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Everything posted by Bombaatu

  1. Something that just occurred to me (but sadly I don't have the skills to pull off) - it would be great if there were a Pathfinder configuration that worked as a Surface Experiment Package central station. If it were just an MM config I might be able to pull it off, but it would also require a port to connect to the experiments. If unfamiliar with SEP, it recreates the ALSEP experiments that the Apollo astronauts put on the moon; those experiments have to be assembled on-site by an engineer & calibrated by a scientist. They then run in the background & transmit data to KSC when complete. It fits nicely with the PathFinder/MOLE ideas of science-over-time instead of point-and-click science. More info:
  2. Is it possible to access the MechJeb Maneuver Planner in RPM? I've never been able to find it.
  3. @Angel-125 - I don't really know git that well, so I'm having problems creating a pull request. However... here is an updated .cfg file for the Airlock module that adds ModuleScienceContainer - this allows for Kerbals to exit, take an EVA report and re-enter the station. https://www.dropbox.com/s/t0h0btumtxgeiyz/AirlockModule.cfg?dl=0
  4. Kurflufle, but that may be a regional-dialect thing... SO - as for the Poncho solar panel obstructing the Ponderosa hatch, there is a very simple solution. Remove the Poncho, add Buckboard 100 (which can be reconfigured as a battery) on top of the Ponderosa & then attach the Poncho - that will give enough clearance to enter, and is how it is configured in the PathFinder wiki's "Setting Up A Base" page: https://github.com/Angel-125/Pathfinder/wiki/Getting-Started---Setting-Up-A-Base Alternatively, use an different source of power like the Sombrero. As to the 'launching' issue, try not attaching the Saddle to the ground - just let it rest. This is not an issue with PathFinder, but KIS/KAS & colliders - this can happen with practically *any* part when loading physics. Again, this is spelled out in the PathFinder wiki's "Base Design" page: https://github.com/Angel-125/Pathfinder/wiki/Base-Design
  5. So, I have a little bit of confusion. When Pathfinder is installed with EL, does it use MetallicOre or MetalOre to produce Metals to make RocketParts? The resource from EL is MetalOre, but the PathFinder wiki states MetallicOre as the one to look for. As they show up at different locations, I'd like to avoid nerfing my base...
  6. Ran into the issue with the ELIX probe as well - does that also use DMagic science animate?
  7. So.... there are a lot of YouTube series on colonization that concentrate on RoverDude's suite of mods, but none that I can find that use the Wild Blue suite. I've never done a YouTube series before, but am contemplating doing one focusing on PathFinder & MOLE. I was wondering if there was any interest in this.
  8. Don't know if this is a known issue or not, but the barometer from this set doesn't like having the science transferred. It's ok if you transmit it immediately, but if you transfer it (say, to the science container), it can get into a stuck state - it doesn't show any experiment data to review, but you cannot take any more readings. So far it's only been the barometer.
  9. Those parts already exist. There is the "Structural Adapter" (1.25m to 1.875m) that holds fuel, there is a 1.875->2.5m tank with an integrated decoupler & retro rockets, and there are two adapters that can change size.
  10. Are there any plans to release the plug-in core separate from the parts, like Firespitter does?
  11. I'm running with the whole Wild Blue suite, along with Snacks. When I chnaged the Bigby Orbital Workshop from Wet Workshop to the Skylab configuration, it had a full load of Snacks after the conversion. Is this by design?
  12. When I updated to the latest version of scatterer (v0.0300), this keeps getting spammed in the log and the framerate tanks:
  13. I did some testing with a fresh install. The issue occurs if you have Buffalo & RasterPropMonitor but *not* ASETProps. With RPM & ASETProps, the stock IVA appears. WIth both, the ASET IVA appears. If you just have RPM, no IVA appears. A warning in the log states the cab holds crew but has no interior space defined. Link to log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/81nt71wq2ju1nzn/KSP.log?dl=0
  14. There is an issue when trying to install the Phoenix Industry mods via CKAN (don't know if you are the one who mainains the metadata or now, so reporting it here). Each mod will attempt to overwrite the "CTN/Agencies" directory; CKAN will see this as an error even if all of the PI mods were installed via CKAN.
  15. Afraid not - the link goes to "https://spacedock.info/mod/1068/Aircraft Carrier Accessories/download/1.1", which does not exist EDIT: disregard - it must have *just* hit CKAN with the corrected link.
  16. It looks like there is a problem with the Auxiliary Electronic Navigator probe core. When used, there is limited control over the vessel. In the upper-left next to the MET clock (where the KerbNet signal strength should be) there are no symbols - nothing for the probe, signal strength, transmission capability or Kerbnet visibility controls. The log reports no errors. I can turn on SAS & brakes, as well as set throttle to full/zero using the Z & X keys, but cannot steer, incrementally set throttle, etc. I did add an antenna to see if that was the issue, but no joy. In my career save (heavily modded), it didn't matter if there were other probe cores or not - same issue regardless of number/type of probe cores - but I was not able to reproduce that with a clean build using just WildBlue mods, CRP & ModuleManager. Wild Blue Tools version 1.9.0, Buffalo version 1.1.0 (installed with Pathfinder
  17. Ok, that EMH is *seriously* cool and I advocate for that to be a stand-alone mod!
  18. Here is a link to the working ASET props: PS: If you could use the ALCOR MFDs (ALCORMFD40x20 & ALCORMFD60x30), they have a more detailed Orbital info screen; far more useful. EDIT: as a test, I edited the BrumbySpaceASET.cfg file & replaced "RasterPropMonitorBasicMFD" with "ALCORMFD40x20" for one of the screens - worked like a charm with no resizing or re-positioning needed.Here is a comparison on the orbit data screens:
  19. Ok - unable to reproduce with just stock & USI-LS parts. I'll take it up with the mod maker of the station parts I was using. Thanks.
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