this. I'm using KSP 1.4.5 with the Making History DLC, Snacks 1.10.0 and MOLE 1.15.6 (along with everything in MOLE's Game Data folder). No other mods are installed. Testing methodology: Launch new sandbox; default settings. Select Stock Resource In the VAB, select the Mk1 command pod. Load an occupant Click the Snacks button; note that it says there is a 17-day supply. Launch craft and cheat into a high orbit; I set it at 2,500,000 Click Snacks button, confirm it reads 17 days Warp for ~5 days - I used one tick down from highest warp level. Stop warp and check Snacks Expected result: that there should be ~12 days left. Actual result: there is ~8 days left. Nine days of snacks were consumed in a 5-day period. It is unknown if warp level affects consumption rate. Link to the log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/om7u8bgxf4z3jkj/Snacks Issue KSP.log?dl=0
  4. I am able to reproduce in plain 1.4.5 (and Making History DLC) with just MOLE 1.15.6. Testing methodology: Start new sandbox; default settings. Create a ship with MOLE, Titan Instrument Unit and Solar Battery Unit. Load one experiment (I used Space Adaption Study). Put Scientist on board. Launch & cheat craft into orbit. Extend solar panels, start experiment. Note that lab time accumulates. Warp a bit so that lab time raises to around 0.5 on experiment; about 9 minutes MET. Use blue 'Return To Space Center' button above altimeter. Once at the space center, immediately use the Tracking Station to return to the craft. Check experiment lab & note lab time. Lab time will have reset - in my case, it reset to 0.010. Given that it didn't show 0.001, I surmise that it reset the moment the craft was unloaded and began 'ticking' again once I was at the space center. The accelerated rate is because the Scientist was 5-star & only one experiment was running. In my career, I'm usually running with a 1-star Scientist & 4 experiments simultaneously. Here's a link to the log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zt4wnnw1vi1rm1a/KSP.log?dl=0
  5. Not yet; I just found it in my main install. I'll let you know.
  6. @Angel-125 - I downloaded & installed the latest MOLE and am still having the disappearing-lab-time issue. I build up lab time & go to the space center. When I return, the lab time resets to zero. MOLE version 1.15.6, WBT version 155.1. I was able to get the experiments to complete by warping time 30 days while at the space center, though.
  7. @vossiewulf - One thing I've found with Science Relay is that when experiments are transmitted to a station, they don't go to the lab directly. Instead they go to a command pod or some other part capable of holding experiments. Right-click all of your parts and see if you see 'Review Data (<some number>)'. If so, click it - from there, you should be able to send it to the lab.
  8. Silly question. I know that RPM doesn't see the Hullcam VDS cameras as external cameras. Will MAS be able to do so?
  9. I know the Flying Saucer IVAs require MAS; what about the IVAs on the Brumby & Backseat? Do those still use RPM or will they be updated to MAS?
  10. Thanks. This saves me from having to manually edit the config file every time!
  11. I found out about this redesign last night and haven't been able to wipe up all the drool. Can't wait! One question - in US 1, the fuel cell dumps excess electricity, meaning it burns thru its reactants in a very short time whether it is needed or not. I know I can just turn it off, but I've been taking to editing the part config so it doesn't dump excess electricity. Is there any chance that US 2's fuel cell will produce on-demand electricity instead of dumping excess?
  12. I have installed version 0.21.2 and am having an issue with the navball in the IVA. 1. It does not light up when I turn on the Instrument Panel lights 2. It is inverted and fixed; it does not respond to the movement of the craft.
  13. Try updating Wild Blue Tools - 1.55.9 corrects this. 1.55.10 is out, but it has a problem loading experiments into the Science template.
  14. @Angel-125 - I've been testing trying to isolate the issue with lab time not accruing while warping with craft out of focus, and I've found a problem with WBT 1.55.10. With that version of tools, no experiments stay loaded in either the MOLE or the Coach Logistics Module. I load them in the VAB, but when I launch, all of the experiment slots are empty. This problem does not occur with WBT 1.55.9. However, with WBT 1.55.9, I get the disappearing lab time issue. This was tested with a fresh install of KSP 1.4.4, MOLE 1.15.5 (along with all its inclusions) - the only other mod was KAC so I could accurately warp. As a further test, I removed KAC so that the only thing present was MOLE and WBT, along with their included mods. Here was my testing methodology: New Career - start with max starting funds & starting science Upgrade R&D Unlock bottom row of tech tree up until Advanced Electrics, along with Space Exploration, Flight Control & Advanced Flight Control Create a vessel with Titan Instrument Unit, Solar Battery Module, MOLE, MOLE Battery Module (this will ensure sufficient electrical power to operate throughout the 'night' cycle) Load the first 4 experiments on the list into the MOLE Experiment Lab Crew with a Scientist Launch - confirm experiments still in Experiment lab (experiments will not be present with WBT 1.55.10, but they will be with WBT 1.55.9) Use Alt-12 Cheat menu to set orbit Orient craft to Normal, extend panels, start all 4 experiments. Start short warp to ensure that experiments are running (lab time accrues) Return to space center, warp for 10 days. Note lab time - it should be ~15 Note Research Kit usage Return to space center, warp for 5 days Note Lab time - it will be ~7.5 Note Research Kit usage - it will be consistent with 15 days total operations. Return to space center & IMMEDIATELY return to craft Note lab time - it will have reset to 0 and starts accruing as soon as you load. Surmise that when craft is unloaded, all labtime resets to 0. Note also that as long as the craft is loaded, all is fine.
  15. Hrm. Must be a mod conflict somewhere then. Back to the drawing board...
  16. Anyone? Bueller? But seriously, MOLE is my favorite mod and this is making it unusable. I've seen this on several installs now; has no one else experienced this?
  17. I've been having a problem with Lab Time disappearing from the MOLE experiments when you time warp with the craft unloaded (say, from the space center). I can build up time just fine time warping when the craft is loaded. But if I switch scenes and time warp (say, for a few days), then when I return to the MOLE craft, the lab time is quite often LESS than when I left the craft. The Research Kits get consumed & Bonus Science is generated, but I lose progress on the MOLE experiments. I suspect the same thing happens with PathFinder. Has anyone else experienced this?
  18. I see you only have 3 posts so you may not be familiar with the etiquette. Asking mod authors to update their mods is considered "poking the bear" and is frown upon heavily. Mod authors do their work on their own time and for free; they will get to it when they can. Please be patient and in the meantime either use this mod in 1.3 or play without it until it gets updated.
  19. Yup, that did it. One other thing I have noticed: reverting flight to the VAB causes the experiment manifest to clear. I do not know if reverting to launch does this as I just found it. However, it is exceeding annoying to have it happen & not discover it until you are in orbit. Just sayin'... Keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to the flying saucers mod & sandcastle!
  20. Issue is limited to the version of WBT bundled with MOLE 1.15.5; according to the version file, that is 1.55.7. However, when I download 1.55.7 directly from your github repo and installed it, the issue does not occur. As a double-check, I downloaded the latest release of WBT - github says it is 1.55.8 but both the zip filename & the version file say 1.55.7. This version also has the issue - odds are good this is the same version bundled with MOLE 1.15.5.
  21. Two things: In git, it shows latest release at 1.15.5 but the zip file is labeled 1.15.3. The other is that the MOLE operations page is blank. In the VAB I right-click on the MOLE & select Manage Operation (where I would load in experiments, etc). The dialog that pops up is blank & cannot be closed without exiting the VAB. I used the latest versions of MOLE, DSEV & PathFinder/Buffalo. I had deleted the folders inside WildBlue before copying them over so there was no overwriting or old files causing an issue. I am using KSP 1.4.4. EDIT: as a test, I did a fresh install of 1.4.4 with nothing but latest MOLE; the Manage Operations issue persisted . I reverted back to MOLE 1.15.4 & the Manage Operation buttons works. EDIT 2: The issue has been isolated down to Wild Blue Tools 1.55.7; with that version in, the Manage Operations button is broken. When I roll back to WBT 1.55.2, it works, even with latest version of everything else in MOLE.
  22. Hear, hear - this mod is AMAZING. THANK YOU so much for this!
  23. Good to hear. This is one of my favorite mods.
  24. Any chance either MOLE or NEOS (https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/149298-143-nehemia-engineering-orbital-science-neos-072/&) can be incorporated?
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