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    Professional Idiot
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  1. I might just be dumb and the answer is no but is the mod compatible with tweakscale bc i want to make the wings with the inside curve smaller for a vtol craft im building
  2. i've got two parts ideas for you nr.1 a mk2 cargo bay without the doors nr.2 mk2 half fuselages that a basically regular fuselages but cut in half from the top to the bottom so that one could have a left and a right fuselage part
  3. If possible could you perhaps also add a cargo bay that doesn't have any doors and is just open top/bottom
  4. could you maybe add a set of half fuselages that are cut from top to botom so that one could have a right and left tank
  5. may i ask if there will be a forum page for this mod https://spacedock.info/mod/3424/Impulse Party

    1. JadeOfMaar


      I don't intend for it. Why do you need it?

  6. is there a chance you could make a cargo bay that open in the bottom also but it open in a different way from the top part for example the door part folds/shutters into the body of the part and if it has no bulkheads/walls that be cool cus then one would be able to connect lots of em and make a really large cargo bay
  7. Is it possible for you to add a set of half mk2 parts one set that is vertical and one set that is horizontal and if possible that those parts to be maybe cargobays, adapters,engines etc etc...
  8. Is it possible for you to add a set of half mk2 parts that are vertical and one that is horizontal and if possible that those parts to be maybe cargobays, adapters,engines etc etc... (btw it would be grand if one could actually rotate the half part 180o without them resetting to their default position)
  9. no it's not that but they are almost 50% there in one aspect and that is that they and that is that they open to the side not bottom /top but they're still full size mk2 parts not cut in half what i would like is as i said a set of mk2 part that are both basically cut in half one set that is cut from top to bottom lengthwise and one set that is cut from side to side sort of like some of the part from Nice MKseries Body but that both set of part i.e the vertically cut and horizontally cut part have a few different types such as cargobays,servicebays, fuselage adapters, engines,nosecones etc etc etc... and if some of the parts could be hollow so that one could have two of them that could splitt that would be super cool
  10. no it's not that i would like parts that a basically cut in half both horizontaly so from left to rigth and parts that are basically cut verticaly so from top to bot and if possible that those parts are like the otherpart included in this mod and that they are engine, cargobays, servicebays, fuselages etc etc...
  11. Awesome dude just one correction its Mr not mrs
  12. I have an idea for a second cockpit where you can have a window/hatch in the bottom of the cockpit also you can see where you're landing whist in iva/first person
  13. is there a possibility of adding both a horizontal and vertical half mk2 fuselage, nosecone ,cargo/service bay etc...
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