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Everything posted by Fireheart318

  1. I (finally) finished editing my third Air Race video. It's not my best work but it's not bad either. Check it out -
  2. What is that huge dish in Kidney Krater (unofficial name) and why is it full of dirt. Also, can I have a few of whatever's makin' those buildings float?
  3. I think he got hurt and maybe died. :((((
  4. I use Air Race frequently! I actually came to this thread to suggest you make another one, maybe in the North Pole mountain range? The terrain there is mostly peaks and valleys, so flying through it would be tons of fun! I even have a YouTube series dedicated to it, so yeah. I'm still editing the third video (taking longer than expected) but here's the second in the series (it's the better one) -
  5. Wait, minus the whole explodey bit, aren't volcanoes just mountains with a crater on the top?
  6. I developed a naming scheme/code for docking ports and spent half my day making new configurations, many of which will end up on one of my space stations eventually, save for 0=3l m2, which will help with SSTOs by providing a solid connection through a set of 3 size 0 ports that fit perfectly on a mk2 fuselage Port/Cluster - Port [A? (Adapter)][C? (Cluster)] {[[port size (0, 1, 2)]-[port size (if fusion) (0, 1, 2)(lower numbers first)]=[number of said ports (starting at 1)][location of ports (t (top), r (radial), b (bottom), l (linear))(descending from top)]} Repeat as needed Ex - Port C 1-2=t 1=8r 1-2=1b Here, have an image, it'll help
  7. Meow! @DrunkenKerbalnaut! I... I can't think of anything to say
  8. Sorry to say it but I'm not sure if this mod is being maintained. @DrunkenKerbalnaut was hurt. Not sure if he's okay and I'm honestly worried
  9. A rocheworld isn't possible, but could planets be made close enough that their atmospheres are mere meters apart or at least close enough for a powerful aircraft to "vacuum dive" between them? I'd quite like that. If it's possible, I want one of the planets to have a lot of rivers and mountains
  10. I finally finished the second episode of my Air Race series!
  11. I have like 0.1 wheel stress maximum. It's clearly not supposed to happen
  12. It's all well and good for realism, but I don't really like the speed limit on wheels, especially tank tracks. Can you include some form of settings.cfg file and have a way to compltely ignore speed-based overstressing? My franken-rover thank you! Also, can we have robot legs, pontoons, and retractable skis?
  13. [Rolls eyes] Yes, I know that, but I don't like to use Tweakscale for stock or stock-alike things. Plus it would just be cool to have a tiny precooler so I don't feel like I'm cheating if I use one on a normal-size plane
  14. Looks awesome(!!!!!) but I feel like there could be a bit less water (more land), some deeper craters (with water), and rivers (leading into those craters). This is a drawing and a rough draft, so it's less detailed. Either way, it's your project, so you should do with it as you please
  15. It's massive overkill but my two Cheetah and one Tiger engines drown out any audio in the background (and I can't change volume levels without probably ruining everything on my computer. Can you PLEASE turn them down in the next update? My bleeding ears thank you
  16. I have another suggestion, can there be a big mountain range with lava oceans at or near the poles? If you fly to Kerbins polar mountain range (slightly past the North Pole), you'll see some canyons and stuff. How awesome would it be hopping between mountains over rivers of lava? Something similar could be done for Num but I think it would look best on the hostile world of Nibrek!
  17. Getting a lot of random overstressing on the ground when exiting timewarp and spawning in from the SPH (and probably VAB). Luckily, this craft is a VTOL but it might not have been D:
  18. Once it's done, can you release Nibrek on its own and just update the mod when Num and Sumnim are done?
  19. A test mission of a next generation shuttle failed but I managed to save the pilot by landing it in the ocean like a Falcon 9 booster. A rescue plane is being dispatched as we speak
  20. I (finally) finished editing my new video, Air Race Ep. 1. The title's still a W.I.P. but if you'd like to submit a plane the link to the submission hangar is below and email and hangar links are in the description https://kerbalx.com/hangars/18533
  21. Debug menu? If that's allowed, my record is 2043.7m/s. That's not the fastest anyone's gone, however. Kerbalnaught holds that record at 2066.3m/s
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