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Everything posted by Bombaatu

  1. Hey - I'm trying to write a Module Manager patch to restore the old Mk 1 Command Pod for use with MOLE. It *should* be very simple (just change 'category = none' to 'category = Pods') but I canNOT get this thing to work. Can anyone please help me with this?
  2. Sorry, I haven't had a chance to play much with this. Do any of the parts work as a science lab?
  3. I tried to do this & couldn't get the pod to show up. Do you know what needs to be tweaked? Also, there is a new mod called Old Parts Redux that does restore the old Mk 1 Command Pod (among other things), so the two can co-exist, albiet with different names.
  4. Is there any chance you could expand this to fix MH parts for stock tech tree & CTT, instead of just UbM? The MH rocket parts are in really weird places as you noted earlier. For instance, the 1.875m engines are in Heavier Rocketry, where you have the Mainsail - makes NO sense.
  5. Are the stock experiment parts (material science, mystery goo, etc.) still broken?
  6. I saw in the GPP forums that it's a conflict with Making History. You can remove the MH plugins & still keep the parts, or remove MH in its entirety. I think the instructions are on the GPP page but can't swear to that.
  7. Hey, @Angel-125 - something strange cropped up last night. I have a new 1.5.1 install with MOLE, DSEV, PathFinder and a host of other mods. I was in the VAB & had both MechJeb's & KER's dV windows up. Neither the Fulcrum nor the OMS would report their dV to those windows. Any other engine does. Strangely, you do see dV when on the launch pad; just not in the VAB. I'll see if I can recreate the issue with just MOLE & KER; I'll let you know.
  8. @Angel-125 - FYI, the thread title still says 1.4.x
  9. You might want to check out Tarsier Space Technologies, but I'm right there with you in that I *really* miss this mod... https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/154853-141-tarsier-space-technology-with-galaxies-v73-17th-mar-2018/
  10. @Angel-125 - I never saw a reply to this. Were you able to recreate this issue?
  11. Are there any Scatterer configs available for RSS? I tried snagging the old RSSVE from github but got some serious weirdness with it (a brightly glowing ring around the poles in map view, for instance).
  12. Are the Wild Blue mods, specifically MOLE, Pathfinder & DSEV, supported?
  13. Ah - was not aware of that. In that case, start with MFI & see if you can reproduce issue; if not, introduce KK.
  14. It's a pretty safe bet that ModuleManager, GPPTextures & CommunityCategoryKit are not the source of this. If I had to hazard a guess, my money would be on Kopernicus or ModularFlightIntegrator. I'd advised trying a stock vanilla install & try to duplicate the issue. Then install JUST Kopernicus & try again. Repeat for MFI.
  15. It's possible that you have another mod that sets that. I know Stock Visual Enhancements and GPP both do this. Check out their folders to see if there's one for scatterer; if so, check out the config & see what it's doing.
  16. Load experiments and a scientist onboard a MOLE; ensure you also have ResearchKits. Once launched, right-click the MOLE & select Manage Operations, then Experiment Lab. Start the experiments; lab time will accrue so long as their is a Scientist in the part & the ship has ResearchKits. All of this is in the KSPedia entry for MOLE, if I'm not mistaken.
  17. I'm wondering if it would be possible to swap out an IVA as a part upgrade when a given science node is unlocked... EDIT: Ninja'd ^^
  18. I noticed another issue with MOLE labs the other night. Here's the reproduction steps the best I can remember; if you can't recreate the issue from this, I'll recreate it locally and give a more detailed step-by-step. Build a MOLE ship, load with experiments, add scientist. Get it into orbit & start experiments. Let lab time build up. Return to Space Center In the VAB, create a new MOLE ship. Do NOT click Show Manifest. Launch. Once on the launchpad, check to see lab's experiments. EXPECTED RESULT: there will be no experiments on board since they were not loaded in the VAB ACTUAL RESULT: Not only will the 2nd MOLE have the same experiments as the first, it will also have approximately the same amount of lab the 1st ship time built up.
  19. Will the stock science experiment modules be added back in when DMagic's integration is done?
  20. I'm not at my desktop right now; is there a way to disable the random snacking in the settings? If so, I'll do that.
  21. No problem. I also reported an issue in the Snacks thread, but the issue didn't show up unless both Snacks and MOLE were installed.
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