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Posts posted by TheEpicSquared

  1. I put it in a spoiler since it's so long:


    Science, Space Model Building, MYP3 
    UNIT: Space, the Final Frontier 
    GLOBAL CONTEXT: Orientation in Space and Time  
    KEY CONCEPT: Systems  
    Science Criteria A & D 
    The “gravity assist”, also called a gravitational slingshot, is the section of orbital 
    mechanics concerned with using the gravity of a celestial body (eg. a moon or a 
    planet) to assist a spacecraft in getting to its destination (hence the name 
    “gravity assist”). The concept of the gravity assists was first documented by Yuri 
    Kondratyuk in his paper, published 1938 but dated 1918-1919. To conduct a 
    gravity assist, the spacecraft’s trajectory must intersect the sphere of influence 
    (SoI) of a celestial body (eg. a moon or a planet). This allows the trajectory to be 
    altered by the gravity of the celestial body. If this is done correctly, the gravity can 
    be used to assist the spacecraft in getting to its destination. This is because 
    when the satellite enters the SoI of the body, it takes away some of the body’s 
    energy and alters its orbit. This alteration is, however, so minute that it can be 
    neglected when doing calculations for orbital maneuvers. This is because the 
    body is much more massive than the spacecraft, so its orbit is not affected very 
    greatly. On the other hand, the energy gained by the spacecraft (from the 
    celestial body) results in a much greater change in trajectory, because the mass 
    of the spacecraft is several million times less than the mass of the celestial body. 
    Because of this, the concept of a gravity assist does not violate the Conservation 
    of Energy law. Instead, the energy is just distributed differently across the 
    celestial body and the spacecraft because of the difference of mass between the 
    two. In this demonstration, the alteration of a spacecraft’s trajectory due to the 
    gravity of a celestial body will be investigated, by using an accurate analogy and 
    a computer simulation. 
    Name: Voyager: To the Final Frontier 
    Evaluation: The people in the documentary are qualified and reliable (eg. 
    Michael Minovitch), the documentary is relatively recent (2012) and is relevant. 
    MLA citation: Voyager: To the Final Frontier. Dir. Christopher Riley. Perf. Dallas 
    Campbell, Michael Minovitch. BBC, 2012. 
    Notes: Talks about the Voyager 1 and 2 missions, and talks about gravity assists 
    and who found out how to use it for the Voyager missions. The gravity assist part 
    will be useful. 
    b)Article 1 
    Name: 10 Years Ago in Astronomy 
    Evaluation: Author is identifiable and the article is relatively recent (2009) and it 
    is relevant. 
    MLA citation: Kruesi, Liz. "10 Years Ago In Astronomy." Astronomy 37.8 (2009): 
    22. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 30 Nov. 2016. 
    Notes: Does not say much about gravity assists in the actual article, but links to 
    another article explaining gravity assists in more detail. This article is not very 
    useful, however the one it links to is. 
    c)Article 2 
    Name: The Spacecraft’s got Swing 
    Evaluation: The author is qualified and the article is relevant. However, it is not 
    very recent (1999), but it is still useful. 
    MLA citation: Oberg, James. "The Spacecraft's Got Swing." Astronomy (1999) 
    Notes: Talks about how the Cassini spacecraft used gravity assists to get to 
    Saturn, and the history of gravity assists. This is very useful as it also gives 
    examples of how gravity assists are used. 
    Name: A Gravity Assist Primer 
    Evaluation: The website is from a from a government organization (NASA) and 
    is relevant. It is not recent (2004) but the information is still true. 
    MLA citation: Doody, Dave. "A Gravity Assist Primer" NASA. NASA, 2004. 
    Web. 29 Nov 2016. 
    Notes: Talks about how gravity assists work and some easy-to-understand 
    analogies. This will be useful for thinking of models to portray gravity assists. 

    1.RESEARCH QUESTION: How does a gravity assist from a celestial body alter 
    a spacecraft’s trajectory? 
    ●Stretchy fabric 
    ●Large diameter bucket 
    ●Large, heavy ball 
    ●Small, light ball 
    ●Masking tape 
    ●Kerbal Space Program (software program) 
    Independent: The independent variable is the the distance from the “planet’s” 
    surface (3cm, 6cm, 10cm). This is to see if the distance of the ball representing 
    the spacecraft has any effect on the trajectory of the “spacecraft”, and if so, what 
    the effect would be. 
    Dependent: The dependent variable is the trajectory of the “spacecraft”, 
    represented by the trajectory of the small, light ball. This is done to see how the 
    curve of the fabric (representing the gravitational influence of the “planet”) alters 
    the trajectory. The alteration is visually observed by seeing where the light ball 
    comes to the end of the fabric. This position is then marked with a piece of 
    masking tape and compared to the other markings to see if a pattern can be 
    Control: The control variables are: 
    1)The speed of the small ball representing the spacecraft, to make sure that 
    there is enough time for the curve of the fabric to affect the trajectory of 
    the “spacecraft”. However, the exact speed is not extremely accurate, 
    because there was no way to measure the speed and keep it consistent. 
    Instead, the speeds were kept roughly the same through visual 
    2)The weight (64.8g) of the ball that represents the planet, to keep the curve 
    of the fabric (representing the gravity) the same. This will ensure that the 
    effects on the trajectory remains consistent when the independent 
    variable (the distance from the surface) is tested. 
    1) Stretch the fabric over the top of the bucket and secure it with the 
    masking tape. 
    2)Place the large, heavy ball in the center of the fabric. This represents the 
    planet. Note that the fabric curves down around the ball. This curve 
    represents the gravity of the planet. 
    3)Roll the small, light ball so the closest point to the “planet” (the periapsis) 
    is at a distance of 3cm from the surface. Mark where the “spacecraft” 
    meets the edge of the fabric with a piece of masking tape.  
    4)Repeat step 3 but with distances of 6cm and 10cm. 
    5)Use the computer software Kerbal Space Program to show the concept 
    of gravity assists by:  
    a)Using the Maneuver Node tool to set the moon apolune to 
    300,000m and note the resulting Earth apogee. 
    b)Using the Maneuver Node tool to set the moon apolune to 
    50,000m and note the resulting Earth apogee. 
    Reflection 1: Before beginning to build, reflect on the research you have done and if 
    you need to know more. Use the following questions as a guide.  
    1.What have I learned that I did not know before? 
    I have learnt about spacecrafts that have used gravity assists to fulfill their 
    mission. For example, Mariner 10 used the gravity of Venus to be able to get to 
    Mercury, and Voyager 1 used multiple gravity assists to reach a velocity fast 
    enough to escape the solar system. Without these assists, the Voyager 1 
    spacecraft would not have been able to escape the solar system as the current 
    technology would not have allowed the craft to have enough Delta-V (change in 
    velocity) to escape the solar system and enter interstellar space. 
    2.Is there something more that I need to know? 
    There is not anything more that I need to know to make my model. All the 
    information needed has been researched and/or is already known. 
    3.Describe how you visualize the model and what you need to do to make it work. 
    The physical model will consist of an elastic fabric stretched out flat, suspended 
    in the air. A large and heavy ball (representing a planet) will be placed in the 
    center of the fabric, which will bend as gravity pulls the ball down. This bend of 
    the fabric represents the gravity of the “planet”, or the Sphere of Influence (SoI). 
    Then, a smaller and lighter ball (representing a spacecraft) will be rolled along 
    the fabric. The bend of the fabric (representing the SoI of the “planet”) will make 
    the “spacecraft” follow a curved path, representing how the gravity of a planet 
    alters a spacecraft’s trajectory. By rolling the “spacecraft” at different speeds and 
    at different distances from the “planet”, the effect of a planet’s gravity on a 
    spacecraft can be clearly observed. This model will be made by stretching a 
    sheet of elastic fabric flat and suspending it in the air, so the heavy ball 
    representing the planet will have enough room to descend without hitting the floor 
    or a table. Then, the lighter ball (representing the spacecraft) can be rolled along 
    the fabric to observe the alterations in trajectory. 
    Also, the computer software Kerbal Space Program will be used to show the 
    concept of gravity assists. 
    Reflection 2: During the building process, reflect on how the product is coming 
    together. Use the following questions as a guide. 
    1.What is working well in my plan right now? 
    At this time, everything is going well in my plan. I have found a suitable material 
    to represent gravity and I have a reasonably sized bucket to fasten the fabric to. 
    Also, I have a large, heavy ball to act as the planet and I have a small, light ball to 
    act as the spacecraft. Preliminary tests have shown that the “spacecraft’s” 
    trajectory has been altered as expected when it is rolled at distances of 3cm, 
    6cm and 10cm.  
    2.What are some problems I am encountering? 
    At this point, there are no problems I am encountering while building my model. 
    Before I started, it was a bit difficult to find the stretchy fabric that I needed to 
    represent the gravity, but once that problem was resolved the rest of the model 
    went smoothly. 
    3.What changes or improvements should I consider/have I made? 
    The best improvement that could be made to the model is using a more stretchy 
    fabric, to make a more realistic representation of gravity. This would allow more 
    consistent results because the fabric would not have to be adjusted after every 
    Reflection 3: After completing the model and demonstrating it to your peers/teacher. 
    Use the following questions as a guide. 
    1.What have I learned about model building that I did not know before? 
    I have learnt that often, the most difficult part is thinking of a model to build, but 
    once a model is decided upon the actual process of building it is very simple, 
    provided that there is a good understanding of the concept being studied (in my 
    case, gravity assists). Also, I have learnt that when making a model, there will 
    always be some setbacks (in my case, not being able to find a stretchy fabric), 
    and they will have to be overcome to ensure a successful model. 
    2.Did the people who viewed my working model learn something new? How do I 
    I think that the audience of my gravity assist model did learn something new, 
    because they asked me questions for more information on the subject. Also, they 
    were engaged in the presentation since they were listening actively and 
    attentively, and they interacted with the model after the actual presentation was 
    over. The audience’s feedback was also positive, indicating that they had learnt 
    more about gravity assists. 
    3.What were the strengths of my model? 
    The main strength of the model was that it could accurately depict a gravity 
    assist. Also, a strength was that it was simple to build, and thus reduced the 
    number of potential issues that needed to be overcome. Additionally, it was easy 
    to understand which is beneficial when presenting a new concept for an 
    audience who has likely not learnt about gravity assists in the past. The final 
    strength was that it was easy to adapt to suit different needs. For example, if the 
    effect of the gravity of multiple planets on a spacecraft was being investigated, 
    the model could be easily modified to include many planets instead of just one. 
    Also, it could be scaled bigger and smaller to suit the needs of the 
    4.What were the limitations of my model? 
    One limitation of the model is that there is no accurate way of launching the small 
    ball at the same speed every time, and this affects the results of the 
    demonstration. Also, there is no way of getting the ball to pass by the 3cm, 6cm 
    and 10cm markers perfectly every time. Both of these require trial and error, and 
    visual observation, resulting in two main limitations in the model. 
    5.What could I do next or what new question could I ask to learn more about the 
    Next, I could investigate different types of gravity assists, such as unpowered 
    gravity assists (no thrust from an engine) or powered gravity effects (thrust from 
    engine, usually taking advantage of the Oberth Effect). I could investigate the 
    different affects of each type of gravity assist, and investigate the affects on a 
    spacecraft when it is affected by the gravity if two celestial bodies, instead of just 
    one, as seen in the demonstration. A new question that could be asked is “How 
    does an unpowered gravity assist and a powered gravity assist (using the 
    Oberth maneuver) differ and what are the effects?”

    It's my science class "lab report" on gravity assists. The teacher said it was supposed to be about 3 pages... mine turned out at 12 pages. Whoops :P. I guess I got a bit carried away there. :sticktongue: 

    Also, I think some formatting is messed up, since I copied it from google docs.

  2. 10 hours ago, ZooNamedGames said:

    Should be publically noted that I joined the team as Flight Director and part of PR. @Tristonwilson12 can explain it better.

    Ooh flight director... nice! 

    Meanwhile I'm stuck helping out with the website... ha ha I'm so important.... 


    Oh and speaking of the website, when I go on it it says "website expired". :/ 

    @Tristonwilson12, just to let you know. :) 


    Also, @ZooNamedGames how did you manage to get yourself into the Flight Director position? :0.0: 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Tyko said:

    Cool design. Which mod enables you to see the cutaways of your crew compartments?

    It's not a mod. It's a stock feature that was added in 1.1. Somewhere near the crew portraits there's a circular button, press it and the cutaways will become visible. :) 

  4. 22 minutes ago, Kosmonaut said:

    Sometimes I try to do that for a challenge

    @TheEpicSquared there has been a bit of a delay on the base... I have a shared steam account with my older brother. I live in Toronto, and he lives in a small town in Nova Scotia (some 4000 km away). For some reason, he changed the password on the account, so I don't know it anymore. Due to a massive storm, phone lines and internet are down, and his phone broke a while back, so I can't text him. I should, however, if I'm lucky, be able to get it to you on the weekend, as that's when he gets his new phone, and the storm should have passed by then, so the services will be up. I'm very sorry.

    No problem! Weather and other people's actions are very hard to control (I know this from experience :wink:), so I can't really blame you even if I wanted to (which I don't). :) 

  5. Looks like I'm a bit late to the party (:blush:) but not late enough to be necro-ing (:D)!

    Is the Cheerson CX-32S a good quadcopter? I'm thinking of buying it, and I want to be sure that it's a good quad (particularly the camera and First Person View, and I've heard that the camera quality is very good). Can anyone help?

    Thanks! :) 

  6. 18 minutes ago, Steel said:

    The plan for FH, at least initially, is to only recover the booster cores, not the centre core (don't quote me on that, it might be the other way around, but they're not planning to recover all three)

    Really? I thought they were going to land the boosters back on land, and the core on the ASDS.  

  7. RTF postponed to Jan 14th due to bad weather, unfortunately.


    10 hours ago, StrandedonEarth said:

    According to http://spaceflightnow.com/launch-schedule/, SES 10 is slated for February (exact date TBD). That should be an experienced booster, although it doesn't specifically say so.

    Spaceflightnow says Feb 8th now for SES 10. 

    Actually, ignore that, it's CRS 10 that launches on Feb 8th, not SES 10. Whoops :P  

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